Brian Cates
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Forwarded from Jack Posobiec
The Atlantic is having convulsions over here with how fast they keep changing the headline of their bigoted Rosary attack article. The latest edition also dropped the disgraceful 'bullethole rosary' graphic
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NEW - CBO data shows Americans earning less than $400K per year will pay $20 billion more in taxes over the next decade under Biden's "Inflation Reduction" Act.

Did anybody out there really think at this point Biden and the Democrats told the truth about this "Inflation Reduction Act"?
Forwarded from 1st Amendment Praetorian
Forwarded from Praying Medic (Dave Hayes)
The barriers erected around the capitol at various times over the last 2 years are part of an information operation. The goal for corruptocrats is to convince the public that as they victimize and oppress us, they are in fact the victims of our violence.

The only way to win a narrative war is through non-violent exposure of truth and deception.
Forwarded from The Colonel’s Corner🦅🦅🦅 (Colonel Roxane ️️️ Towner-Watkins The Colonel’s Corner 🎖🎖🎖)
Eugene Yu.

Married to Eunice Yu, (University of Michigan Medical School) internist, Medical director for care design and engagement at Henry Ford Health (Present) Medical Director Covid recovery care (present); previously worked at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore MD; Researcher at Michigan State Univ 2003-07; speaks Mandarin

President and founder of Konnech 2002-present; “my focus is to manage the Konnech Inc to make our contribution in the field of the election logistic management. We look for partners, marketing and sales associates to expand our product and service. Employees 51 high wage jobs in East Lansing according to Konnech website. Website says they have 32 clients they currently work with in North America.

Zhejiang University Bachelor’ degree, Internal Combustion Engine Design
Wake Forest University grad MBA Ops Mgt & Supervision

He has expressed interest in Ron Davis’ (Easy Vote Solutions) who works to provide campaign finance filing solutions in Tequesta, Palmetto Bay, North Bay Village FL, as well as other locales.

He interacts on Linked In with Runbeck Election Services.

Pamela Forbes who is retired from Customs and Border Protection but worked with Yu during the contracting out of the Federal Voting Assistance Program. This program provides the capability to vote for service members as well as other government workers stationed away from their declared home state. Her comments: “Eugene is a creative, innovation person of high intellect. Eugene has developed everlasting great software products installed across the US. I have referred several clients to Konnech Inc based on the product quality and height level of support provided at Eugene’s direction.” Konnech’s involvement in this effort would give them access to all of these states voting data.

Affiliated websites listed:; and (sold to Ohio based Votem Corp 2016)

PollChief is used by Alameda County CA, Travis Co Tx, Ninneapolis MN, Ciity of Regina Canada and 18 large counties across US. Used by thousands of elections offices across North America. 100% cloud based. Election worker management system that assigns, communicates, pays workers with one easy to use system. Online worker portal available as companion module. Asset management system provides chain of custody logs, event specific planning tools, extensive asset and inventory tracking, comprehensive and custom reporting, mobile friendly. This is how Konnech has access to all personal data of elections workers.

VotEdge is a Konnech app in Australia for voters who are blind, visually impaired or has a disability.

“Enhanced Voting” is another company appears often. President is Aaron Wilson and he was at the Florida Supervisors of Election conference earlier this year. Company was created in 2013. Aaron recently (according to company website, served a Sr Director of Election Security for the Center for Internet Security. He led all election security best practice development efforts including publishing “A Guide for Ensuring Security in Election Technology Procurement”. He started as testing and conducting security evaluations of voting systems for the FL Div of Elections. He also worked at Greenshades Software and Clear Ballot Group.

Another discovery: There are regional meetings in prep for an international meeting. The regional meetings include Africa Regional Forum, Europe, America, Asia and Arab States. These meetings (over the summer) lead into the World Summit on Electoral Democracy in Sept 2022. The speakers at these meetings are The Who’s who of gender study graduates, Open Society members, etc all getting together to discuss ‘election integrity’ and ‘democracy’. See

The Michigan State University Foundation comes up many times in relation to Yu. Konnech workspace is in same building.

