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🇩🇪 Was wenn ALLES, was dir je erzählt wurde, eine LÜGE ist?
❗️Abonniere NUR, wenn Du die Wahrheit ertragen kannst‼️

🇺🇸 What if EVERYTHING you've ever been told is a LIE?
❗️Subscribe O͟N͟L͟Y, if you CAN handle the Truth‼️

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Einer nach dem anderen VERRATEN sie ihre Völker! 🤮

Ernüchternde Neuigkeiten: Kopf der Brexit-Bewegung Nigel Farage wirbt ausgerechnet für Tony Blairs Massenimpfplan! Er sei der einzig "kompetente und respektable Kandidat" zur Durchsetzung des Impfprogramms.

Bislang galt Blair als vehementer Feind Farages (für das SchafsVolk 🐑, wohlgemerkt!)

So lassen die, Einer nach dem anderen ihre Masken fallen...
💥Im März 2020 erschien auf der Seite des BMI ein Strategiepapier zur Bekämpfung der Corona-Pandemie.

Lange Zeit unbekannt waren die Autoren dieses Dokumentes, doch nun ist klar:
☝️Kein einziger dieser Autoren hat einen beruflichen Schwerpunkt in Epidemiologie, Infektiologie, Immunologie oder Virologie❗️

Im Papier und auch in Artikeln der SZ ist immer wieder die Rede von „Hammer & The Dance
- Was hat es damit auf sich?
- Wer ist der Verfasser von „Hammer & The Dance?
- Was sind die Forderungen in dem Papier und was davon ist eingetroffen?

Die Verbindungen reichen bis nach Silicon Valley. Das Unternehmen, für welches der Verfasser arbeitet, ist eng verbunden mit den Obamas, Gates und Tony Blair. Darüber hinaus unterstützt das Unternehmen „WhenWeAllVote“ von Michelle Obama. Gibt es also sogar eine Verbindung zu den US-Wahlen 2020?

👉 https://youtu.be/-v7ODyTk_wM
🇩🇪 Massenmörder und Kriegsverbrecher Tony Blair 🇬🇧 schlägt vor das ungeimpfte noch eingesperrt bleiben sollen‼️

Während eines Interviews mit ITV News wurde der immer noch frei rumlaufenden Kriegsverbrecher gefragt, ob er den 21. Juni hinauszögern würde, wenn alle sozialen Distanzierungen, Maskengebote und andere Lockdown-Regeln zu Ende gehen sollen.
👉 Video Interview

Blair sagte, dass, wenn die Daten darauf hindeuten, dass das Datum des 21. Juni gefährdet ist, die Regierung noch einmal darüber nachdenken sollte, zwischen den Menschen zu unterscheiden, die geimpft sind, und den Menschen, die nicht geimpft sind, weil es wirklich keinen Sinn macht, die beiden Gruppen so zu behandeln, als ob sie gleich wären.

🇺🇸 Mass murderer and war criminal Tony Blair suggests that the unvaccinated should remain locked up!
During an interview with ITV News, the still-roaming war criminal was asked if he would delay June 21st when all social distancing, masking laws and other lockdown rules were to come to an end.
Media is too big
▶️ The Blair Witch [id] Project...

🇬🇧 War criminal and mass murderer Tony Blair on 06.06.2021

"The world is going to move to biometric IDs (vaccination passports), and they're going to do it because it's ultimately better for people ... because it's going to make it easier to access government services."

🇩🇪 Kriegsverbrecher und Massenmörder Tony Blair am 06.06.2021

"Die Welt wird zu biometrischen Ausweisen (Impfpässen) übergehen, und sie werden es tun, weil es letztendlich besser für die Menschen ist ... weil es den Zugang zu staatlichen Dienstleistungen erleichtern wird."

🇺🇸 Show this Video to every one who calls you a Conspiracy Theorist!


🇩🇪 Zeige dieses Video jedem, der Dich Verschwörungstheoretiker nennt!

