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🇺🇸 What if EVERYTHING you've ever been told is a LIE?
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🇬🇧 Top UK Cardiologist, Dr. Aseem Malhotra just went Off Script LIVE on BBC news, calling for immediate suspension of Covid mRNA shots. The Shocked news anchor's reaction is priceless as she tries unsuccessfully to stop him... 👉 FACTS vs. LIES!
🫀Kardiologe Dr. Aseem Malhotra erklärt BBC News, dass COVID-19 mRNA-Impfstoffe wahrscheinlich Übersterblichkeit verursachen‼️

🇬🇧💉Dr. Aseem Malhotra konnte am Freitag, 13. Januar 2023 gegenüber der BBC erklären, dass der mRNA-Impfstoff COVID-19 wahrscheinlich zu den überzähligen kardiovaskulären Todesfällen beiträgt und dass die Markteinführung sofort ausgesetzt werden sollte, bis eine Untersuchung durchgeführt wurde (Video ab Minute 3)

Dr. Aseem Malhotra tweetete im Anschluss: „Wir haben es in die Mainstream Medien geschafft‼️

Quelle: HIER

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Montagnier said it, the BBC admits it:
☝️they use HIV to make the covid vaccine‼️

🔥💣BOMBSHELL: This could be HUGE!

A complaint against Pfizer pharmaceutical was filed to the UK’s Prescription Medicines Code of Practice Authority (PMCPA), the regulator responsible for policing promotions of prescription medicines in the UK.

The complaint centered on an interview that was conducted by a medical editor at the BBC, in which Pfizer’s CEO Albert Bourla made comments that were “misleading” about COVID shots for children. On December 2, 2021, this interview also appeared on the BBC website under the category “Health.”

‼️Die BBC beteiligte sich an der Angstkampagne, die Großbritannien gefangen hielt (Es war ein Drehbuch das Weltweit umgesetzt wurde)

Minister und Rundfunkanstalten behandelten den Kampf gegen das Virus wie einen Krieg und rechtfertigten damit die Abschaltung aller Andersdenkenden

Es ging nicht um Wissenschaft, es ging um Politik. Das war offensichtlich, sobald die Regierung anfing, über die Befolgung der Wissenschaft zu sprechen, als ob es sich dabei um eine feststehende, offenbarte Wahrheit handelte. Niemand, der etwas von Wissenschaft versteht, könnte so etwas sagen, es sei denn, er wäre an einer absichtlich irreführenden Kampagne zur öffentlichen Nötigung beteiligt.

Die schiere Absurdität und Sinnlosigkeit so vieler Einschränkungen des normalen Lebens hätte das Spiel verraten müssen: Dieses Programm wurde entwickelt, um Angst zu machen, nicht um zu informieren, und um Zweifel oder Skepsis als moralisch unverantwortlich erscheinen zu lassen - was genau das Gegenteil dessen ist, was Wissenschaft tut. Aber diejenigen von uns, die all dies damals anprangerten, protestierten nicht nur gegen einen intellektuellen Verrat - die Demontage einer Tradition des offenen Arguments und der rationalen Debatte, die die moderne Welt hervorgebracht hatte.

Was hier - oft mit atemberaubender Leichtfertigkeit - angetastet wurde, waren die Bedingungen, die das Leben erkennbar menschlich machen: die Intimitäten und Bindungen, die die Währung für persönliche Beziehungen und emotionale Gesundheit sind. Vieles davon ging weit über das hinaus, was wir gemeinhin als autoritär ansehen: Selbst die ostdeutsche Stasi verbot Kindern nicht, ihre Großeltern zu umarmen, oder verbot sexuelle Beziehungen zwischen Menschen, die in verschiedenen Haushalten lebten. 🇬🇧Hier der Artikel in Englisch und 🇩🇪 hier von Google übersetzt.

🥴Idiocracy at its highest level‼️


👉 FACTS vs. LIES! 😎
🥴Idiocracy at its highest level‼️ Elon Musk GRILLS RETARDED BBC Reporter 🤣Delicious! 📽►https://bit.ly/41oJfS6 📽►[Backup] 👉 FACTS vs. LIES! 😎
Media is too big
WATCH Elon Musk asking the DUMBEST Reporter (James Clayton) EVER:
"Does the BBC hold itself at all responsible for misinformation regarding masking and side effects of the vaccinations, and not reporting on that at all?"

