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Tupi Report 🇧🇷
🇧🇷🚩💰 — In an interview given by Fernando Haddad, Minister of Finance, he confirmed that he will move forward with projects to regulate online betting. The idea is to meet the demand for tax increases (due to excessive spending), and reorganize taxes in the…
🇧🇷🚩💰 — Lula will tax online games and betting after traveling to China, Haddad announced; the amount of taxes has not been defined and the measure could drive several companies out of the country.

“We should publish the Provisional Measure after the trip to China. It will be by [MP] because there is a need for noventena, the sector does not pay any tribute, it will probably be a contribution. As there is no historical series and knowledge about the history of the sector, we have to accumulate information that comes from the sector itself, but cannot be exclusive to them for us to close the Explanatory Statement of the MP and calculate the impact on public accounts,” Haddad said in a conversation with journalists.

Haddad said in March that the increased exemption from Personal Income Tax (IRPF) should be offset by the taxation of online gambling.
Tupi Report 🇧🇷
🇧🇷💸💥 — Brazilian stock market (Ibovespa) opens down -1.03%, with indices being pulled by the current banking crisis involving the Silicon Valley Bank (SVB)
🇧🇷💥💸 — Brazilian investment market (Ibovespa) follows global declines and drops -1,50% to 101.407 points. This is the worst scenario of the last few months.

In a month, the index fell by -7.48% and is one of the worst accumulated in the shortest time since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic.

This is caused by both the external scenario and the incompetence of the internal scenario.
🇧🇷💥 — Americanas case: former president of the company will testify at Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM)

As he has greater knowledge of the company's operation, the former president of Americanas Miguel Gutierrez will testify to investigate some issues that occurred, which caused the entire scenario of financial crisis in the company.
Tupi Report 🇧🇷
🇧🇷⚖️ — Under pressure from the Ministry of Justice, Federal Police investigators consider asking for the arrest of former President Jair Bolsonaro (PL) if he does not return to Brazil by April The assessment is that: if he continues in the United States…
🇧🇷🛬📅 — Former President Jair Bolsonaro (PL) said he can return to Brazil on March 29, but that he will only confirm his return a week earlier. The statement was made during an event with businessmen in the city of Orlando, in the United States

“I always set a date to come back, the date now set is the 29th of this month. When there is a week left, we study the situation, how is Brazil, How are the contacts here,” he said.

At the same event, Bolsonaro said that his wife Michelle Bolsonaro was even launched to the presidency in 2026, but that “she was disgusted” with the possibility and that “she is not a candidate for the executive”. However, he said it was possible she would run for some “elective office”.

Also at the meeting, the former president commented on the actions implemented during his government, such as the reduction in the number of ministries, the autonomy of the Central Bank and the visa exemption for United States citizens to visit Brazil, officially revoked this week.
Tupi Report 🇧🇷
🇧🇷🛬📅 — Former President Jair Bolsonaro (PL) said he can return to Brazil on March 29, but that he will only confirm his return a week earlier. The statement was made during an event with businessmen in the city of Orlando, in the United States “I always set…
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🇧🇷📱🇺🇸 — In a meeting with his own party, Bolsonaro calls for unity among participants and does not want the mistake of the past to be repeated; former president also said he intends to advance in state disputes for the 2024 elections

"We will advance through the municipalities [in 2024] without starting an internal fight between us. I want to remind you of one thing: I am the oldest here, it took me 28 years to run for president of the Republic and it worked out. We have a lot of favorable things to highlight, even with pandemic, war [in Ukraine] and water crisis," he said.

Bolsonaro also commented on the importance of unity among all of the party to coordinate the party in Brasilia, Brazil. "I believe that we can make a thousand prefectures for the country, but that it is with enough union".
Tupi Report 🇧🇷
🇧🇷🤝🇻🇪🚩— Brazilian government sends minister to secret meeting in order to strengthen relations with Venezuela; Celso Amorim was received by the dictator of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, at the Miraflores Palace in Caracas. Venezuelan state broadcaster VTV broadcast…
🇻🇪🤝🇨🇳🇮🇷 — Venezuela's regime works to raise the level of its relations of cooperation and friendship with China and Iran; diplomatic representatives of both countries met with Venezuelan Foreign Minister Yván Gil.

