Niedersachsen und sein Ministerpräsident in Panik -
hastig verlassen sie morgen Twitter.

Der Grund:
"Fehlende Kontrollen & mangelnde Verifizierungen führen zunehmend zur Verbreitung von Hass & Hetze, Falschinformationen & Verschwörungserzählungen."

Die Kommentare sind herrlich!

NEW - State government of Lower Saxony in Germany to leave Twitter because of alleged "hate speech," "misinformation," and "conspiracy narratives" on the platform.

Stephan Weil (SPD), Prime Minister of Lower Saxony who blamed the unvaccinated for breakthrough infections of the vaccinated back in February, is also leaving Twitter.

The comments are hilarious!


👉 @CNconspiracynewsroom 😎
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