Sam Matuschek worked at Konnech Australia Pty Ltd and Electoral Commission of Queensland. He worked on “Election Gateway Project” and currently works at Univ of Queensland.
Forwarded from The Colonel’s Corner🦅🦅🦅 (Colonel Roxane ️️️ Towner-Watkins The Colonel’s Corner 🎖🎖🎖)
Edward Perez is an associate of Yu who, 10 months ago, went to work at Twitter in newly created job of Director of Product Management for a team dedicated to protecting health public conversation about civics and elections. In other words, he’s a disinformation misinformation guy who works with government as speech police.

Alastair James works as the general manager at Konnech Australia. Didn’t find any info on him other than his employment at Konnech.

According to Yu, “we, at Konnech, have built up or business by working with one customer at a time gaining our success step by step. Now, we have become one of the largest companies providing election logistic management solutions worldwide. As we grow, we now have exciting opportunities open up and we look forward to your help build up a stronger team.” He was looking for 2 project managers and 5 business analysts in Canada, US and Australia. The POC was Luis Nabergoi who is the Global IT director or Aaron Brown who is the director of operations.

Did you know that there is a thing called “Certified Elections/Registration Administrator”? Well there is and its offered at Auburn Univ (AL). It is achieved only through multi year course of study at masters degree level in Public Admin. The Election Center Professional Education Program is hosted there. It is to professionalize the management of voter registration and elections administration in promoting and preserving public trust in the democratic process. Many of the players in elections have went to school at Auburn.

Lastly, I found the Konnech Australia settled a defamation lawsuit against some who made the false comments about Konnech Global Group and its founder alleging our software was not secure or safe and that we were associated with the CCP. “The settlement resulted in the removal of content from the individuals Twitter page and an apology letter stating the allegations were totally unfounded and untrue
Forwarded from ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter 🐸 (Pepe Lives Matter)
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Pure bloods were maligned as crazed conspiracy theorists for months on end. Yet look where we are now. Are the normies awake yet?
1.8 million Americans who volunteered to participate in local elections in their counties all had their personal info stored on a server in China, data which under Chinese Law belongs to the CCP.

I'm not talking just about their names, pictures, addresses, names of their kids, etc.

I mean down to the schematics and detailed maps of the buildings they worked in and more.

The CCP has an incredible amount of information stored about these election workers and their families that it has been using for more than a few years now in order to learn everything there is to know about how local elections are being run inside the United States.

Given that - despite over 40 years of deliberate propaganda to the contrary - the CCP is a hostile foreign regime, the things they could do with this amount of breathtaking detail is, to be polite, problematic.

Many years ago the CCP realized it could never defeat the United States in a direct military conflict involving land/air/sea conventional forces. And so the regime in Beijing pursued an unconventional specialized warfare against the US that involved a massive level of infiltration and appropriation.

And paving the way for this infiltration and appropriation of key US national defense infrastructure was a political class all too eager to sell out their country in exchange for wealth and favors from China.
If one could subsume and take over and corrupt the greater foreign power from within, there's no need for a massive bloody conventional war.

For many years it was sold to the American people that we were 'changing' and 'softening' the CCP regime by engaging with it, trading with it, shipping key US national security infrastructure to China.

Well...surprise...that wasn't what was really happening.

What was happening was we were being massively infiltrated and had become the targets of CCP infiltration/influence operations simply staggering in their scope and depth.

Far from influencing China, China was influencing us.

Gaining control of the US government at the federal [and many state/local levels as well] took decades of careful maneuvering and bribery, blackmail and iron-fisted arm twisting behind the scenes.

And the influence operations don't chiefly involve bribing formerly honest politicians to look the other way. They moved past that stage long ago.

