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A Man on a Mission. Father, Friend, Brother, Lover, Student. Welcome to the Great Awakening.
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Bolsonaro rescinds his concession and asks Brazil's Superior Electoral Court to declare him the lawful

In filings to the TSE the Liberal Party (PL) states Bolsonaro had 51% of the votes in the 2nd election
Additionally, overwhelming evidence from the audit supports there was malfunctioning in the machines.

πŸ‘‰ RealSGAnon

The woke Leftists are receiving red_pill suppositories every day from the same "EV"/Tesla billionaire they've idolized for the last half decade.

Thank you for your part, Elon

Keep the pressure on.

πŸ‘‰ RealSGAnon
File 27
10 EDT

Lots to discuss. Be with you all soon.

πŸ‘‰ RealSGAnon

It is time for rest. What a glorious day, even with its challenges and toils.

Yes, I am confident about the Soros information I have shared.
No, I don't expect you to find "independent validation" yet. It is unlikely MSM will report on it at all, or for a number of days at least. There are a number of articles one can find on TOR that discuss the
announcement of his demise, today, 11/22.

Lineage is important.
Today was symbolic.
So. Much. Happening.

Rest well.
Back at it tmrw

πŸ‘‰ RealSGAnon
Kanye met with President Trump

πŸ‘‰ RealSGAnon
Former Guantanomo Bay detainee accuses Governor Ron DeSantis of torturing him in 2006

Trust the Plan.
All will be revealed.

πŸ‘‰ RealSGAnon
Reports: Former Guantanomo Bay detainee accuses Governor Ron DeSantis of torturing him in 2006 Trust the Plan. All will be revealed. πŸ‘‰ RealSGAnon
Many of you are very upset by this post.
I will not, and cannot, offer my opinions of Desantis to you. But questions lead to answers
>Who was Naval Station Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, Base Commander 2006?
>What was happening in 2006?
>Where did US Mail POWs primarily originate, 2004-2007?
> Who else was there?
>What was DOD budget, 2006?
>Who was SecDef?
>Who was CIC?
Whose side were they on?
Where do military orders originate?
What does unconscionable mean?
What is a POW?

Be critical.

πŸ‘‰ RealSGAnon
My mentor told me in September that the MSM would be used to destroy the very C19 narrative of death and carnage they perpetuated on humanity.

β€œThey will tell the truth on themselves, by force if necessary”, was the wording used. That process seems to be beginning.

Tribunals are coming next year.
We’re in for a wild ride everyone.

πŸ‘‰ RealSGAnon
Military comms are everywhere today.

And more

Important to learn the language in wartime.
Irregular warfare.
CoC devolved. All authorities granted.
Implementation β€”> Reconstitution

πŸ‘‰ RealSGAnon
What are they hiding from us in Antarctica?

πŸ‘‰ RealSGAnon
Happy Thanksgiving to all.

Today we lay down our arms to focus on the blessings we have, and not the absence of the things
we want. To be thankful is to place the human spirit at such a high frequency that darkness is unable to abide.

Eat too much. Sing songs. Tease each other lovingly.
Connect to your family and friends, regardless of where they are in their awakening. They'll come
around. Today is for joy.

I give my love to all of you today, and to your sleepers.

Dark to Light


πŸ‘‰ RealSGAnon
Fascinating statement from US Army SOCOM

πŸ‘‰ RealSGAnon
Your sense of duty to your family and loved ones is commendable. Bolster your immune system daily
through natural remedies (Zelenko protocol and others). All will be revealed in time. Hang in there.

πŸ‘‰ RealSGAnon
Not an accident that Turkey has been spending a great deal of time backchannel coordinating with Russia over the last few weeks.

Now, they begin seizing assets that are 1-degree removed from the world economic forum, immediately
after beginning their own Special Military Operation (heard that before? to eradicate CIA terror assets in the Middle East?

How many times before it's mathematically impossible?

Trust the plan.
Turbulence ahead.
We are entering an era of Peace and Love.


πŸ‘‰ RealSGAnon
They've lied and hidden so much.

We will destroy them.

πŸ‘‰ RealSGAnon
Reports from the backchannel:

SCOTUS has agreed to hear the Brunson case, and it was moved to the National Emergencies docket.

#nothingcanstopwhatscoming #WWG1WGA

πŸ‘‰ RealSGAnon
File 28 will come next week. It will be difficult for some of you to hear.

Currently, we are entering a
"second plandemic" in the USA > it will include new attempts at lockdowns, vaxxine requirements, suspension of rights, and more.

Are you awake yet?

Do you remember when the actor Byedan said "we're in for a dark winter"?
How many of you know about Operation Dark Winter?

Keep your courage. The US military will step in to save the Republic from mandatory genocide.

Precipice moment

πŸ‘‰ RealSGAnon
The Art of Instagram Captions: Writing Engaging and Authentic Descriptions