Praying Medic
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Email Testimony

Hello Medic / Dave!

You prayed over a problem of mine which was my eye. I had cloudiness in one eye which scared me terribly. Cloudiness is NOT good. I feared the worst, such as a cataract or God forbid macular degeneration. A couple days later the problem completely went away after you prayed. But I know what I saw! There was a definite cloudy area in one eye. I have a checkup in a few weeks so hopefully everything is fine. But I wanted to say THANK you! It's also encouraging to keep learning your method! We all need a little help sometimes.

Forwarded from FreeSpeech Warrior
Thank you so much for the link to your wonderful videos.. I'm embarrassed to say that I didn't even know you had a site.... Sadly, I think the amount of info from different sources, multiple platforms means missing something as fantastic as your work... But I was clearly meant to see that message yesterday..... And thank you for responding..... I've been feeling so unwell for weeks.... Doing healing and Light work myself, I had a suspicion something was attached.. But it seemed no matter what I did I couldn't clear it. I've been walking around with a "drunk", heavy, feeling and an awful fog over my mind.... I listened to your Emotional Healing and Women's Healing video... I felt tingling, I felt something lift out of my body!! The fog lifted and when I got up I felt lighter.. I feel myself!!! At last!!! I literally feel like a different person!!
I'm going to keep listening and will pass to some people I know it may help too. I can't tell you how much gratitude I have πŸ™πŸ™
I'm so thankful to you, blessings πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™
The 16 year plan to destroy America was put back into operation under Biden. That plan includes nuclear war.

You have no idea how sick and evil these people are.
Pray. πŸ™
When the subject of nuclear war is brought up, some claim this is the "scare event" referred to by Q in 2018.

"[SCARE] NECESSARY EVENT" is an obscure phrase used only once. Its intended meaning has never been confirmed by Q.

It's unlikely that the present threat of nuclear war is the "scare event" mentioned in this post. Such claims should not prevent us from praying for peace.
President Trump appears to be taking the threat of nuclear war seriously. πŸ™πŸΌ
Last night's dream:
I saw an object like a radio, but it was more of an abstract concept.
The device, when used properly, could get messages to land on it.
When I say "land on it," I mean that I saw messages landing on the machine the way a bird lands on a tree branch.
The messages were for other people.
The radio received messages that could be passed on to others.
The "scare event" post by Q was on January 13th, 2018, the same day as the Hawaiian false missile alert. Q did not directly confirm that the missile scare was the intended reference, but it's safe to assume that's what Q was referring to.
Some people believe Putin is a white hat secretly working with Trump. They argue there's no reason to fear him carrying out a nuclear strike.

Consider this:
We don't know who is posting on the Truth Social Q account, but their first three messages were a couple of memes about Chernobyl just before it fell into the hands of Russian troops and a third meme about Putin starting World War III just a few weeks before he invaded Ukraine.

It may be wise to consider the possibility that Putin has an agenda that we don't fully understand and that nuclear war may be a real threat

I think we should pray against nuclear warβ€”not out of fear, but out of trust that God has a better plan.
Forwarded from Sarah N
Hello Dave

I asked you for prayers on this Monday 19th in the evening, whilst I was worshipping God, for help with constant attacks against me from evil spirits. About 45 minutes later, around 8.15 PM (UK time) I think, I was still in meditation when I believe I started getting healed. I experienced two short bursts of heat in my back and some further healing for a while then the attacks stopped! Also last night, Tuesday, at around 10.30 pm just as I was thinking about going to bed, the Holy Spirit suddenly took over and for about 30 mins I received some intense healing, which was amazing I went to bed around 11.15, was coming to the end of my prayers, was just about to say in the name of Jesus, when I heard a voice saying 'Sarah' I replied 'Yes' then it said 'you're healed' I thought it was your voice Dave?! Don't know if I'd fallen asleep and was dreaming?! Thanks so much Dave! Glory and praises to God and God bless you πŸ™πŸ’–
Forwarded from Little Lor F
I got my results! I Knew it!!! No diverticulitis, no inflammation, no mention of diverticulosis. Thanks Dave for praying for me. After so many painful episodes it was looking like surgery was the next option. After you prayed the pain and tenderness were gone and the swelling too. The CTSCAN turned up perfectly normal. Thank you Yeshua!!!
Email Testimony

