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Elites STOLE ancient symbols representing hidden knowledge of ⚡️ 🧲 🧬 & the true nature of Light / Suppressed Biology & perverted those symbols.

Magnetism / Static Electricity Governs the Universe. Everything is Frequency! : Nikola Tesla

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Michigan's Democrat Attorney General Dana Nessel :
"I say this! A drag queen for every school! That is what would be fun for a kid! You know what's NOT a problem for kids who are seeking a good education? Drag queens! Not only are drag queens not hurting our kids, but drag queens make everything better!"

What does drag queens have to do with education? It wasn't bad enough that WE were taught lies about EVERYTHING in life when we were in school? Stand up parents!

The liberal grooming agenda is on full display & they're screaming it from rooftops.

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Paid crisis actors for events.

Those of you who've been around for a few years, understand what this is for. They're not limited to False Flag Events in the United States. They used this in Syria as well during the "Chemical Weapons attacks by Assad" to invoke U.S. Military response / aid.

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J6 Capitol Event

White House switchboard called a Capitol rioter on January 6.

Former senior technical adviser for the January 6 Committee, Denver Riggleman, said the White House switchboard connected a phone call to a Capitol rioter on January 6, 2021.

"You get a real 'a-ha' moment when you see that the White House switchboard had connected to a rioter's phone while it's happening.
I only know ONE END of that call, (rioter contact end) I don't know the White House end, which I believe is more important. But the thing is the American people need to know that there are link connections that need to be explored more."

Riggleman, an ex-military intelligence officer and former Republican congressman from Virginia, oversaw a data-driven operation for the January 6 committee, pursuing phone records & digital clues tied to J6.

Specific White House phone numbers are kept secret to protect every administration. I begged the J6 Committee to push harder to identify the numbers.

ϕ 🧲

Media is too big
J6 Capitol Event :
2.1 Billion dollar Bill to fund the Capitol Police to cover the cost of damage done on J6.

United States Capitol Police :
Chain of command -
Speaker of the House Pelosi
Senate Majority Leader Schumer

Part of Legislative Branch = NOT subject to the Freedom of Information Act -> ZERO TRANSPARENCY

Fake News & Capitol Officers pushing fear porn, lying in court under oath.

Capitol was under various 'threats' to beef up the image of the Capitol Police for funding

$2.1 Billion bipartisan bill in which NO senators voted against & the House passed 416 - 11 & was stated to be "proof everyone could work together in a bipartisan way”

Schiff leads J6 committee / narrative

"A Sister Agency of the CIA set up by Pelosi -> Unlimited powers?"

Exempt from FIOA
Siphoning extremely sophisticated spy equipment from the DOD.
Defund police.
Capitol Police HQ's around the country.
Brown shirt police force?

They stole our tax-payer 💵
Trump was the fall guy


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Per Capitol Bomb threat August 2021 -

Listen to him stutter his way through this sentence. He's scared to say it, but he knows it's related to Capitol Police funding & our corrupt politicians using this as a False Flag event to get the masses on board with using OUR tax-payer money to fund the Capitol Police.

"This bomb threat is obviously playing out in the context of the Capitol Police pushing for their 1.9 Billion Dollar in additional funding that got through the House, but the SENATE has not approved that, so the Capitol Police at the same time are aware they have NOT secured their extra funding yet, & so idk what role that's playing."

Which turned out to be a 2.1 Billion dollar bill.

Pretty strategic timing for the bomb threat to occur, while the Bill was in limbo.

[They] were beefing up the image of the Capitol Police to steal more of our tax-payer money to shift it to Pelosi's new communist brown shirt gestapo police force. A new Black Budget Intelligence Agency.

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"Today it's the Left who are hunting down right-wing 'Qanon' Conspiracy Theorists, but who will it be tomorrow?
The expansion of these agencies in power is never temporary. This is the beginning of Patriot Act 2.0 & it STEMS from the narrative that dangerous insurrectionists are an immenint threat to our democracy." ie, the J6 Capitol Event.