The Venezuelan Foreign Ministry said the minister's meeting with the Chinese Ambassador, Li Baorong, was aimed at “raising the level of its relations of cooperation and friendship” with the Asian country.

During the meeting, Yván assured that China, in addition to being “a friendly nation”, is a “strategic trading partner”, which is why he expressed the desire of the regime led by Nicolás Maduro to “continue to progress in their bilateral cooperation relations”.
Tupi Report 🇧🇷
💰🤝🇧🇷📰 Conexão Política: George Soros praises Lula and speaks of 'strong international support' for the PT — "In an article published on Thursday the 16th, tycoon George Soros, who is the founder of the Open Society and finances leftist NGOs in several countries…
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🇧🇷🚩 — Lula's Minister of Justice, Flávio Dino, visited the Maré complex, one of the trafficking bases in Rio de Janeiro (RJ); the event was mediated by Redes da Maré, which is funded by Open Society

One of the highlights of the conversation was the favela's ability to produce and think about public policy and data.

Flávio Dino also presented The Restitution of the National Public Security Program with citizenship (PRONASCI), based on five axes of action: the fight against violence against women and femicide, with the resumption of the seven women's houses and the launch of 40 more houses throughout the country and anti-racist justice.

In addition, Dino stressed the importance of creating a specific policy for prisoners and help for their releases from jail, as well as punitive measures for police abuses.

The Complexo da Maré is a set of 17 communities that is always disputed by traffickers of the Comando Vermelho (CV) and Terceiro Comando Puro (TCP), two of the largest factions in Rio de Janeiro.
Tupi Report 🇧🇷
🇵🇪💸💥— Heavy rains and Cyclone Yaku have caused serious damage to Peru's infrastructure, frustrating expectations of an economic recovery for the year 2023 Although not considered part of the El Niño phenomenon, the cyclone and rains will have an impact on…
🇵🇪💸💥— Peru records first contraction in economic activity in nearly two years in January

"National production in January 2023 was affected by social conflicts, which led to stoppages, roadblocks, forced closure of markets, impeding the free movement of people and goods,” the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (Inei) said in a report.

Compared to the previous month, Peru's economic activity fell by 1.36% in January.
Tupi Report 🇧🇷
🇧🇷🤝⚖️🚩💥 — PGR is against Lewandowski's decision, which filed a lawsuit against Lula; she asks for immediate opening of the process The Attorney General's Office (PGR) requested that the Court resume investigations of the case against the Lula Institute. The…
🇧🇷🤝⚖️🚩💥 — Five cases that used evidence from Operation Lava Jato were suspended by STF Minister Ricardo Lewandowski. It is that these tests had already been annulled by the court, because they were based on Odebrecht's leniency agreements, which had part of the validity annulled by the Supreme Court.

A leniency agreement is intended to get companies to cooperate with investigations. After the decision that considered former judge Sergio Moro partial, these elements were considered useless for the investigation which led to the annulment of several Lava Jato processes.

The suspended criminal actions involve former Senator Edison Lobão, former president of Eletronuclear Othon Pinheiro da Silva, lawyer Rodrigo Tacla Duran, among others.

Operation Lava Jato turns 7 years old this year. Now, the operation finds itself dying because of bureaucracies and friendships with allies in Justice on the part of the accused.
🇦🇷💥🇪🇨CRISIS IN LATAM: Ecuador's president Guillermo Lasso declared the Argentine Ambassador to Quito, Gabriel Fuks, “persona non grata,” giving the diplomat three days to leave the country.

The decision was made after María de los Ángeles Duarte, a former Ecuadorian minister convicted of corruption, fled to Venezuela after managing to leave the Argentine Embassy in Quito, where she stayed for more than two years with her underage son.

