Mark Collett
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On a very wet and windy Sunday, six activists from the South East took to a bridge over the eternally busy M25 to continue PA's White Lives Matter campaign.

It was a great experience for our activists as they got to hear all the cars beeping and see the countless thumbs up from all the drivers going past. Even though it can sometimes seem like it's an impossible task to find people who think like us, it's events like these that show that those people are all around us just waiting for someone to speak up for them.

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The left's support for NATO is not hard to understand. The US government is the most culturally left-wing state on earth and nobody else comes close.

As long as leftists shut up about Israel and stay quiet about capitalism, the government invites them to set policy. No idea is too crazy. From open, legally codified racial discrimination against white people to normalizing pedophilia. The project is universalist and anti-civilization and it is for export. Enemies of this project -- Russia, China and Iran -- are portrayed as racists, anti-gay and patriarchal fascists who must be destroyed by any means necessary.

Right-wing people need to get comfortable thinking of the USA in ways they once perceived the Soviet Union.
The best time to get your Covid booster is NEVER.
Left: Gigantic Mussolini style billboards celebrating anti-white hate mongerer Colin Kapernick in NYC. These were sponsored by Jew run Nike and featured the text "Believe in something. Even if it means sacrificing everything." Mediocre football player Kapernick made more money from being a racial demagogue than he ever did as an athlete.

Right: what happens when you actually criticize people with power in America.

America is one of the least free countries on the planet. The only reason people have trouble understanding this is Jews fund all sorts of fake dissent, especially when the vitriol is aimed at powerless whites.
If you ever wondered who was really in control of the West...
You can keep your wealth, so long as you stay on the plantation.
Imagine trying to sell the idea of microchipping yourself as if you were cattle on the basis that it is 'handy' because you can't forget your card!
Patriotic Weekly Review is LIVE at 7pm UK time (2pm EST) with Jean-Francois Gariepy and regular contributor No White Guilt.
- Rishi Sunak is Britain’s first non-white Prime Minister
- Indian’s celebrate Sunak’s appointment
- Kanye booted by Gap and Adidas
You can find tonight's episode of PWR LIVE on:
Wake Up UK:
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At least we're not speaking German!
Patriotic Weekly Review is LIVE with Jean-Francois Gariepy and regular contributor No White Guilt.
- Rishi Sunak is Britain’s first non-white Prime Minister
- Indian’s celebrate Sunak’s appointment
- Kanye booted by Gap and Adidas
You can find tonight's episode of PWR LIVE on:
Wake Up UK:
Forwarded from HomeTalk
Join us for PA Talk #59 LIVE at 9:00pm UK time (4pm EST) with special guest Daniel Bostock.

Don't forget your tinfoil hat!

- Anti-English graffiti
- The absolute state of Channel 4
- Court allows pedo to go on holiday before sentencing
- Activism of the Week
- Libtard of the Week
- Quiz
- Mean Peem's Meme Team



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Imagine if a white 'comedian' put on black face, they would be done for.
Sarah Silverman benefits from a certain privilege though...
This is an absolute scandal, the boy was defending himself and his family against an attacker who broke in during the night.
This is proof of a failed justice system.
I wonder how many jabs he took?
I wonder how many of these sudden deaths will occur before anyone in the media starts asking questions?
The Psychology of TikTok Duets: Analyzing Collaborative Content