❤️ Alexander Ehrlich 🇦🇹🇩🇪🇮🇹🇫🇷 #BauernProteste #FarmersProtest #AgriculteursEnColere
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Grundrechtsaktivist in 🇩🇪/🇦🇹/🇮🇹, Christ, Pazifist, Anhänger Voltaires.

Schwerpunkte: Medienanalyse, Framing & Deframing, Geschichte, Strategie, Taktik & Logistik, Teamwork der APO.

Medienarbeit unterstützen: http://paypal.me/AlexanderEhrlich1979
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🇮🇹 Innovative agriculture
February 3rd, 2022 - at 09 : 54 hrs CET (AM)

When I last visited Italy, I didn't only demonstrate. I also inspected a very innovative #aquaponics #greenhouse. Three times higher harvest than conventional #agriculture, no chemicals, no pesticides, 95% less water and energy consumption than usual. And the food produced there is more tasty too!

👀 Preview: https://twitter.com/ehrlichetweets/status/1489159685110439937

💚 This is how a #sustainable and green future can look like. Documentary with interview coming soon.

Warm greetings,
Alexander Ehrlich
Media is too big
🇮🇹 #Bauernproteste in Italien / #FarmersProtest in Italy
ab 22.01.2024 / from January 24th, 2024

Hier der Aufruf eines Ziegenzüchters und seiner #Ziege aus #Sizilien: "Aufstehen gegen ein System elitärer Klassen, die sowohl die #Landwirtschaft als auch vieles mehr zu zerstören drohen!"

Here is the call from a goat farmer and his #goat from #Sicily: "Stand up against a system of elitist classes that threaten to destroy #agriculture and much more!"

Read more here:

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Liebe Grüße,
Alexander Ehrlich
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