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🇩🇪 Was wenn ALLES, was dir je erzählt wurde, eine LÜGE ist?
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🇺🇸 What if EVERYTHING you've ever been told is a LIE?
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▶️ The Blair Witch [id] Project...

🇬🇧 War criminal and mass murderer Tony Blair on 06.06.2021

"The world is going to move to biometric IDs (vaccination passports), and they're going to do it because it's ultimately better for people ... because it's going to make it easier to access government services."

🇩🇪 Kriegsverbrecher und Massenmörder Tony Blair am 06.06.2021

"Die Welt wird zu biometrischen Ausweisen (Impfpässen) übergehen, und sie werden es tun, weil es letztendlich besser für die Menschen ist ... weil es den Zugang zu staatlichen Dienstleistungen erleichtern wird."

🇬🇧 Never before has Informed Consent been so vital, with compulsory vaccines and vaccine passports being talked about the World over, its time the people heard both sides before deciding their future.
📽 https://tinyurl.com/y2d689ck

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Dr. Mike Yeadon talks about the growing Global medical tyranny and the severe dangers of the ever looming 💉vaccine passports.

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🇦🇺 Australia is quickly moving to implement the Global Digital ID (GDI) slave control grid. Simultaneously, the groundwork for nearly identical systems are being laid out in🇨🇦Canada and other countries around the world.

The Global Digital ID would enslave us to such a degree that we won't even have control over the food we put in our own mouths. They want to micro manage every aspect of our lives in the name of stopping climate change and protecting public health.

These GDI's use basically the exact same technology as the UN specced vax passports, and they appear to be set to replace vax passports in the near future (the Ontario government website explicitly states that the new Digital ID will be used to track vaccination status).

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🇨🇦 🧨Breaking: Saskatchewan Canada Premier Scott Moe Announces The End of The Vaccine Passport For His Province.

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🌎 WEF Known Traveller Digital Identity.

was the reason for the Vaccine Passport, to warm you up and integrate for Full Digital 🆔 all under the guise of 'your Safety'.

"16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
" [Rev 13:16-17]

🇺🇦Ukraine führt den 'Great Reset' ein‼️

Während Du wunderbar durch den 🇺🇦 #UkraineWAR abgelenkt wurdest, hat die Ukraine, als erstes Land der Erde, den Wunschtraum des WEF, das Sozialkreditsystem nach chinesischem Muster eingeführt!

Eine Sozialkredit-App, die das universelle Grundeinkommen (UBI), eine digitale 🆔 und einen Impfpass in ihrer Diia-App kombiniert.

Glaubst Du nicht? Guckst Du hier!

🇬🇧 Ukraine to implement the 'Great Reset'!

While you were wonderfully distracted by the 🇺🇦 #UkraineWAR, Ukraine became the first country in the world to implement the WEF's dream of a Chinese-style social credit system!

A Social Credit Application combining Universal Basic Income (UBI), a Digital 🆔 & a Vaccine Passport all within their Diia app.

You do not believe me? Have a look here!

Follow Diana Lenska 👉 https://odysee.com/@DianaLenska

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The 🇨🇳 Chinese Social Credit System: All You Need Is Vaccine Passports With More Functionality

"It Takes Literally 20 Minutes of Coding to Add"

- An Excelsior pass
- A score based on social media use
- Your political views
- Data that maps your relationship to the people you interact with

Dr. Naomi Wolf: "We're literally a 3 on a 10 of the Chinese social credit system when we accept vaccine passports, and then we get to 10 within 20 minutes of coding."

🌎 While the World Holocaust Organisation (WHO) pushes ahead with plans to enact a new or revised international PLANdemic preparedness treaty, the World Bank and other organizations are advancing new Vaccine Passport regimes...

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🌎 G20 to adopt Vaccine Passports using WHO standards

Let’s have a digital health certificate acknowledged by WHO… if you have been vaccinated or tested properly, then you can move around”, said the Indonesian health minister in Bali…

"...let's SHOOT YOU in your fucking Head!", I SAID!

