Praying Medic
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Email Testimony

From: Katie

Thank you for praying for my daughter. She has made a full recovery and is doing well. She started feeling better the next day after I asked you to pray for her. Thank you so much.
Email Testimony

In Dec I had you pray for our steers. These are 4 that were extremely lame that rejoined the herd today. We lost 2 and have two that are in the corral, but overall! We are so thankful there weren’t more. Thank you for caring.
Email Testimony

Thank you for your prayers.

I emailed you on Friday PM and when I got up Sat. AM there was not a hint of rash or any itching. I have not had any rash or itching for 4 days. I figured that the enemy knew the jig was up if you were going to pray and agree with us. So thankful for the healing.
God bless you and Denise.
Email Testimony

From: Tori

You prayed for my healing from 45 years of herpes. I have been symptom free for about 6 months!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
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Forwarded from Jules
Ok I have a little testimony! My computer died a few days ago and I’ve tried a few times to get it to start but it kept failing. I closed it. Today I thought, I think I’ll pray over that computer, laid hands on it and my hands got warm and I called on the tech angels and commanded gears and disc drive etc to work in the name of Jesus. That computer did start up and still working this evening! I praised Jesus! Thank you Dave for all your teaching! This is the second mechanical item that I’ve prayed over and has been restored by the heavenly hosts! Amen!!! 🙏
Email Testimony

Hey Dave,

I accidentally booted myself from your livestream this past Saturday after we spoke. I wanted to share a testimony with you but it worked out because now I have a couple to share.

The first testimony I wanted to share was on behalf of a friend who has struggled a lot with anger for as long as I've known him. I believe it stems from his mom being emotionally and physically abusive when he was young. I've been trying to get him to read your EH book for almost two years and gave him a copy even, but he wouldn't do it. But a couple weeks ago, after a particularly hard day at work, he called me up just to vent, and was going on and on about how much he hated his job, how horrible his bosses are, and how it was "sucking the life out of him."

This wasn't the first time he shared his stories about how bad it was there and how angry it made him. A couple days before we went to get a coffee together and that was almost all he talked about. And it's not that how he felt was unreasonable. From what he tells me, they treat him very unfairly even though he works hard and does his best.

When I offered him some advice about looking for another job, he snapped at me saying he shouldn't be the one to have to leave. That's when I mentioned again how he needed EH and I would send him the link of your video on EH. "All you have to do," I said, "is listen and do the steps along with Praying Medic. It's short and easy." He didn't agree to but more or less blew me off.

However....the next morning he texts me saying, "I started off my day listening to The Medic and did the emotional healing about my job and all the anger I have towards this place is gone! It's NUTS!"

He's never been someone who has been able to just let something go and he admits he still has a long way to go, but I couldn't be happier that he at least took the first step.

Second testimony is something that happened to me on Sunday. Beginning almost immediately after Supernatural Saturday (which was awesome, btw), this feeling of anxiety--like a pit in my stomach--came on me. I had no reason to feel fearful or anxious but it was just there. I prayed about it, tried casting out evil spirits, emotional healing, confessions of peace, etc. The feeling of fear and anxiety didn't go away in the least.

The next day I woke up and it was still there. Just as strong as the day before. I kept up with praying about it throughout the morning without any change. Around 12:30 I headed to my dad's house and on the way was listening to a Bill Johnson sermon in which he discussed how Jesus makes intercession for us. And I thought, "well, I always thought He just is continually interceding for us but it wouldn't hurt to ask Him to concerning this anxiety I'm feeling." So I did, "Jesus, please make intercession for me about this."

I'm telling you, I no sooner finished saying those words that the fear and anxiety was 100% gone. I've never heard of anyone asking Him to do that but as my wife and I spoke about it, it occurred to me that Jesus offers many benefits and some need to be asked for or pursued in one way or another in order to receive them. And I wouldn't yet say this is one of those things, but nonetheless, it's something to consider given how quickly I benefited from this prayer.

Email Testimony

From: Sharon

Thank you sir, for wring The Gates of Shiloh. Two more alters left, a negative feedback entity and a high minded one. It is so quiet in my mind. Thank you for hearing God.
Forwarded from Praying Medic (Dave Hayes)
Prophetic Thread

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Email Testimony

Dear Praying Medic,

I am moved to share my epiphany that I feel others are going through. I have asked for healing of arthritis in my hips and to date there is no change. The pain can be hard on some days and other days more medium. That being said, I haven’t stopped asking for healing. There will always be others who are worse off and need healing more, but our God is great and we are all precious to Him.

But last night I dreamt that I wrote a long note on a Telegram site saying in essence I was giving up on the truth being told, that justice would be done. Getting my hopes up and no results. Congress spending money everywhere in the world and getting rich themselves with no accountability. Technology being suppressed. My letter was long and heart felt. I said I wouldn’t change one bad group pulling strings for another pulling strings and that there is only one Savior, Jesus Christ.

I woke up and couldn’t go back to sleep so I went downstairs and went on to Telegram. There first up to my viewing was a video called The Great Awakening: Bonfire Guy from the YouTube channel. It reintroduced me to things I’d forgotten, and made me see Gods hand in it all. We aren’t supposed to be gliding easily through these times but made stronger and more aware. Then an old timey song popped into my head…..Trust and Obey for there’s no other way…..

This is a condensed version of my dream and I realized like Job that God wants our obedience. To put on our armor and to trust. If we don’t feel the connection, we aren’t listening.

Again I thank you for praying for my healing. The journey may take awhile but I can’t quit.

