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New Ben Garrison Cartoon- Watch your back #Taiwan #ChinaJoe #Biden is intentionally destroying America’s reputation around the world. After the #Afghanistan debacle, The Chinese Dragon is licking it's lips- Read the rest at

We warned you about #ChinaJoe in 2020

we were right.....again! Flashback Friday Cartoon
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Probably more than that!
Comer Believes Nearly a Dozen More Business Dealings Occurred Between Biden Family and China
#ChinaJoe Who's in YOUR Pocket?? 2020 #BenGarrison throwback cartoon
read what Ben warned about in 2020
What's in #ChinaJoe's Head? Besides stale air and ice cream?

New #BenGarrison Cartoon
Eric Swalwell, while on the House Intelligence Committee, slept with a Chinese spy named Fang Fang. Mitch McConnell is married to a Chinese woman. Senator Dianne Feinstein had a Chinese spy as her chauffeur for many years. It’s almost as if a great many of our politicians are compromised by the Chicoms in some manner. Would it come as a surprise if we discover how Joe Biden is bought out by them?

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Will they be forcing #ChinaJoe out soon? Obama is not pleased!

#BenGarrison Throwback cartoon #FJB
Throwback #bengarrison cartoon for today-from 2020 "Who's in YOUR Pocket? #ChinaJoe #BidenCrimeFamiy
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New #bengarrison cartoon #ChinaJoe Welcomes The Boss

Schwab and the Marxist Democrats admire China for the dictatorial power wielded by the communists there. They want for the same situation for America. President Xi came here in order to make Biden look like a statesman ahead of the 2024 election. Xi wants his paid-for patsy to get another term.
Trump is strong and was on of the few presidents to stand up to China. Biden is weak and can barely stand, and the majority of Americans can’t stand him either.

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