🌎 G20 to adopt Vaccine Passports using WHO standards “Let’s have a digital health certificate acknowledged by WHO… if you have been vaccinated or tested properly, then you can move around”, said the Indonesian health minister in Bali… "...let's SHOOT YOU…
NOT a Joke: Jo Bai Den signed a G20 Bali Leaders’ Declaration pledging for America to adopt💉vaccine passports to “facilitate” international travel.

§ Paragraph 23 of the declaration explains that “facilitating seamless international travel” in the future will require “trusted global digital health networks that should capitalize and build on the success of the existing standard and digital COVID-19 certificates.
SOURCES: InfoWars & The White House

🇺🇸 Former Congresswoman Calls for Immediate Exit from the WHO

The vaccine passport system will not only be used for surveillance ... but also for the monitoring of an individual’s compliance with decisions and mandates made by the WHO.

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Inzwischen in 🇬🇧 Britannien... Neues Gesichtsverifikationssystem für die Eurostar-Bahn in London Eurostar, ein europäisches Bahnsystem, hat ein optionales Gesichtsverifikationssystem im Bahnhof St. Pancras in London eingeführt. Dabei wird eine App verwendet…
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⚠️Meanwhile in 🇨🇳 China...
From July, 20th, all passengers including kids must swipe their ID cards
(foreign kids swipe their passports) in order to take train/plane/cruise

Only if the passengers' faces match their IDs, they can pass checkpoint

Chinese government wants to know where you are in real time.

Isn’t this precisely aligned to one of my principal concerns?

That a form of digital ID will be used to intervene in numerous, routine acts of the citizen.

All that would then be required for the tyrannical regime I fear is coming is that your pass will remain “valid” only if you’re up to date with WHO-recommended, mRNA-formatted “vaccines”.

Even if none of the last 3.5y hadn’t happened, it would be completely unacceptable to subject law abiding citizens to this kind of intrusive “zero trust” coercion.

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🌎[Agenda 2030, CBDC, Digital 🆔, Social Credit System]
⚠️ Meanwhile in the 🇪🇺☭ EUSSЯ...

President of the European Central Bank, Christine Lagarde, announces the launch of the EU's central bank digital currency (CBDC)—the digital euro—which will enable unelected technoc🐀🐀 at the ECB to program how, when, where, on what and by whom it can be spent, including the imposition of social credit, carbon allowance and vaccine passport systems.

And despite the 🤥LIE that "Ca$h is here to stay", you can be absolutely certain that megalomaniacal technoc🐀🐀 such as Lagarde have every intention of gradually phasing out Ca$h altogether, so eventually people will be forced to use CBDCs whether they like it or not.

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🇬🇧 An important video from Neil Oliver.

Perhaps the most important thing about it is this.

That JFK wasn’t killed by a lone gunman but by an arrangement which involved US government actors (the CIA) and others is no longer even disputed by government spooks. Nobody is de-platformed for saying this.

As Neil himself often says, “Here’s the thing”. This cannot be overstated.

Those who react to suggestions that there’s something going on behind the claimed pandemic or about the claimed human induced climate change crisis with cries of “Conspiracy theorist!” need to take a long, cool look at the last 60 years, at least.

What we have, even that far back in November 1963 in Dallas, Texas, is proof that senior elements in the US administration had no compunction in murdering an elected US President, for whatever reasons they had. The reasons are now immaterial in a sense, because it’s that murder of their fellow citizens is not a barrier for these people that is the key to what’s happening today.

One more thing. Blair lied to the British people and to parliament and the BBC aided & abetted him, in getting U.K. to join an illegal war in Iraq. He claimed that Hussein had weapons of mass destruction that he could launch with notice no greater than 45 minutes.

President Bush led off & U.K. armed forces joined in the destruction of a sovereign nation. Nobody thinks it’s a safer place for it’s people or it’s neighbouring countries either. Hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians have predictably been killed, murdered by our lying leaders, lying right into our faces. The UN declared that war illegal. There isn’t any dispute about it.

