Reignite Freedom
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Reignite Freedom’s mission is to implement global, unified, and strategic pushback against the globalist agenda, ensuring we maintain our individual and collective liberty.
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Submissions close 17th.

Don’t miss your chance to be heard, and help us get to the bottom of the excess deaths pandemic
Media is too big
It’s a weird time for people like me. The truth domino effect seems to be speeding up…and it’s emotional and a bit overwhelming.

My first thought is…”I told you so, why didn’t you listen?”
My second thought is…”ok, great, now where is the apology and accountability?”
My third thought is…”ok, surely we can learn from this and be different next time? At least hear us out next time please?”

And Victoria police…how you act right now is critical for the social cohesion of our society! Please do the right thing! Take accountability, take meaningful action, fire the thugs in your organisation and build a stronger force that will respect their oath to protect our citizens instead of our premiers.
Media is too big
Scared of the Digital ID? Listen up

Yes, the digital ID passing is scary, there’s no denying that. BUT Australians are so much more aware than you might think…have a little faith!
What a powerful image!
Opened Facebook this morning to see these two updates in a row…this is NOT NORMAL!

Is it being normalised that fit, young and healthy people get strokes and die???

We need a full investigation into excess mortality asap!

I’m so sorry to those who were hurt by mainstream media and government coercion…I am so sorry IF it was what we think it is and I couldn’t convince you to reconsider!

Our world will never be the same! It’s not my fault, or yours…those whose fault it is known exactly who they are! And their day-of-judgment will come!
Everyday our overlords try to convince us they’re moving to a cashless society with digital IDs…..hahahaha you make me laugh :-)

Cash NEVER fails!
Media is too big
June 1st GENEVA.
Good luck to our voices 🙂
Gosh I love Australia…even when my destination is 1 day and 6 hours drive away :-)

21 events coming up in NSW. All details on my website.
This is hilarious…an attempt to label me a ‘liar’ gone terribly wrong.

I was IN PRISON 31st August - 22nd September 2021 haha. And why would they block out the critical data, surely they wouldn’t be concerned for my privacy.

It really is a compliment that so many people are dedicated to my demise and constantly fall short 🙂

Please keep trying, it continues to assure me I’m doing a good job.
This got me laughing out loud!

Is anyone scared of bird flu?
Media is too big
WA wrap up - ‘We Are ready’ tour

The video says everything I want to write here :-) I’ve made memories for a lifetime in W.A.

If you missed the event, I will publish a version of my speech in a month or so.

If you don’t have your ‘tribe’ yet, go connect to a community group here -
Media is too big
BREAKING: WHO treaty fails…for now
Mandates never should have happened. They were always against human rights. However, it’s great to see that some tides are turning.

Congratulations to those who held the line. Australia is proud of you.
Arrived in Nowra. I was strolling down the street and someone called my name…walk into the shop and see this beautiful sign :-)

I like this place!!!

You can print your own copy to put up OR print multiple and hand them to small businesses in your town…they’ll love ya for it :-)

Print here -
I love this and firmly believe that “convenience is enslaving us”

When we go out of our way to practise what we preach, it is extremely empowering! Well done to this lady :-)
Should we blow the entire woke agenda up by ALL identifying as the opposite sex, as an Aboriginal and legally change our name FREEDOM FOREVER…I’m game if you are???
Anonymous Poll
I’ll do this
No way
“In view of current scientific evidence, this test shows itself to be unable to determine beyond reasonable doubt that such positivity corresponds, in fact, to the infection of a person by the SARS-CoV-2 virus”.

Vindicated yet again…it’s almost getting old (not)
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