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A Man on a Mission. Father, Friend, Brother, Lover, Student. Welcome to the Great Awakening.
Download Telegram
- Durham exonerates President Trump officially.
- MSM is FORCED to tell the dead asleep leftists that Trump did nothing wrong, "Russia Russia" was an HRC/Democrat fabrication.
- Trump is now openly calling it TREASON on Truth Social.
- Durham may yet testify to all of this, under oath, before Congress (the People's House).
- Russia has stepped up its countrywide assault on the UKR military.
- Turkey headed for run-offs.
- US DOJ election interference now on full display.

BOOM WEEK off to a great Start.

👉 RealSGAnon
The "Sound of Freedom" releases on July 4, 2023. It will be one of the greatest and profoundly impactful films ever made, showcasing the true pandemic: Elite Child Trafficking and Satanic Ritual Abuse.

View the preliminary trailer here:

👉 RealSGAnon
Coordinated. Military. Operations.
C Q D. Maritime Signaling.
Laws of War.
Military-Civilian Alliance.

US Government Corporation Inc. under Military Occupation, 1/7/2021 - Present.
Country placed into Continuity-of-Government, Summer 2016.
Alliance Campaigns world _wide to eliminate/destroy the Deep_State disease that brought the Earth to the brink of extinction.

We The People Rise.

👉 RealSGAnon
Amazing Patriots!

We are POWERFUL Beings.
The fear_matrix they created is a lie. The atheistic, nihilistic, insanity they perpetuated on humankind, an even bigger lie.

Hold the Line. They NEVER wanted us to figure it out.
Whose Image we are made in.
What abilities we truly possess.
What our Ancients knew from childhood.
—> Sons and Daughters of a Living God <—
The Force that Creates entire Worlds.

Where. We. Go. One. We. Go. ALL.

For God and Country.
For Our Children.

👉 RealSGAnon
Article from 2019. Can't imagine this is unrelated to the extraordinary expansion of Gitmo under President Trump, including the construction of a "geriatric" hospital.

👉A friendly hello to the DeepState
Intelligence/mercenary assets WW, who have aided and abetted the greatest reign of criminality ever committed against Man: We're
[COMING] for you.

#WWG1WGA #MilitaryTribunals

👉 RealSGAnon
Just in case anyone is unclear on why the CIA is launching a Telegram channel, have included pictographic explanation above.

The [DS] is desperate. With Russia's continued success against Khazarian/Nazi Ukraine, sleeper/ espionage assets WW (especially in Russia and E. Europe) are being called to activation.

What better way to save face than to use a proxy agency (CIA) to gather intel?



👉 RealSGAnon
It has now been over 40hrs, and @SpeakerMcCarthy has not uttered one word about the Durham Report.

That would be the evidence based report which shows unequivocally that Hillary Clinton, the Democrat National Convention, and then-sitting President of the United States Hussein Obama, used their political powers and conspired to frame a leading US Presidential candidate for Treason (which is itself, Treason).

Highlighting this would garner Mr. McCarthy/ Congress incredible support.


👉 RealSGAnon
Russian "kynzhal" hypersonic missiles successfully evaded, and then destroyed, a US-made Patriot missile air defense system in Kyiv, UKR 24hrs ago.

The Russian missiles recorded 2/6 successful arrivals.
According to the Russian Defense Ministry, the remaining Patriot missile systems will be "hunted down and annihilated".

👉 RealSGAnon
They are coming after Pakistani 'Trump', Imran Khan

👉 RealSGAnon
In the election cycle of 1912 (the same year Titanic sank, paving the way for the complete overthrow of US sovereignty by European/Crown central Banksters), former President T. Roosevelt split the Republican conservative base by running 3rd party.

The schism led to cabalist [D] Woodrow Wilson, winning the Presidency.

Apply this lesson to wherever it may be appropriate.,_1912)

👉 RealSGAnon
File 51 Soon. My little one has a school ceremony this week, and then off for summer break. We are adjusting our home routine accordingly, since my post-surgery recovery is still fairly young at this point.

51 may be tough for some. The last campaigns of a Total_War are the bloodiest.
The Enemy fights most savagely, animalistic even, in such situations.

We are winning, and they know it -> but we still face a powerful adversary WW.

Impossible to clean
Operations -> [N]o [S]uch [A]gency”

👉 RealSGAnon
"In war there is no margin of error. There is no let's see what went wrong, and try again', no intellectual examination of faults or mistakes.
There is no percent-based success. There is 0, meaning you lose, and there is 100, meaning you win. The Victor receives glory, honor, health, and long-life; the Loser receives only enslavement, or death. No scenario in the course of human events could have higher stakes. It is All, or Nothing, every single minute until it is done.

👉 RealSGAnon
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