Patriotic Alternative Scotland
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For all their claims that they are making Scotland a better place, the SNP have yet again been found to be letting the children of Scotland down. A new report has found that over half of Scotland's children have experienced poverty in the last 12 years and instead of falling the number of children living in poverty is actually rising.

The SNP announced with much fanfare their targets to reduce poverty to 18% by 2023/24 and 10% by 2030/31. Still unambitious, as no child in Scotland should be living in poverty. But the report finds that they are way off hitting even these targets.

Maybe the SNP should spend less time promoting their LGBT agendas, historical slavery reviews, black lives matter agendas and working to fill the country with their "New Scots" and more time actually working to better the lives of our people.

Our children are our nation's future. Their future and the future of our country are being damaged by the failures of the SNP.

For years, campaigners have been trying to get the Customs House building in Leith transformed into a museum celebrating the history of Leith and its port. The council and other organisations have shown no interest and refused funding.

Now as part of the ongoing Edinburgh Council review into slavery, it has been proposed that the very same building will become a museum of slavery and oppression.

What a kick in the teeth for the people of Leith. It appears that their history means nothing to Edinburgh Council and to the other heritage organisations. Should we be surprised? It has been evident for a long time that the history of the people of Scotland means nothing to the political class of our nation. Just more proof, as if you need it, that we are indeed second class citizens in our own country.

A Fife councillor - and Head of Housing for Fife Council - seems more concerned about the plight of foreign "refugees" than the indigenous population that he is supposed to represent and make life better for.

John Mills is complaining that the "refugees" are stuck in hotel accommodation rather than being quickly moved into council housing. I am sure that there are many people in Fife who would love to be in hotel accommodation with paid meals, free WiFi etc, as Fife received 2622 homeless applications from Scots in 2019/20 - one of the highest numbers of any council in Scotland.

Fife Council took in 86 "Afgan refugees" last year, while its own people struggle to even get a reply from the council housing department and many sit for years on housing lists with no hope for being given a home of their own.

It's time Mills and many other politicians in Scotland worried more about their own people and less about people they are Importing from abroad. Our people should come first, always.

The SNP have spent over £40,000 in the last few years on short let Airbnb accommodation.

In Edinburgh alone there are over 480 listings online for such accommodation. That's 480 properties that have been taken out of potential long term lets to local residents in a city where, in 2019/20, 3491 homeless applications were made. The picture is similar across the country with some areas showing one listing for every four properties.

Most of the properties have no planning consent either, with only one out of a sample of 359 having permission, making the renting out in this manner illegal.

The government-linked Visit Scotland has a tie with Airbnb promoting these lets.

Scotland is facing a massive housing crisis but instead of banning these short lets the SNP government is using and promoting them. Profit before people seems to be what the SNP cares about.

Some good news, though maybe temporary: a plan to bring an increasingly large number of "asylum seekers" to Scotland has hit a major set back due to a lack of accommodation.

The original plan was for a minimum of an extra 4000 "asylum seekers" a year to be brought to Scotland and for all of Scotland's 32 councils to take these new "asylum seekers", spreading them to every corner of our nation.

The plan had now failed due to Mears,the company that provides the accommodation services, saying that they cannot realistically provide that much accommodation and could at most provide half.

A win for the people of Scotland, but we are still seeing too many "asylum seekers" dumped in our cities putting a strain on services and housing. Our people need to be put first. Our nation is a small nation and we cannot support these ever larger numbers of migrants.


[email protected]
Yousaf, who was also a failure in his job as justice minister, has overseen a complete disaster for the Scottish NHS. He should be removed from his post forthwith.

The NHS waiting list for tests, outpatient appointments and hospital procedures is now at an all time high of 776,431 people. Even more worryingly the numbers of GPs, at a time when GP services are seeing a surge in people seeking appointments, have fallen by 3% to the lowest level when figures where started to be recorded in 2009.

The SNP have massively underfunded the NHS and Yousaf seems to have no plan to fix the problem.

There needs to be not only investment to recruit and retain staff, but a longer-term plan to remove the cap on the numbers of doctors and nurses being trained in Scotland. The SNP have been closing local services at smaller hospitals. We actually need more decentralised local hospital services, not less.

The Scottish people deserve better.

The Scottish Government is setting up a fund to help businesses bring in what they call "foreign skilled workers".

The SNP/Green alliance claims that the only way to assure the growth of Scotland's economy is to bring in a constant flow of foreign workers.

At a time when budgets are being cut all round, is this really the time to be spending money bringing in yet more foreigners?

If we really want to grow the economy, we should be concentrating on getting Scots back into work, incentivising people to come off benefits and make work pay, build a skill base amongst the indigenous Scots, especially the young and unemployed, and help small and medium businesses to expand.

Previous schemes to attract so-called "skilled workers" have seen the country flooded with people who are anything but highly skilled. This is just another part of the SNP's plan to flood the country with immigrants, not to help our economy or our people's future.


[email protected]
While it is possible to sympathise with the Ukrainian refugees, it is correct that they are refused social housing.

Not just for the reason, stated by some sources, that being housed on the cruise ships means they are not homeless, but because with 47,000 homeless in Scotland and 330,000-plus on social housing waiting lists it is right that indigenous Scots are housed first.

No "refugee" or Immigrant, no matter where they are from, should be assigned social housing until all indigenous Scots on the waiting lists who have a genuine need for housing are housed.


[email protected]
Slater shows the hypocrisy of the ruling "elite" in Scotland. While tens of thousands sit on ever-lengthening NHS waiting lists, Slater jumps the queue with her use of private medical insurance.

The SNP/Green alliance is overseeing the worst performance that the NHS in Scotland has ever had and is against private health care - unless you are part of the political elite, of course.

Our politicians show nothing but contempt for the Scottish people. Scotland needs a government that actually cares about the Scottish people and puts them first.

Join us in seeking to build a better Scotland and end the hypocrisy, betrayal and lies of the SNP/Green alliance.


[email protected]
Glasgow Council is looking at cutting £2 million from the budget of the Glasgow Alliance to End Homelessness.

The Alliance has made some great strides towards ending homelessness in Glasgow but now sees their work about to be destroyed by this cut.

At the same time as funds to help indigenous Scots escape homelessness are being slashed, millions are being spent by Glasgow Council, the Scottish Government and Westminster to house tens of thousands of so-called "asylum seekers" in comfortable and sometimes fairly luxurious hotels and flats.

Yet again our people are treated as second-class citizens in their own country, unable to access housing, while incomers jump the queue.


Join us in trying to create a country where the indigenous population will be put first.

[email protected]
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