Using False Flags to push forward with the Surveillance State.

IF TRUMP splintered the CIA into 1000 pieces & scattered its ashes into the wind, it'd make sense Pelosi & Schiff are trying to create a NEW one, with all that money & spy equipment, with Field offices being established around the country.

Imagine having a new 3 letter agency exempt from FOIA

That's literally A Black Budget Shadow Organization Spy Agency.

How would they funnel money into it?
Tell us it's funding for the Capitol Police, or tell us they're funding UKRAINE. Poof, money disappears into Black Budget surveillance.

They'd target opposition to OUR Movement & OUR Republic.

ϕ 🧲

"Follow The Money"

Since the Capitol Police answer to Nancy Pelosi & Chuck Schumer up the chain of command & they're exempt from FOIA, who controls the funds of that 2.1 Billion dollars?

It took Donald Trump a lifetime to become a billionaire. Nancy Pelosi got to be one overnight at the stroke of a pen, due to Jan 6th Capitol riot? 🤷🏻‍♂️

& it worked.

It's right there in the spending bill -
"This legislation provides funding for the Capitol Police, the National Guard & other agencies to cover the costs incited during the Jan 6th Capitol riot."

Exempt from FOIA.
Which means we can never ask where that money is being funneled to.
It's gone.
They robbed us & Trump was the scape-goat to blame it on.

The Capitol Police testimony was earlier the same day as the bill. 😂

ϕ 🧲

Media is too big
"Jan 6th rally was well publicized.
There had been giant rallies at Washington DC going back to World War I. Washington DC knows how to handle these rallies. You put an extra couple layers of security around the buildings you protect. Instead, they treated it like a typical Monday morning."

"They're using Jan 6th narrative to lead the new Patriot Act via the War on Domestic Terror. Once the expansion of that power happens, there's no getting it back."

"They use a crisis to expand in ways that had nothing to do with the original failure."

They're too damn afraid to say our government performs False Flags to pass unconstitutional legislation that further restricts & eliminates our freedoms.
At least they're tip-toeing around the conversation enough to paint the picture for citizens tho.

ϕ 🧲

Forwarded from vDarkness Falls / Light_on_Liberty (vDarkness Falls)
I apologize for spamming J6 video above for the past few weeks, but I won't stop cuz it's a topic NOT been discussed enough.

IF TRUMP splintered the CIA into 1000 pieces & scattered its ashes into the wind, it'd make sense Pelosi & Schiff are trying to create a NEW one, with all that money & spy equipment, with Field offices being established around the country.

Imagine having a new 3 letter agency exempt from FOIA.

That's literally A Black Budget shadow organization spy agency.

How would they funnel money into it?
Tell us it's funding for the Capitol Police...

They'd just be targeting opposition to OUR Movement & OUR Republic.

Judicial Watch is over the target pointing out Pelosi hiding from FOIA to cover-up the events of J6, with Shit-head Schiff leading the J6 Committee / narrative.


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Matt Gaetz : "What in the hell is the Capitol Police doing setting up an office in Tampa, Florida?"

'Fact Checkers' - "We explain why."

I'm sure TF you do, you CCP d*ck-ridin' commie bastards. 😂

Matt Gaetz was over the target here.

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Forwarded from vDarkness Falls / Light_on_Liberty (vDarkness Falls)

Senate Sergeant at Arms Michael Stenger who was in charge of securing the Capitol on January 6 dies suddenly - just one day before the Capitol riot committee is set to call surprise hearing to present 'newly uncovered evidence

Michael Stenger, the Senate sergeant at arms who oversaw security in the upper chamber during the Capitol riot, died Monday morning, according to multiple reports

The cause of his death is not immediately clear. Stenger held the post from 2018 to 2021 and stepped down the day after the Jan. 6 Capitol riot

Stenger, along with Paul Irving, the then House sergeant-of-arms & Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund all resigned from their roles after J6 attack


Listen to previous videos above.