So here we have at least two cases where we can be absolutely certain that officialdom lied to its own people about something so momentous that people were thereby killed. Deliberately. For whatever purposes.

So when people like me tell anyone who’ll listen that the mRNA / DNA based injections were designed intentionally to cause injury and death, why would you not at least listen and demand the evidence, which I’ve often given?

Similarly, when those skilled in the science and practice of assessing climate & how it changes over time, and tell us that we’re being lied to about the importance of CO² in this equation and that there’s no sign whatsoever of a crisis, now or imminently, why would one not at least consider the possibility that we’re being lied to, purposes unknown, by numerous authority figures?

You’d be very stubborn not to at least be alive to the possibility that you are being lied to by government and their agents. You’re off the foot of the “ladder of disbelief”. You know that politicians lie and that powerful people plot to their advantage.

All that’s being asked of you is that take a deliberately long, questioning look at both claimed pandemics as well as “safe and effective vaccines”, rustled up in an impossible timescale. All past vaccines took six or more years to bring to market and that was with skimpy clinical trials and readily mastered scaled up manufacturing. These unprecedented gene based injections are complex to manufacture and career experts in this niche of the pharmaceutical sector confirm it’s absolutely impossible that they did what they’ve said they did.

Also do the same with Climate Change🥴, examining particularly papers on polar ice cores, which have repeatedly shown us that temperature changes preceded changes in CO², over & again, meaning CO² cannot be the major driver that you’re told it is.

There’s more, but these are the brutal shoves being used to herd us into pens, such as “vaccine passports” from WHO and 🚧15 minute cities from the UN, for purposes I don’t intend to elaborate on here.

Nobody is coming to save us. Nobody.

Please, do not sign up for Digital 🆔 or vaccine passports. Don’t stop using cash.

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🌎⚠️WARNING🚨: World Holocaust Organisation's psychopathic MURDERER Tedros (WhatEverHisNameIs) is plotting to bring back "Vaccine Passports".

And they want to bring them back as "International Digitised Vaccine Certificates"

Their plan is that you won‘t be able to cross international borders unless you have submitted to inject into your body whatever the corrupt WHO demands.

While Labor & Liberal continue to suck up to the WHO - The United Australia Party says Tedros can shove his International Digitised Vaccine Certificates were the sun don’t shine.

By threatening the movement of people across international borders - the WHO should be declared a terrorist organisation‼️

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⚠️ Meanwhile in 🇫🇮 Finnland...
🌎 🔥💣BREAKING News❗️
‼️WHO Official Admits Vaccine Passports Have Been a Scam‼️
Testifying in a lawsuit, WHO’s leading vaccine expert said she advised against COVID vaccine passports as the vaccines did not stop transmission and gave a false sense of security.

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🇺🇸 Aaron Rodgers is a quarterback for the New York Jets and 4-time NFL Most Valuable Player. He's been canceled by the Left for his stance on vaccines, criticism of Jimmy Kimmel and general free-thinking.

He joins Tucker Carlson to discuss why he was canceled, the potentially fake vaccine passports in the NFL, why U.S. presidential candidate RFK Jr. asked him to be his VP, and more.

Watch the conversation here: https://is.gd/5kxUj0

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🇪🇺/🌎 [CBDC, Digital 🆔, Great Reset, Social Credit System, WEF]
🇬🇧 Unelected EU head, Ursula von der Slut, asserts the need for an EU-wide digital ID, "that any citizen can use anywhere in Europe, to do anything from paying your taxes to renting a bicycle".

But once your digital ID has been connected to the EU's incoming CBDC (which is programmable), you won't be able to rent a bicycle, or participate in society at all, if the unelected technocrats in charge of the EU decide you haven't been obedient enough, for whatever reason.

Maybe you didn't get all the required injections? Maybe you expressed the "wrong" opinion on social media? Or maybe you had the audacity to criticise the totalitarian EU regime?

Make no mistake: If digital ID and CBDCs are allowed to take root, unelected technocrats will be able to impose any arbitrary conditions they wish, to determine whether or not you are able to participate in society.

In other words, it's the vaccine passport on steroids.

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