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Forwarded from Dave Hayes
God does his greatest work during times of crisis. Jesus didn't walk on water until the storm hit. Moses didn't open the Red Sea until all hope was lost. In the coming days of difficulty and darkness, God will do miracles we never thought possible. That's how He rolls.
As you think about issues like President Trump's return to the White House, his plans for ending the Federal Reserve, reforming federal government, eliminating agencies, devolution, and whether the storm has started, remember that if Trump openly confirms any part of his plan to us, he tips off his enemies.

If information were to be provided plainly about a plan, the deep state would immediately develop countermeasures against it.

Every hint we receive about a future plan must be given in an obscure way that can be dismissed as baseless conjecture.

These hints signal details of a potential plan to us but they're obscure enough that the deep state risks being faked out if they expend resources developing a plan to prevent it.

Remember, Trump's book, "Art of the Deal" is based on Sun Tzu's "Art of War."
No Such Agency trolling the Clowns in America on their birthday.

Is the clown 🤡 agency destined for extinction?

Anons know. 🍿
Forwarded from Just Human ⭐️⭐️⭐️
For reference, they also wished the Air Force a happy 75th without a joke.
DHS report confirms Venezuela is emptying it's prisons, sending inmates to the southern US border.

"A recent Department of Homeland Security intelligence report received by the Border Patrol instructs agents to look for Venezuelan inmates released from entering the U.S., according to a source within CBP. The report, reviewed by Breitbart Texas, indicates the Venezuelan government, under the leadership of Nicolás Maduro Moros, is purposely freeing inmates — including some convicted of murder, rape, and extortion."
Hey guise... this Q post has a flag with no stars.
Didn't Scavino highlight that last night?
Email Testimony

Hi Dave,
Back in March I asked for you to pray for my mother who had been battling eye cancer for over 6 years. This past June she had another procedure and the doctor took several samples from the eye and eyelid and the entire pathology came back negative. I just wanted to tell you how deeply I appreciate your gift of prayer for her. Your prayers have touched so many lives and I cannot thank you enough for the ones you sent for my mother. May God bless you abundantly and may your ministry continue to grow in his name. All glory to God! All glory to god!!
If you're interested in my decode of the Q post from November 4th, 2018 that contains the American flag with no stars, here's the video.
(Other nuggets of information are provided related to recent happenings.)
"The forbearing use of power does not only form a touchstone, but the manner in which an individual enjoys certain advantages over others is a test of a true gentleman.

The power which the strong have over the weak, the employer over the employed, the educated over the unlettered, the experienced over the confiding, even the clever over the silly--the forbearing or inoffensive use of all this power or authority, or a total abstinence from it when the case admits it, will show the men in a plain light.

The gentleman does not needlessly and unnecessarily remind an offender of a wrong he may have committed against him. He cannot only forgive, he can forget; and he strives for that nobleness of self and mildness of character which impart sufficient strength to let the past be but the past. A true man of honor feels humbled when he cannot help humbling others.

~ Robert E. Lee
A federal judge has temporarily restrained TrueTheVote from accessing any more of Konnech computers and ordered them to provide information about how they were able to tap into the company’s network.
Email Testimony - Hair Loss

From: Mary

Hi Dave, I asked for prayer about my hair loss back in June. I have been listening and agreeing with the video you sent me and I have been taking vitamins specially for hair loss. I've started seeing some hair growth and no more hair loss, thank God. I continue to speak Life over my hair follicles and continue to take my vitamins. Thank you and may God continue to bless, protect and provide for you and your family in the mighty name of Jesus.
Amen 🙏

This is the video Mary listened to.
Forwarded from ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter 🐸 (Pepe Lives Matter)
A hard-hearted person is not willing to change their mind or be taught by God.
A humble person surrenders to God so that they can learn truth. 
When Jesus came into the world, the Biblical scholars, who thought they knew everything, were the ones who refused to see the truth. They would not accept that they could be wrong about anything. God is full of surprises.
Don't be so quick to assume He will do things the way you expect when He could be doing something much more beautiful than you could imagine.
The doomer automatically assumes things will become much worse. That's their preconceived notion. It doesn't mean it's coming from God. 
It was the humble who Jesus revealed himself to and He allowed them to be a major part of His plan. And what a beautiful plan it is.
Forwarded from Claudia Pendlay
I posted this comment on your Rumble channel and am posting it here as well, It would probably be easier to get a reply from here. Thank you This is beyond amazing, thank you so much for this and most of all Thank God. I am 74 and have many many conditions that cause me constant pain, along with panic disorder. I won't go into them right now lest I lose my train of thought here. I have listened to this4 times and have had much relief from my pain which is now tolerable without pain meds. I have also had some benefits I really didn't expect like severe spider veins in my ankle and feet fading more and more each day. Varicose veins are shrinking daily. Most of my pain had been caused from arthritis and old abused joints. This is helping me so much I will definitely be listening to it several times a week as per your suggestion.
My question is do you have a downloadable version that doesn't require an internet connection? I have 2 reasons for asking this, 1 the fact that under the current status in the US we can't count on an internet connection in the next while, also 2 I have a good friend who could really use this and she doesn't have internet in her home and can't always get out to a place that has it. Off to listen again and see how much progress I can make today. 🙂
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