Who does the Sergent at Arms of the Capitol answer to, & TAKE ORDERS FROM DIRECTLY?!
Nancy Pelosi...

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Forwarded from Paul Serran's Signal to Noise (Paul Serran)
Italy braces for political earthquake on eve of elections expected to hand the country the most right-wing government since World War Two

The post-facist party, Brothers of Italy, predicted to be a big winner in tomorrow nights tense election in Italy
Leader Giorgia Meloni, is expected to form a right-wing government with Matteo Salvini and Silvio Berlusconi
The potential result has put the EU on alert for several disruptions, including fears over disrupting unity in Ukraine

If she wins, the other two parties expected to form a government with her include Matteo Salvini’s far-right [i.e. conservative] League and Silvio Berlusconi of the centre-right, who has attracted younger voters over TikTok.

The party, which has gained popularity with its ‘Italians First’ agenda, has sparked concerns in Brussels. [United Europe only allows leftist and Globalist scum parties that spew liberal ESG bs]

The campaign, sparked by outgoing prime minister Mario Draghi's downfall in July, wrapped up on Friday, giving Italians a day of reprieve as electioneering is banned until the vote.

A victory by Meloni and Salvini would follow fast on an election in Sweden where the virulently [i.e. common sense] anti-migration and Eurosceptic Sweden Democrats entered a ruling coalition, just months before the Scandinavian country is due to take over the EU's rotating presidency.

Forwarded from Paul Serran's Signal to Noise (Paul Serran)

Brazil's Bolsonaro Against the US Deep State

the Biden 'administration from hell' is pushing for criminal, America-hater Lula in October presidential election


Media is too big
Friday Night Movie :

Thunderbolts Project : Symbols of an Alien Sky

Cosmic celestial bodies were subjected to Electro-Static Discharges, or cosmic Mega-Lighting storms. These include various scars, craters & valley / river systems on planetary bodies.

"The Dead Sea region was the scene of an interplanetary Electrical Discharge when powerful Electrical sparks leaped down from above or sprang up from the Earth." : Immanuel Velikovsky

When Electrical geniuses 100 years ago spoke about Electricity, they were referring to STATIC ELECTRICITY and NOT the man-made current running through our walls that nature does NOT make / use. Everything is upside down.

Given that EVERYTHING in nature is Electrical & components thereof, & Magnetic at its core including ALL forms of Life, what are the applicable implementations to our species when we remove those in power who are trying to distract from such hidden knowledge to prevent their catastrophic loss of power over the We, The People?

If our species was forced into caves for 100 years to avoid catastrophic Lightning discharges that devastated everything, WHAT knowledge would our species need, to rebuild?

🧲 🍩🧬 🔱 ⚛️ 🌀

Manipulation of FIELDS for our technology

ϕ 🧲

Media is too big
Nancy Pelosi extended proxy voting until a WEEK AFTER THE MIDTERMS, due to, "the public health emergency due to the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 remains in effect"

Yet Joe Biden just told us Covid is over

NOW we know why the White House back peddled on Biden's claim the Covid-19 pandemic was over.

& they wonder why we question the 2020 Election?

Wisconsin Republican Representative Mike Gallagher released following statement after Pelosi extended proxy voting through November 10, 2022 :

"Earlier this week, President Biden claimed the pandemic was over. It seems everyone but Speaker Pelosi agrees. By extending proxy voting, Speaker Pelosi continues to allow members to forgo the most important component of their job – voting – & lie to their constituents in the process. The day when Republicans take back the House & eliminate this unconstitutional & unethical practice can’t come soon enough.

How can you maintain the integrity of the institution, if you're institutionalizing lies?"

ϕ 🧲

Forwarded from Common Sense IQ Test
I wrote this last evening and wanted to share.

I believe we are all witnessing God work in “mysterious ways” and through each twist and turn we are finding out who is really in control and leading this journey of our rebirth.
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Nancy Pelosi gets heavily booed at the Global Citizen Festival in Central Park Manhattan last night.