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🇬🇧/🌎 English botanist and environmental campaigner, David Bellamy, was axed by the BBC for telling the truth about the anthropogenic Climate Change🥴 scam.

BitChute | Odysee
🇺🇸/🇬🇧 The BBC tried to discredit the film ‘Died Suddenly,’ inviting Stew Peters for an interview. They messed with the wrong guy. Naturally, they didn’t air the real interview, but Stew and his crew recorded the whole thing, and have aired it in full.

👍 Watch as Stew absolutely ANNIHILATES the BBC!!!🫠
Stew handled this like an absolute champion. One of the best interviews I’ve seen to date! 🥊🥊🥊

BitChute | Odysee
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"Ein Hummer wäre umweltfreundlicher als das 🚴🏻‍♂️Rad!"
Britischer Publikumsliebling Jeremy Clarkson erzählt uns vom Londoner Verkehrskonzept

Das Gute beim ehemaligen BBC-Star Jeremy Clarkson ist:
Selbst wenn er sich über Missstände aufregt, ist er immer noch sehr unterhaltsam.😜

👉 Was sind die Grünen für Grüne, die ewig alte Bäume fällen wollen, um mit dem Fahrrad Avocados zu holen?

🇬🇧 "A Humvee would be more environmentally friendly than the🚴🏻‍♂️ bike!"
British crowd favorite Jeremy Clarkson tells us about the [green] London traffic concept.

BitChute | Odysee
📽►https://tinyurl.com/2qyu7mo4 ⚠️ Meanwhile in 🇬🇧 the UK ... The BBC becomes the new arbiter of truth by launching BBC Verify. [As if they didn't partake in disinformation themselves] 👉 FACTS vs. LIES! ☉ BitChute | Odysee
🇬🇧 Do you remember this Bitch!? (I reported on her back in May '23).
HERE WE GO, Miss "Verify" 🤮🥴👇

So, the disinformation specialist lied on her CV.

Her explanation?

“She said her only explanation was her 'desperation to report out in Moscow' and thinking it would 'wouldn't be a big deal', which she admitted was 'naïve and stupid'.”

In other words, she thought lying was fine so long as it helped her accomplish her goals.

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🇮🇱 #IsraelWAR
🇬🇧 Miracle of "Democracy"🫠

The Israeli government closes the branch in Israel of the Qatari television station Al-Jazeera, which has been actively reporting on the conflict.

In addition, the Israeli president ["We FEEL that, ehh..."] is literally putting pressure on British Prime Minister [🤖 Robot/Clone/whatever] Rishi Sunak to influence the work of the BBC, which also reports on the situation in the region-but "not properly" in his eyes.

Komm, labere mir MEHR von "Demokratie"🥴

🇩🇪 Wunder der "Demokratie"

Die israelische Regierung schließt die Niederlassung des katarischen Fernsehsenders Al-Jazeera in Israel, der aktiv über den Konflikt berichtet hat.

Darüber hinaus übt der israelische Präsident buchstäblich Druck auf den britischen Premierminister Sunak aus, um die Arbeit der BBC zu beeinflussen, die ebenfalls über die Lage in der Region berichtet - in seinen Augen allerdings "nicht richtig".

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🇮🇱 #IsraelWAR
❗️Schmeiss endlich deinen 💩SCHEISS 📺 Fernseher weg!

..und jetzt die 🇩🇪 Tages🐽SAU...


Schaut euch den 🤥 Bericht der Tagesschau im ARD Das Erste über die Freilassung der Geiseln an. Hört euch an, was die Reporterin erzählt und dann hört euch an, was die Tochter der freigelassenen Geisel [Lifshitz] auf Englisch bei BBC News in Wirklichkeit erzählt. Und dann bildet euch eure eigene Meinung dazu, wie wir von den von uns finanzierten Medien belogen und manipuliert werden. Und wenn ihr das getan habt, macht euch mal darüber Gedanken, welche Lügen uns seit Jahren immer wieder erzählt werden.
Sei es Covid, der Ukrainekrieg, der 11. September, oder, oder, oder…

‼️So, WHO are actually the 'Animals' here⁉️
{ just asking...🤔}

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Die politisch korrekte Ideologie beschränkt sich nicht darauf, die Gegenwart zu zerstören. Sie will auch gleich noch die Vergangenheit manipulieren:

In Großbritannien, einem der Vorreiter dieses Wahns, behauptet eine BBC-Kindersendung ernsthaft, die „Ur-Briten” seien seit der Steinzeit schwarz gewesen. 😵‍💫
Es ist nicht die einzige PC-konforme Geschichtsklitterung.

