❤️ Alexander Ehrlich 🇦🇹🇩🇪🇮🇹🇫🇷 #BauernProteste #FarmersProtest #AgriculteursEnColere
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Grundrechtsaktivist in 🇩🇪/🇦🇹/🇮🇹, Christ, Pazifist, Anhänger Voltaires.

Schwerpunkte: Medienanalyse, Framing & Deframing, Geschichte, Strategie, Taktik & Logistik, Teamwork der APO.

Medienarbeit unterstützen: http://paypal.me/AlexanderEhrlich1979
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🌍🇩🇪 Victory!!!
April 7th, 2022 at 13 : 45 hrs CET

Vaxx mandate in Germany, the center of the pandemic where all the testing came from, failed!!

A reason to celebrate, to be happy and to be proud. For all of us who are friends of freedom, peace, human rights and constitutionality! 🕊❤️

If we can make it there, we'll make it everywhere!

🗽 The world of the future WILL be a free world!! 🗽

#NoVaxxMandate #NoGreenPass #NoNWO

Warm greetings,
Alexander Ehrlich
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