This was your goal across the country, Citizen Journalists. WAKE THE PEOPLE UP!!!

Does it matter if they don't know WHY they're booing? No

Does it matter if they're educated on all of Nancy Pelosi's crimes? No

Citizens parroted, "Orange Man Bad" & they didn't even know WHY they were doing it other than subconsciously knowing it was POPULAR to hate Donald J Trump.

This is your goal for [Them] now.
Make them regret being famous.
Make them popularly hated.
Every last one of 'em!

ϕ 🧲

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Remember when Hillary Clinton asked China to spy on a United States President?
Asking a foreign government to illegally obtain information on a sitting President is against the law. Dare I say, treasonous.

Funny she says Trump colluded with Russia when we know it was the Clinton Administration / Foundation colluding with Russia all along.

ϕ 🧲

Forwarded from vDarkness Falls / Light_on_Liberty (vDarkness Falls)

Clinton's Enabled Russia To Gain Large Share Of America's Uranium

(In 2006, the Clinton Foundation had received a $31.3 million donation from Canadian billionaire Frank Giustra, owner of mining company UrAsia, which merged with another mining company in 2007 to become Uranium One.)

"In 2005, Bill Clinton & Frank Giustra visited Kazakhstan. Giustra, as we have noted is a massive donor to the Clinton Foundation & a beneficiary of Hillary Clinton’s decisiomaking as Secretary of State.
Giustra’s goal was to buy uranium mines in Kazakhstan. Pursuing this objective, he and Clinton met with leaders of the Kazakhstan government.

It proved to be a win-win for all concerned. Giustra got major mining concessions, which were approved by the Kazakhstan government. Kazakhstan got Bill Clinton publicly to praise its alleged progress in democracy and human rights. Clinton received a $31 million donation to his Foundation from Giustra, along with a pledge to donate $100 million more.

The deal with Kazakhstan made Giustra’s company, Uranium One, a major player. It proceeded to buy large amounts of holdings in the United States.

Uranium One thus became an attractive target for Russia. Russia made a hugely attractive offer to purchase the company.
Such a deal requires approval by the U.S. government, including by the Secretary of State, who then was Hillary Clinton. During the period when the deal with Russia was under consideration, the Clinton Foundation received millions of dollars from key Uranium One shareholders. These contributions were not disclosed by the Clintons, despite an agreement Hillary had reached with the Obama White House to publicly identify all donors.

During this period, Bill Clinton also received $500,000 for a Moscow speech from a Russian investment bank that was promoting Uranium One stock.

Hillary Clinton duly approved the deal. It made the Russian company Rosatom one of the world’s largest uranium producers & brought Vladimir Putin closer to his goal of controlling much of the global uranium supply chain.

The deal left huge amounts of U.S. uranium under the control of Russia. The New York Times estimates this share at 20 percent. But Peter Schweizer told Fox News that it amounts to up to 50 percent of projected U.S. uranium output.
The Russians are free to use the uranium for any purpose. They could sell it to Iran.

According to the New York Times, at the time the deal was made, both Rosatom & the U.S. government made promises intended to ease concerns about ceding control of the company’s assets to the Russians. But, says the Times, records show that these promises have been repeatedly broken.

Quite apart from concerns about what Russia will do with American uranium, there is also the fact that America is short on uranium. The Times quotes energy author Marin Katusa who says that while we get one-fifth of our electrical power from nuclear plants, we produce only around 20 percent of the uranium we need, and most plants have only 18 to 36 months of reserves.
Katusa concludes that “the Russians are easily winning the uranium war.” Adding the obvious, he notes that this “is not just a domestic issue but a foreign policy issue, too.”

The Russians aren’t the only winners. Frank Giustra won big. So did the Clintons who raised tens of millions, if not more, in this saga. Even Kazakhstan came away with something, though whether it contemplated Russia controlling its uranium is another matter.
Only America is the loser."

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MS Office 2010 Activator: What You Need to Know