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🇬🇧 An important video from Neil Oliver.

Perhaps the most important thing about it is this.

That JFK wasn’t killed by a lone gunman but by an arrangement which involved US government actors (the CIA) and others is no longer even disputed by government spooks. Nobody is de-platformed for saying this.

As Neil himself often says, “Here’s the thing”. This cannot be overstated.

Those who react to suggestions that there’s something going on behind the claimed pandemic or about the claimed human induced climate change crisis with cries of “Conspiracy theorist!” need to take a long, cool look at the last 60 years, at least.

What we have, even that far back in November 1963 in Dallas, Texas, is proof that senior elements in the US administration had no compunction in murdering an elected US President, for whatever reasons they had. The reasons are now immaterial in a sense, because it’s that murder of their fellow citizens is not a barrier for these people that is the key to what’s happening today.

One more thing. Blair lied to the British people and to parliament and the BBC aided & abetted him, in getting U.K. to join an illegal war in Iraq. He claimed that Hussein had weapons of mass destruction that he could launch with notice no greater than 45 minutes.

President Bush led off & U.K. armed forces joined in the destruction of a sovereign nation. Nobody thinks it’s a safer place for it’s people or it’s neighbouring countries either. Hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians have predictably been killed, murdered by our lying leaders, lying right into our faces. The UN declared that war illegal. There isn’t any dispute about it.

So here we have at least two cases where we can be absolutely certain that officialdom lied to its own people about something so momentous that people were thereby killed. Deliberately. For whatever purposes.

So when people like me tell anyone who’ll listen that the mRNA / DNA based injections were designed intentionally to cause injury and death, why would you not at least listen and demand the evidence, which I’ve often given?

Similarly, when those skilled in the science and practice of assessing climate & how it changes over time, and tell us that we’re being lied to about the importance of CO² in this equation and that there’s no sign whatsoever of a crisis, now or imminently, why would one not at least consider the possibility that we’re being lied to, purposes unknown, by numerous authority figures?

You’d be very stubborn not to at least be alive to the possibility that you are being lied to by government and their agents. You’re off the foot of the “ladder of disbelief”. You know that politicians lie and that powerful people plot to their advantage.

All that’s being asked of you is that take a deliberately long, questioning look at both claimed pandemics as well as “safe and effective vaccines”, rustled up in an impossible timescale. All past vaccines took six or more years to bring to market and that was with skimpy clinical trials and readily mastered scaled up manufacturing. These unprecedented gene based injections are complex to manufacture and career experts in this niche of the pharmaceutical sector confirm it’s absolutely impossible that they did what they’ve said they did.

Also do the same with Climate Change🥴, examining particularly papers on polar ice cores, which have repeatedly shown us that temperature changes preceded changes in CO², over & again, meaning CO² cannot be the major driver that you’re told it is.

There’s more, but these are the brutal shoves being used to herd us into pens, such as “vaccine passports” from WHO and 🚧15 minute cities from the UN, for purposes I don’t intend to elaborate on here.

Nobody is coming to save us. Nobody.

Please, do not sign up for Digital 🆔 or vaccine passports. Don’t stop using cash.

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🇬🇧 Maryam Moshiri leistete sich am Mittwoch während einer Live-Sendung einen Eklat! Die BBC-Chefnachrichtensprecherin streckte während der Sendung für kurze Zeit ihren Mittelfinger ins Bild, ehe sie mit ernster Miene die aktuellen News präsentierte...

Sachen gibt's

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⚠️ Meanwhile in 🇬🇧 the UK...
☝️NOT a Joke: Welcome to the UK where it’s now official government policy that you CAN’T publish “misinformation”, but The Guardian, the BBC, Disney and Netflix CAN.🤡

Yes, it’s true – the recently signed “Online Safety Act” brands the publication of “false information” a criminal offense punishable by up to a year in prison

unless... you’re an M-💩-M outlet, when it’s totally fine.🫠

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Media is too big
⚠️ Meanwhile in 🇺🇸 America...
🥳 Marjorie Taylor Greene tells Parasite Media BBC News Anchor Emily Maitlis to "f**k off" when she attempts to label her as a conspiracy theorist.

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