Just Human ️️️
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A Human, weathering my intuitions. Husband. Father. Texan. Researcher. Alt Media Anon. Contributor @BadlandsMedia & @WeTheMedia

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Forwarded from EQ Chamber ( Not Your Echo Chamber ) (Toni Triano)
Media is too big
Monday September 19, 2022

With Diddy & Johnny



@Diddystyl93 DIDDY
@ToniTriano TONI


Charles "Chuck" Dolan Jr is going to testify against Igor Danchenko at trial and admit he "fabricated the genesis of this information."

Danchenko's Defense plans to call government witnesses, presumably FBI agents, to testify "that Mr. Danchenko was a vital source of information to the U.S. government during the course of his cooperation and was relied upon to build other cases and open other investigations."

Umm... what other cases I wonder... 🤔

Here is how Durham proves materiality of Danchenko's lies re: interactions with Millian. https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.vaed.515692/gov.uscourts.vaed.515692.83.0_1.pdf
Forwarded from Brian Cates
Durham literally got it on the record that Clinton was paying private company federal cybersecurity contractors to spy on her own private enemies list, and their activities included stealing classifed/nonpublic data off of federal servers and constructing Russian collusion hoaxes with them.

He got several FBI personnel during the Sussmann trial to state on the stand they are currently under investigation.

He got it admitted as evidence in the courtroom.

And nobody grasps the consequences of this.

Even as he's already showing some of what he's going to prove in the Danchenko trial.

We live in interesting times.
Forwarded from Brian Cates (Brian Cates)
Remember what my other big theory was about the Danchenko trial, now that the theory that the FBI brought him in as a CHS has been confirmed:

Some of the stuff Joffe and his merry crewe stole off those federal databases based on Shrillary's private enemies list ended up in the STEELE DOSSIER.

I fully believe Durham's gonna drop that during this upcoming trial.

Then he's gonna drop indictments on the people who stole all that classified/nonpublic info.
Just like the Sussmann trial informed us of:

-Joffe's central role in the AlfaBank Hoax
-got Mook to admit on the stand that Hillary approved the AlfaBank Hoax
-revealed two or three FBI agents were under investigation by the IG and/or the SCO
-and broke the attorney-client privilege that Swamp creatures have relied upon for decades to hide their crimes

I expect that at the Danchenko trial we will learn:

-Details of Christopher Steele's, Orbis Business Intelligence's, and Fusion GPS's role in the Steele Dossier Hoax
-Details about Clintonista Chuck Dolan's central role in the Steele Dossier Hoax
-Admissions from Chuck Dolan about his role and the roles of others
-the reveal of MORE FBI agents under investigation by the IG and/or the SCO
-and details of other investigations that Danchenko has been a source for
Forwarded from Just Human ⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Danchenko case really is starting to remind me of a mob prosecution. People informing on each other, testifying against each other, losing track of their lies and handing over evidence on themselves, And the trial hasn't even started yet! hahahaha!
Forwarded from 🙏🇺🇸Uncensored_Abe🇺🇸🙏 (Alan Kielan)
September 17, 20186:48 PM ET
…specific pages of the June 2017 FISA warrant application related to Carter Page, all FBI interview reports prepared in connection with all FISA warrant applications in connection with Page, and all FBI reports of interviews with Justice Department lawyer Bruce Ohr prepared in connection with the FBI's Russia investigation.
Forwarded from Where We Go 1 We Go All
But Brad, What can I do?

A. Get 1 Person to Vote who wasn't going to.
B. Sign up to work at your Local Polling Station on Election Day.
C. Run For Local Office.
D. Dig up Dirt on your Democrat State Senators and Congressmen.
E. Find Out how to get on your Local School Board.

There are 100+ Million of us. If every last one of us made it our Mission to do Just One of these things a year. It would be Over.

Pick One, Write it down, Put it in your wallet or purse.
Forwarded from TheStormHasArrived17 (TheStormHasArrived17)
Media is too big
President Trump says he probably will not release the footage from Mar-a-Lago to protect the “safety of the FBI agents that swarmed the place.”

“I don’t think they wanted to swarm it, if you wanna know the truth. I have a great relationship with people in the FBI… It’s not a pretty picture either. It looks like a military coup. It’s not a pretty picture.”
Just Human ️️️
IMO he never intended to release the footage. He was just trolling the MSM, who have ZERO footage of the “raid,” because they had no idea it was happening! Hahahahahaha!
Additionally, if he releases this footage it will be used by the MSM and Dems over and over and over and over and over. It'd be free ammo for [them].

Best move is to NOT release it.
We've got some BIG developments in the Danchenko case that aren't getting the attention they deserve. I posted about them yesterday. Here are the links:

Danchenko informed on Dolan

Dolan is going to testify against Danchenko

Danchenko's Defense is calling FBI agents as witnesses

Danchenko's lies were material

Danchenko knows who the "anonymous caller" was, and so does Durham

I also covered these developments in the second hour of my morning show and in the Bonus Hour I posted late last night.

‘Comey will make his fiction debut next spring with a crime novel, the first in a planned series, publisher Mysterious Press announced in a news release.

Comey’s Central Park West will follow “an assistant U.S. Attorney whose case against a high-profile mobster is derailed when a shocking turn of events reveals possible ties between the Mafia and the headline-making murder of a local politician,”’

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