Email Testimony

Good morning! Just wanted to praise God for His grace and mercy. I had asked for prayer for my granddaughter who was angry and bitter due to her parents divorce. God has been healing her and showing her the truth. She is no longer mad at her mother because of the lies that she was told. God gets the glory for His goodness and mercy. Thank you for your prayers for her.
Love in Christ,
Email Testimony

Thank you, Praying Medic for taking the time to pray for me. I really appreciate it. My pain is completely gone and in fact, I even feel better than before the pain started.

I was in so much pain when I contacted you that I couldn't even sit down at the table to eat or sit at the computer to work. I had to kneel down. When I asked you to pray for me I didn't mention that over the last year I had less mobility in my hip, legs and back area because I had dislocated my right hip in a freak accident with a dog I rescued the year before. I am recovering but I have been slower and less mobile than before the injury.

I was standing and working at the computer when I noticed that the pain had completely subsided and almost simultaneously I saw your email that you were praying for me. There is no question in my mind that the two events were linked and the experience was such a revelation and affirmation that the good Lord does give us the power and authority to heal. My mobility has returned and I thank you so much.

I will keep practicing your techniques. Thank you.

Email Testimony

I had commented on one of your posts about a person being healed and asked your listeners to pray for me and the cyst I found above my thyroid on my throat.

I cut out most all sugars and white carb foods and went on a carnivore-ish way of eating.
Last week I noticed the cyst had shrunk. I can hardly feel it anymore!
Thank you to all who prayed!

Email Testimony

Hello! I just wanted to share and also thank you from the bottom of my heart for the prayer request I sent some time back to you. My mother was diagnosed with 6 months left to live with stage 4 pancreatic cancer and was awaiting surgery… well I’m ecstatic to report… not only was the surgery way back a success she also declined chemo due to her frail body not being able to handle it .. fast forward one year later now … her recent scans have baffled all her doctors & left them scratching their heads… zero signs still of any cancer! All cells that were small but still present one year ago are completely gone!

My second praise God report was 9 months ago, my young daughter was involved in a hit and run accident… ran over by a truck as she was entering an Uber. They never could find the driver … left her leg, foot, ankle completely shattered & 40 rods, pins, screws inserted during surgery and broken ribs/pelvic… was told she may never properly walk again! She is now walking and I’m going to be a grandma!

Again all glory to God! Your prayers and constant encouragement on telegram have been a God send to me… keep up your mission and spreading Gods word & love! I’ll forever be grateful to you and Denise , as I know your calling is helping thousands!

Email Testimony

From: Cheri

Prayed on my sons Xbox while your video was going and still going good after months. He dusted all out after a complete failure, getting ready for trash. Started up and works today. Also Gi track problem for me cleared up after watching your Rumble praying video. Thank u for all u do, love to u in AZ.
Email Testimony

Hi Dave....My girl friend and I were traveling from Indianapolis to Sikeston, Missouri on April 18, 2024. The weather radar showed severe weather in our path. We agreed in prayer, praying with authority against the predicted weather. It was sooo we drove south, the predicted weather parted; we could see it on the radar...just parted as God did the Red Sea. We arrived with ONE drop of rain on our wind shield.

The weather prediction was bad for the Sikeston area. We prayed again, in authority. A tornado went north of us, but we got only rain, and with less severe weather than predicted!! God is so amazing! Thank you so much for the encouraging podcasts and books, the teachings on how to pray etc!!
Blessings to you and Denise!

Forwarded from Rotty Girl
Yes thanks so much yesterday I too moved in your kingdom principal of authority our furnace was not functioning my husband was trying to figure it out I went in the furnace area laid hands on it asked for angel assistance, even that they would speak into my husbands mind what to do HE WAS ABLE TO FIX IT BY HEARING TO AGJUST THE TEMPERATURE IN EACH ROOM Praise God he’s teaching us to be fearless,stewards of the riches in Christ PTL
Email Testimony

Whatever you are doing please continue; I think it’s almost completely healed. The last week and a half my knee has felt better than it has in a long time. I can still feel there is an injury but I’m not limping, and I was able to run twice! I wasn’t sure if I would ever be able to run again. When it does hurt, I’m able to rebuke pain, injury, illness, etc and the pain subsides or I ask God who I need to pray for in that moment. I just take it as a sign I need to pray. When the pain does subside, it feels like I’m not sure it was there to begin with, very strange.

I am very familiar with the video you linked (I sometimes listen several times a day) and generally feel like I’m running out of known emotional wounds to ask for healing from. When I do listen, I will ask God if there is anything else, or where he was when painful things were going on and how he was there for me. I have received encouraging memories and pictures/visions of specific times in my life. I also use that time to ask God who I need to pray for and what I’m missing. Sometimes I get stuff and sometimes I just generally ask for the wounds in my soul to heal.

Just wanted to send you an update that what you are doing is helping, and I am taking your advice to interpret the pain as a demon and to treat it as such.

Thanks, you so much for your help!

Email Testimony

Hi Dave, Praise the Lord. All the Glory go to the Father. I am certain that I have been completely healed of the debilitating Sciatica Pains caused by a Bulging Disc pushing against the descending nerve root on my Right Leg.

You first prayed for me back in September 2023 when my pain was at its worst. Then I gave you an update after my MRI. You prayed for me the 2nd time in Oct 2023. I updated you again last month. You prayed for my complete healing the 3rd time.

It has been about a month since your April Prayer. I am happy to report that I am completely pain free as if the bulging disc completely reversed. It has been that way since your 3rd prayer. I am now fully mobile and functional once again.

Thank You Again for your prayer for my complete healing. It has been done.
Praise The Lord.
God is Great!!
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