Bill Clinton (or) Bill Gates (does it really make a Difference?) knows what's best. I am a good 'global citizen.' Global Government is the only way humanity can be saved. Bush and Blair are heros, Assange and Snowden are criminals and communism is the only logical way forward....
Greetings from Aldous Huxley & George Orwell❗️

🇮🇱 #IsraelWAR
‼️Israel is seeking to install former British prime minister Tony Blair as a "humanitarian coordinator" for the Gaza Strip. 😵‍💫

A sociopath in charge of humanitarian efforts? You must be kidding me! 😆

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🇬🇧 An important video from Neil Oliver.

Perhaps the most important thing about it is this.

That JFK wasn’t killed by a lone gunman but by an arrangement which involved US government actors (the CIA) and others is no longer even disputed by government spooks. Nobody is de-platformed for saying this.

As Neil himself often says, “Here’s the thing”. This cannot be overstated.

Those who react to suggestions that there’s something going on behind the claimed pandemic or about the claimed human induced climate change crisis with cries of “Conspiracy theorist!” need to take a long, cool look at the last 60 years, at least.

What we have, even that far back in November 1963 in Dallas, Texas, is proof that senior elements in the US administration had no compunction in murdering an elected US President, for whatever reasons they had. The reasons are now immaterial in a sense, because it’s that murder of their fellow citizens is not a barrier for these people that is the key to what’s happening today.

One more thing. Blair lied to the British people and to parliament and the BBC aided & abetted him, in getting U.K. to join an illegal war in Iraq. He claimed that Hussein had weapons of mass destruction that he could launch with notice no greater than 45 minutes.

President Bush led off & U.K. armed forces joined in the destruction of a sovereign nation. Nobody thinks it’s a safer place for it’s people or it’s neighbouring countries either. Hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians have predictably been killed, murdered by our lying leaders, lying right into our faces. The UN declared that war illegal. There isn’t any dispute about it.

So here we have at least two cases where we can be absolutely certain that officialdom lied to its own people about something so momentous that people were thereby killed. Deliberately. For whatever purposes.

So when people like me tell anyone who’ll listen that the mRNA / DNA based injections were designed intentionally to cause injury and death, why would you not at least listen and demand the evidence, which I’ve often given?

Similarly, when those skilled in the science and practice of assessing climate & how it changes over time, and tell us that we’re being lied to about the importance of CO² in this equation and that there’s no sign whatsoever of a crisis, now or imminently, why would one not at least consider the possibility that we’re being lied to, purposes unknown, by numerous authority figures?

You’d be very stubborn not to at least be alive to the possibility that you are being lied to by government and their agents. You’re off the foot of the “ladder of disbelief”. You know that politicians lie and that powerful people plot to their advantage.

All that’s being asked of you is that take a deliberately long, questioning look at both claimed pandemics as well as “safe and effective vaccines”, rustled up in an impossible timescale. All past vaccines took six or more years to bring to market and that was with skimpy clinical trials and readily mastered scaled up manufacturing. These unprecedented gene based injections are complex to manufacture and career experts in this niche of the pharmaceutical sector confirm it’s absolutely impossible that they did what they’ve said they did.

Also do the same with Climate Change🥴, examining particularly papers on polar ice cores, which have repeatedly shown us that temperature changes preceded changes in CO², over & again, meaning CO² cannot be the major driver that you’re told it is.

There’s more, but these are the brutal shoves being used to herd us into pens, such as “vaccine passports” from WHO and 🚧15 minute cities from the UN, for purposes I don’t intend to elaborate on here.

Nobody is coming to save us. Nobody.

Please, do not sign up for Digital 🆔 or vaccine passports. Don’t stop using cash.

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🇬🇧/🌎 [Agenda 2030, CBDC, Digital 🆔, Social Credit System]
I’m sure you don’t need persuading that Sir Tony Blair is a dangerous person and someone who’s ruthlessly yet plausibly been influencing British & other people for 25 years.

I regard him as a complete crook, a globalist’s pet & someone to ignore.
Whatever he wants, I recommend against it.😎

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