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🇺🇸/🌎 Brighteon Broadcast News, Oct 20, 2023 - Are you on the right side of history?

- Dr. Francis Boyle: "Israel is committing Nazi war crimes" - full interview
- Israel's war crimes bombing runs are KILLING CHRISTIANS, not merely Muslims
- Why Israel may not survive the course of events it is foolishly setting into motion
- Alarming intel from Lebanon about the intentions of Hezbollah
- Why America's military might cannot protect Israel from the "sea of Arabs" that surround it
- Victims of South Africa's apartheid speak out against Israel's ethnic cleansing of Palestinians
- Greek orthodox church in Gaza BOMBED by Israel as Christians are wounded and killed
- Israel threatens to bomb 20+ more hospitals - a WAR CRIME under UN conventions
- Why "Zionist Neocon Warmongers" are determined to bring the world into a state of TOTAL WAR
- If you care about Israel's existence, you must call for PEACE, not war
- Those cheerleading for WAR are the real anti-Semites because their actions will result in the annihilation of Israel

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🇮🇱 #IsraelWAR
The biggest story in the world right now that almost NO ONE is covering, including across the alt media:
Israel absolutely RIGGED the Oct 7th Hamas incursion, standing down to allow it to happen, in order to justify the Genocide currently under way to slaughter Palestinians and steal Gaza for Israel.
Gen. Flynn has confirmed this in a recent interview with Jeffrey Prather.
Bottom line: The neocon/Zionist deep state that ran 9/11 also ran Oct. 7.

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🇮🇱 #IsraelWAR
According to this article, “Christian Zionists” in the USA believe that Israel's Holy War to wipe out the Palestinians is a prerequisite for the return of Christ.
Thus, they literally believe that carrying out Genocide is being OBEDIENT TO GOD.

Go figure:CUFI is but one of many organizations throughout American history that have promoted the state of Israel and Zionism on the grounds that a Jewish ethnostate in Palestine is a requirement for the fulfillment of end-times prophecy and necessary for Jesus Christ to return to Earth — an event Christians often refer to as “the Second Coming.””

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Media is too big

State of Palestine in the Bible (1905) this is BEFORE the Masonic infiltration.

The BOLSHEVIK JEWS killed their own kind to impose control and move forward in their Zionist AGENDA.

Learn the RIGHT HISTORY!☝️

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🇮🇱 #IsraelWAR
Israeli journalist Eddie Cohen says Gaza doesn't need electricity because the nights are illuminated by the fiery bombings that light up the sky. No doubt he will next suggest that Gaza doesn't need telephones either because the night air is already filled with the screams of children being buried alive in the rubble. These are some truly sick, twisted, psychopathic Zionists.

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🔥Your 📺 Tell-Lie-Vision will never show you this❗️

Meet Miko Peled, 🇮🇱 Israeli activist and author born in Jerusalem who grew up in a prominent Zionist family, and is the son of an Israeli Army General.

Miko Peled joined Israel’s Special Forces after high school and earned the red beret.

In 1997, Peled’s 13-year-old niece Smadar was murdered in a Palestinian suicide terror attack in Jerusalem.

Listen to what he has to say.


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⚠️ Meanwhile in 🇮🇱 卐 Israel ...
Here's you next Example of TERRORISTIC
Order Followers in Action.

Israeli police on Wednesday raided the anti-Zionist Jewish neighborhood in occupied Jerusalem to take down Palestinian flags and brutally attacked anti-Zionist Jews, knocking them down on the road, hitting, and punching them in the face.

☝️ALL Order Followers are SCUM, TRASH, FILTH (pick the one you can live with)‼️

CHANGE my Mind

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🇺🇸/🇮🇱 Flasback to 2017: Anti-Zionist Hasidic Jews at Brooklyn’s Barclays Center Protesting Israel’s efforts to draft ultra-Orthodox Jewish men into the army:

- We have no part in their wars! We have no part in the state of Israel! The state of Israel is the head of impurity! We declare to all God fearing Jews to separate from them, the feel in the heart a hatred against Zionism!... We will continue to fight the battle of God against Zionism!