By the 1990's they were handpicking the candidates for us all because they had become fully immersed within the US election systems at all levels by that point.
The CCP regime is deeply and intensely and intimately immersed in the US election systems at every level.

Because this is how you get control of the US government as well as the governments of many of the key US states, such as NY and CA.

As Gregg Phillips and Catherine Engelbrecht and Mike Flynn know all too well, there is only one antidote to the CCP influence operations targeting and controlling US election systems:

Patriots rising up and taking back control of their local elections.

The Chinese influence operations targeting US national security elections infrastructure can only be effective and successful as long as millions of patriotic Americans were unaware of the threat and weren't doing anything about it.

But that has begun to change.

Arizona proved it.

Americans can take back control of their local elections from the Uniparty and their CCP/foreign puppet masters.

We must:

1) make enough Americans aware of the treason

2) motivate them to take action to stop the treason, which is directly affecting all of their lives

3) give them the tools and direction they need to reassert control over their local elections

It's a big job.

We all have a lot of work to do at this point.

But we are going to get it done.
It takes time to research & write these articles so I do charge for them for the first 5-7 days they are up!
$5 monthly or $60 yearly!
The time for calling for people to just show up to vote is long past.

We're moving into another completely different era.

Citizens will be given the tools to monitor all the drop boxes and engage in massive real-time information operations in order to bring about election integrity.

Part of my job is going to be spending the next 2 1/2 months drilling hundreds of thousands of American patriots on how to safeguard their own local elections as they pry the CCP/UniParty fingers off the controls.

Did you know Secretary of States have been certifying elections for years illegally?

But nobody was challenging on this before the elections were held.

There are things state and county election officials are supposed to do before an election is held - or else that election can't be certified legally.

But citizens have not been very loudly and vocally ensuring these people are following the law before the elections are held.

This is not how the 2022 midterms are going to go. This time enough citizens are going to know the election law that too many Uniparty corrupticrats have relied upon them not knowing.

Nobody challenged them on their illegal actions before the elections were held. They got used to getting away with violating all the pre-election check laws, then rushing the tainted election through to certification.

Those days are OVER.

Forewarned is Forearmed.

An army of patriots is going to force compliance with the election laws in their states before these next elections are held.

Crooked Secretaries of State like Jocelyn Benson and Brad Raffensperger are going to be caught flat footed by this.
Marc Elias and his merry crew managed to do successful end-runs around state election laws and the state legislatures that had passed them in 2020.

That's not how 2022 is going to go.

Far from it.

This time too many people are going to be awake and engaged. and FOREARMED.

None of this election fraud should be sneaking up on anybody at this point.

We know the methods. Their playbook was exposed.

They're counting on millions of American patriots sitting on their asses and not getting directly involved in policing and ensuring the integrity of their local elections.

We're going to prove them wrong.

When they try to implement the same illegal election systems that blatantly violate the written election laws, they are going to be shut down by the citizens.

And if they manage to hold an election using illegal procedures and methods, they are going to be prevented from certifying that election afterwards by the citizens.

Plenty of these election corrupticrats were all forced into admissions that they didn't follow their own state's election laws for 2020 - but hey, too late you losers! We certified it already!

Well OK then. This time we'll be ready for you.
Starts at 8:30 PM CST!
'Playbook known'.
If they already had their playbook exposed to you, but you fall for all the same plays again....

That's on you.
Forwarded from BioClandestine (BioClandestine)
Trump is on a Truth rampage right now, and there is only one topic on the menu.

The Mar-a-Lago raid has MASSIVELY increased his support with centrists, and energized an already highly motivated MAGA base.

The FBI raid has been nothing but a blessing thus far. Confirming all of Trump’s narratives of DOJ/FBI corruption, painting Biden as the fascist dictator that he is, and garnering support for America First candidates in the midterms.

Does Trump seem nervous to you?


#FBI #Trump
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