"Regretting the incomprehensible decision of the Ecuadorian government to request the withdrawal of Ambassador Fuks from Ecuador, we have decided to adopt the same situation with the ambassador of Ecuador to Argentina,” the Argentine Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

Following this statement, the Ecuadorian government expressed outrage at the Argentine Chancellor and announced his expulsion, causing astonishment in the Chancellor.
Tupi Report 🇧🇷
🇧🇷🔺💥🚩🛠 — In war against MST invasion group: Romeu Zema (NOVO), governor of Minas Gerais (MG), says he will not tolerate invasions and thanks the help of rural producers "Fence exists to be respected. The rural man needs security and peace to work," he said.…
🇧🇷💥 🚩Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry (CPI) of the Landless Movement (MST) reaches the limit of signatures to be activated; application headed by deputies Lieutenant Colonel Zucco, Kim Kataguiri and Ricardo Salles achieved the endorsement of 171 deputies of Congress

The three unified their respective requests for CPI after a meeting of the Parliamentary Front of Agriculture (FPA), which supports the request.

It remains only for the mayor, Arthur Lira (PP), to read the request for the CPI to be created. Advisors close to Lira confirm that Lula and allies will try to prevent CPI from opening.

The MST invaded three productive farms of Suzano Papel e Celulose, in the municipalities of Teixeira de Freitas, Mucuri and Caravelas, in southern Bahia, at the turn of the month.

In addition, the movement recently invaded another land in Bahia and continues to plan to advance the invasions throughout the year, being entirely financed by politicians.
Tupi Report 🇧🇷
🇧🇷🚩 — Lula's Minister of Justice, Flávio Dino, visited the Maré complex, one of the trafficking bases in Rio de Janeiro (RJ); the event was mediated by Redes da Maré, which is funded by Open Society One of the highlights of the conversation was the favela's…
🇧🇷🚨 — Three rifles and a 12-gauge shotgun were seized by the 15th battalion of the military police in Rio de Janeiro (BPM-RJ), during an action that resulted in the arrest of three criminals, in the Pilar neighborhood, in Caxias.

Among these is the criminal known as "Sombrão", one of the security guards of the trafficker "Peixão", the great boss of the Complexo de Israel, the largest unified community complex in the entire history of Brazil.

Álvaro Malaquias Santa Rosa, known as "Peixão", controls trafficking in much of the Northern Zone of Rio de Janeiro, in addition to commanding the criminal faction Terceiro Comando Puro (TCP). He is evangelical, was responsible for the destruction of temples of religions of African Matrix (Umbanda, Candomblé) and recruits soldiers who use the term "Soldiers of Jerusalem".
Tupi Report 🇧🇷
🌎⚕️📄🦠⚠️ — Avian flu returns to scare South America; 3 countries are affected, region close to Brazil also suffers from crisis The Ministry of Agriculture of Uruguay confirmed the first case of avian flu in the country. Contamination was found in a black swan…
🇨🇱🦠🐔 — About 80,000 birds have been exterminated and buried in central Chile this week; cases of avian flu disease continue to disrupt rural sector in Latin America

Cases of avian flu, mainly in wild animals, have been detected in Chile since the end of last year. Argentina confirmed its first case in industrial poultry last month, causing it to suspend exports of poultry products.

Ximena Aguilera, Chile's health minister, said that although the country has seen cases in marine mammals, there has been no human-to-human transmission, but the ministry is closely monitoring workers and people exposed to bird flu.
Tupi Report 🇧🇷
🇧🇷🤝⚖️🚩💥 — Five cases that used evidence from Operation Lava Jato were suspended by STF Minister Ricardo Lewandowski. It is that these tests had already been annulled by the court, because they were based on Odebrecht's leniency agreements, which had part of…
🇧🇷🤝⚖️🚩💥 — Minister of the Supreme Court (ST F), Ricardo Lewandowski monocratically suspended rules of the laws of State-Owned Enterprises, after 7 years of its approval

The rule, which prohibited the appointment of politicians, ministers and government secretaries to the board of state-owned enterprises, is suspended. Now any politician can take office in these states.

The law was voted by the National Congress in 2016, both by the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate, was approved and sanctioned by the president of the time, Michel Temer, and after 7 years, it was overturned via injunction, leaving deputies and senators useless as to the case.

The law on State-Owned Enterprises was created precisely to prevent any diversion of transparency, corruption or political enticement. Now, nothing exists for that.
MS Office 2010 Activator: What You Need to Know