Jon Herold
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Devolution can no longer be considered a theory. Find out why here:
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Like I’ve said before, J6 is all about narrative control. They want to paint an entire political party as insurrectionists and “a threat to democracy”. Another move straight from their “playbook”. It’s the 3rd criteria for a successful color revolution.

You can read my breakdown of that here:
Forwarded from (I WILL NEVER DM YOU) The Kate Awakening Channel (The Kate Awakening ⭐️⭐️⭐️)
Probably the funniest anti-Q take is also the one I happen to get the most. Those of us with hope are the problem. 😂  

My favorite thing to ask these people is "What are you doing that we're not?"

Somehow this question causes them to all go deaf and blind and I have yet to receive a response.

Hope is not a deterrent. It's not making us "sit on our asses." It's actually the opposite. You are more productive and more effective when you're relaxed, there are studies on it. When you're feeling hopeful and relaxed, your energy can flow freely and you're better at directing that energy toward achieving your goals.  Fear and dread are blockages that make you less effective.

I believe one of our main tasks is to help wake up our fellow man. Do you think you'll open more hearts and minds if you're coming from a place of hope, or if you're screaming in their face they better wake up or they're doomed and it's probably too late anyway?

I know which approach would work better on me.

Being comfy is actually how we're able to keep going without getting burned out. It seems to me that those of us with a positive message have been better at drawing a crowd.  Why else would the blackpillers take their time to come into my chat or WTM to tell us how bad we suck? 😂 Could it be because for some mysterious reason, these places seem to be where the most public discourse is happening?

How odd.

We are researching and spreading information, encouraging others to do the same, encouraging others to vote, run for office, get involved in their local schools, advocate for themselves and their family, etc.

I'd love to finally get an answer from some of you doomers, what actions are you guys taking that we are not? Please drop your response below. 👇
Forwarded from Brian Cates (Brian Cates)
Listen to Nancy. It’s not just about smearing Trump to claim he can never run again because he “led an insurrection “. Democrats are now getting their asses kicked so badly all across the fruited plain that Nancy is being forced to claim the entire GOP is “continuing the insurrection of January 6”. America First is winning. She’s literally babbling in abject panic that “You cannot vote for the Insurrection Party!” I approve.
Jon Herold
Interdasting finds from FOIAFan on Twitter. DOJ foia library has released several hundred pages of material on January 6th. Three links. 1/…
Reading through these as I can.

Stephen Lynch (D) - Chairmain of the Subcommittee on National Security, was "very concerned" that they got custody of the video from January 6th.

Why was he so concerned? Is it really any wonder why they haven't released all the footage?
Just a reminder for those who have doubts. The DoD under Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller has all the evidence of what really happened on and leading up to J6. The J6 committee is a farce. The truth is slowly starting to come out and remember, timing is everything.

The real coup and insurrection was November 3rd. January 6th was just part of the cover up.
Forwarded from Nevs
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Patel Patriot's latest power hour: "Truth Social is going to be a game changer".

What he mentions related to Truth Social is right in line with what I've been sharing lately. Between the media and big-tech, many voices are being squashed right now. They are trying to dim the light on the truth. Once Truth Social comes out and millions join up on there, the flood gates of information will open, allowing the light of the truth to be revealed—corruption, election fraud, covid, vaccinations, and more.

Propaganda will die in the light of truth.

Full power hour video here:

Follow Patel Patriot here:

Forwarded from Becky B ⭐️⭐️⭐️
I don't Spitball or share as many intelligent & insightful comments as others do. However, I feel compelled to make some comments on emotional intelligence and maturity in light of the ongoing chaos surrounding Ted Cruz and the recent Gen Flynn debacle.

I would like for you all to imagine the most irrational lefty you know. Picture the college student who is screaming at someone about a topic that they very obviously know little about. The deep state or whatever evil forces that we are dealing with took advantage of that person's lack of maturity and low emotional IQ.

The DS has been working on all of us for decades. Look at what they have been doing to our children. They start in pre-K and now expand every degree they can to a doctorate degree so they can keep their hooks in as long as possible.

I would like to think our movement here is higher in emotional intelligence and maturity simply by not being still under control of the DS. However, we are still vulnerable and have some work to do in those regards.

Allowing ourselves to be instantly triggered into a negative emotional response by the slightest of event, negative attitudes and dooming, and the lack of ability to allow each other grace are sure signs that work needs to be done.

There are a few things we need to accept. 1-the DS manipulates every word and situation to their benefit 2- we are all humans who have different thought processes and speech profiles 3- NONE of us are perfect, including our ideas and opinions. If we didn't have differences it would be even more dangerous for us all because we would be off to slaughter with the sheep.

Stop letting THEM sucker us in to emotional responses to EVERYTHING. Take a deep breath and think. Look for alternative sources and additional facts before deciding someone who is on our side is evil and up to something nefarious. It's also important to do these things prior to buying into someone who is pretending to be on our team but is not.

Jumping to conclusions and attacking others negatively impacts the progress of our efforts. Irrational emotions allow one to be easily manipulated. It's the easy way out.Taking time to process and seek out facts can be work. It's difficult in a society that has become accustomed to instant gratification

It is important to practice self control in these areas for all of us and our country if we both want to win and never get back to this type of situation once we do.

Do yourself and everyone else a favor. Relax, appreciate the wins, and give grace. You would want the same if the coin was flipped. We don't want to be like the triggered left.
Forwarded from ✞ Dr C 17 ✞ (IET 17 ⭐️⭐️⭐️)
Media is too big
Do You remember back on October 3rd, 2020, when Trump was at Walter Reed being treated for Covid and made an address to the nation?

The military vax was in production at Walter Reed starting in early 2020 so it was in production while Trump was there being treated for Covid. Knowing what we know now from Devolution - Part 15, is the military vax what he was referring to here?

"This was something that happened and it's happened to millions of people all over the world and I'm fighting for them, not just in the US, I'm fighting for them all over the world. . We're going to beat this coronovirus or whatever you want to call it, and we're going to beat it soundly...others are coming out soon are coming out soon and they're looking like, frankly they're miracles, if you want to know the truth, they're miracles. People criticize me when I say that but we have things happening that look like they're miracles coming down from God."
Forwarded from CognitiveCarbon Public (Cognitive Carbon)
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JUST IN - GOP Oversight Committee releases never before seen emails of NIAID Director Dr. Fauci "showing he may have concealed information about #COVID19 originating from the Wuhan lab & intentionally downplayed the lab leak theory."

🔥🔥🔥 The latest Prussia Gate article is fascinating. It discusses the central banks and is very well researched.

Everybody needs to take the time to read this! 👇👇👇
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