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Investigative reporter, author and podcaster covering far-left and Jewish extremism and disinformation.
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Forwarded from Global Resistance News (Jonathan Azaziah)
🇮🇱 ✡️ 🕍 🕎 🇮🇱 Rabbi Eliyahu Mali, the chief of Hesder Yeshiva Shirat Moshe in occupied Yafa, had the following to say today: "The basic law in a Milchemet Mitzvah, in this case in Gaza, is: no soul shall live. Won't you kill them? They will kill you. Today's terrorists are the children of the previous operation that you kept alive. The women are actually the ones who create the terrorists... According to Halakhic principles, all residents of Gaza must be killed, even babies. You can't be 'smart' and selective with the 'Torah'. Today he is a baby, tomorrow he is a fighter." 🇮🇱 ✡️ 🕍 🕎 🇮🇱

Don't act shocked. Don't feign outrage.

This is Deuteronomy. This is 1 Samuel. This is Psalms. This is JT Kiddushin. This is Rambam (L.A.) This is Rashi (L.A.) This is Ramban (L.A.) This is the Vilna Gaon (L.A.) This is the 188th mitzvah, "blotting out Amalek", personified.

Understand? It ain't Zionism that the "sage" is espousing. It's Judaism. Good ol' fashioned, goyicidal... Judaism. Don't get it twisted for a fraction of a second. 🇮🇱 ✡️ 🕍 🕎 🇮🇱


🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance
Forwarded from Global Resistance News (Martin)
Media is too big
📹 🤬 Got another important microcosm for you, Ladies and Gentilemen. Today's video illustrates the scam that is 'anti-Semitism'. It also showcases the insufferable Jewish entitlement that this breeds. A Jewish girl walks her dog right into an encampment protest and then makes a call to law enforcement pleading victimhood and demanding assistance. In a blatant provocation just like Gideon Falter's performance in London, she places herself in the midst of the Sorosite protesters in the hope that they will do something. When they don't, she claims she is being surrounded and that the protesters won't let her move - a blatant lie that is betrayed by the video evidence. 📹 🤬

The call doesn't seem to be going her way so she makes sure to mention that she's a Jewish American that needs help.

The entitlement we are witnessing is of epic proportions. I mean, let's be fair: Jews are already treated a million times better than ordinary White Americans.

White Americans can be massacred at Waukesha in a blatant race-based attack but is that considered an anti-White incident?

Of course not. No such incident has ever taken place!

Anti-Semitic incidents are ten a penny though! Anti-Semitic incidents are things like, you know, a Jew being unable to book Yom Kippur off work.

Anti-Semitic incidents are, you know, when Jews call FAKE bomb threats in to Jewish institutions across the US, New Zealand, Australia.

And yet, Jewish groups receive 94% of Homeland Security grants whilst White Americans are told they are evil (by Jews of course) by virtue of their skin colour. When an anti-White massacre takes place at Waukesha it's crickets! Nothing to see!

This girl's phone call will go down in the statistics as an anti-Semitic incident and don't you forget it.

You see, Jews need anti-Semitism. They can't be Jews without it. A Jew isn't a Jew if they can't kvetch victimhood, while they're imposing themselves in your space uninvited. Another microcosm for occupied Palestine funnily enough.


🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance
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