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🇺🇸/🌎 Brighteon Broadcast News, Nov 6, 2023 - The Luciferian plot to destroy Christianity, Islam and Judaism in a global nuclear Apocalypse

- Israel is taking significant losses in armor as Hamas fighters hit them a point blank range
- Israel's "Iron Dome" is failing as missiles lose guidance and return to strike Israel itself 😂
- Freemason Albert Pike wrote letter in 1871 predicting THREE world wars:👇
- World War III would involved Zionists and Islamists destroying each other
- Christians CATHOLICS would be devastated to see Israel destroyed, losing faith in God
- Western nations to be economically and morally exhausted
- The "Rapture" 🥴 was invented in the mid-1800s by John Nelson Darby
- Rapture appears nowhere in the Bible; EXACTLY !
- Christians aren't going to be physically lifted into the sky to meet God
- At this moment, 👺Lucifer seduces the world to turn to him☝️
- Many disillusioned Christians CATHOLICS turn to Lucifer and Christianity suffers greatly

- TODAY'S NEWS: Israel bombs a major university in Gaza as atrocities continue
- Top Israeli government official suggests dropping a nuclear BIG Bomb on Gaza
- Mass migration of Muslims into western countries is part of the plan for causing strife
- This is why the U.S. southern border is kept wide open

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🇮🇱 #IsraelWAR
🔯 Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss from the anti-Zionist Jewish group Naturei Karta sat down with RT’s Sofya Nunes to discuss the differences between Judaism and Zionism amidst the latest escalation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The Anti-Defamation League named Naturei Karta one of the most influential anti-Israel groups. Rabbi Weiss explains what drives him and other members of the group to rebel against the common narrative.

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And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular – but one must take it simply because it is right.
{Martin Luther King. Jr.}

🇺🇸/🌎 It is with great sadness that now, after ample time and many opportunities to issue a condemnation of violence against the Palestinian people, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has clearly decided he will side with the Zionists.
[I have already proven in various posts that he is not what he claims to be!]

I have reluctantly concluded that RFK, Jr. is a Zionist puppet, beholden to a lawless regime that respects no human rights, no international law and no rights of the oppressed. It is bewildering to me that a man who could speak with such courage and truth about the vaccine damage of children cannot condemn military bombing violence again children.
His continued silence at this moment in history is an indictment of not only his campaign for election, but of Children's Health Defense (CHD) as well. What could be more important to the health of a child than to protect them from the indiscriminate bombing of hospitals and refugee camps carried out by a genocidal Israeli government? At this moment in history, to choose to side with Israel's GENOCIDE, is to side with darkness, death and suffering.
I believe RFK's presidential campaign is over. He will find no further support from independent-minded people who genuinely care about humanity. Many other former supporters of RFK, Jr. share my disappointment. Read the words of Edward Curtin here: https://is.gd/Epistle_toBobby

As ALWAYS: ☝️Better think TWICE, who you worship/ follow❗️

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🌎 [666, Bible, Jesus Christ, End Times, Revelation]
Deceived Christian CATHOLIC(!) Zionists demand a BLOOD RITUAL of death to summon the return of Christ

If you think your god requires mass killing to be summoned back, you're probably worshiping Lucifer, not Christ...

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🇺🇸/🇮🇱 Jo Bai Den: "I am a Zionist."

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🇺🇸/🌎 To any American "Christians" still supporting the Zionist crimes against humanity in Gaza, remember that when the “American Nakba” gets under way, as millions of military-aged illegals are activated to carry out mass extermination of the population and infrastructure sabotage across the United States, and as you are being hunted and targeted in your own homes by the occupying enemy combatants who were allowed to flow across the open border by the millions, the mainstream media will do to you exactly what they are doing to the Palestinians: They will pretend you deserved it, and they will report that mass extermination of the American people is an act of “equality” for the world. Your cries will go unheard and unreported. Any act of resistance on your part will be denounced as “terrorism.” Before long, your homes, churches, schools and monuments will be bulldozed into rubble, then swept away and replaced by new communities for the imported replacements who carried out the genocide against you. History will be rewritten to state that the “oppressors” were finally defeated and that “equity” and “justice” have finally prevailed, and any trace memory of you, your family, your values or your history will be erased, then forgotten. This is what awaits each of you who applauded genocide in 2023, for you likely won't have long to wait before you become the target of the very acts of violence you foolishly advocated. Put another way, if the world won't denounce Israel's ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people, it surely won't intervene when the American population is being exterminated and replaced by new occupiers, either.

And that day is much closer than most people realize.

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The PLANdemic brought out the best and worst in people, revealing their true colors. The below video highlights this point marvelously by showing the true ugliness of ultra-Zionist supremacist Ben Sheepiro of The Daily Wire in comparison to Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan.

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⚠️ Meanwhile in 🇺🇸 ☭America...
The Israel-funded U.S. Senate is cooking up a new ADL-backed law that will effectively criminalize any speech that tells the truth about Israel's Genocide against Gaza and Palestinians.

This is 💯% 🔯 Jewish-run speech tyranny so that Zionists can continue their crimes against humanity while painting their critics as "anti-Semites."
If you want to know who's in charge, just remember who you're not allowed to criticize: https://is.gd/NOcriticism_allowed_here

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⚠️ Meanwhile in 🇺🇸 ☭ 卐 America...
Frightening new law coming to install Zionist THOUGHT POLICE on every college campus across America
☝️NOT a joke❗️

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