Hey Dave,
Hope all is well with you and Denise. Just wanted to share something and maybe get your thoughts. As long as I can remember I've had sometimes crippling anxiety issues. After becoming a Christian at about 20 years old, I started listening to certain preachers that taught strongly on walking in the love of God and how doing so casts out fear as 1 John says. After making living in and demonstrating the love of God my primary focus, I began to notice that fear indeed had dissipated noticeably although not completely. To try to combat this fear, I would memorize and speak scripture over myself about being courageous and not fearing, read books on the topic, and whatever else I could to try to completely rid myself of that fear that remained. Nothing helped. It was almost always there and still is to this day. I am now 42. In fact, my mother and all her sisters have some sort of anxiety issues.

Well, about a month ago, I started feeling like God was really saying that it was time to deal with the anxiety once and for all. And about 2 weeks ago or so, I saw you and Denise actually did a podcast on fear and I listened to it and felt like I got some good stuff from it and will listen to it again. Well, a couple days later, I started having some kind of arrhythmic heart beat issue that lasted about 5 days. I knew it wasn't a-fib because not only did it feel different than a-fib, I actually haven't experienced any symptoms of a-fib at all since listening to one of the prayers you recorded--I think it was the one where you pray of the nervous system. Anyway, my wife is a nurse and she had me use our at-home EKG reader and the line that showed my heart rhythm on the screen was all over the place to the point where the device thought there was some sort of outside interference and said it was unreadable. (Although my wife could take hers and it showed no issue at all with so-called "outside interference").

During the 5 days of this, I knew it was anxiety related and didn't think it was a coincidence that when I really started trying to go after anxiety again, I was attacked physically. And during this time, I was commanding my heart to beat normally and praying but that did not seem to help at all. When day 5 rolled around, I was still trying to do things as normally as possible and my body would allow, so early in the morning while I thought it would be best, I decided to finish painting our bathroom--a project I had started before this began--but my hand was shaking so wildly, I could hardly do it. So I went back and laid down for awhile and began to think about my anxiety problems again and how I knew that the heart problem I was experiencing was related to it. That's when I thought, "I've never gone to the courts of heaven about this anxiety." So I went into the bedroom and asked the Lord to open a court session regarding this and before anything else I asked the Lord to cleanse me of all unrighteousness by the blood of Jesus. Then I stated my case as to why I shouldn't be living in this near constant state of anxiety and stress. But here's the funny part--after I stated my case, I realized I hadn't asked that any accusations against me be made known so I could agree with it and plead the blood over it. So I asked the Judge to allow my accuser to say whatever it was that gave him the right to afflict me with fear. I looked over at the demon and it looked as though he had a paper or scroll, maybe, that he held out in front of himself and as he opened his mouth and began to read the accusations, the Judge flung out his hand and pointed at him and shouted most authoritatively, "SHUT YOUR MOUTH!!!!" I was kind of taken aback but then I realized that because I had already pled the blood over myself, God was not going to allow that demon to say a word against me. It was a very powerful moment for me. The demon was not allowed to say anything else. After I was done, I thanked the Lord and noticed that my heart was beating completely normally again. Praise God for that!
Forwarded from Notorious D.O.G. (Ransomed from the Fall)
6 weeks ago, after going thru some prior-to-then unknowingly needed deliverance for some rather heavy stuff, I then went through another layer of emotional healing (can’t even recall the β€œtopic” of it now).

As I was driving that afternoon, a huge wave of anxiety crept up and like five minutes in I’m like: No. Just no. This is a spiritual attack, the enemy is trying old strategies on a more-whole/healed me.

I commanded any spirit of anxiety to leave. I felt β€œlightened” but still a heaviness. I thought: what’s the root cause of anxiety? Fear.

I commanded the spirit of fear to leave. No, I mean NOW, with authority. Immediately I felt something in my chest/sternum ripple up and out. I was washed in peace. Great peace.

The deliverance and emo healing Id just gone through gave the enemy no authority anymore, the fractured space was gone. Nothing for the enemy to β€œhang on it”.

Life, and me, is so different now than a year ago, when I began the emo heal then physical heal journey. Life more abundant, indeed.

Thank you PM for being faithful to God’s calling on your life! God is being glorified.
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