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🇩🇪 Was wenn ALLES, was dir je erzählt wurde, eine LÜGE ist?
❗️Abonniere NUR, wenn Du die Wahrheit ertragen kannst‼️

🇺🇸 What if EVERYTHING you've ever been told is a LIE?
❗️Subscribe O͟N͟L͟Y, if you CAN handle the Truth‼️

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⚠️ Meanwhile in 🇸🇦 Saudi Arabia...
King Salman and his son Crown Prince Mohammed announced this morning the launch of an online donation campaign to benefit the people of Gaza. Together they donated 50 million rials (about $13 million). In the first hour, another $2.5 million was reportedly raised from local donors.

It should be noted that this donation is the only way the Saudis can express their identification with the Palestinians. Demonstrations are prohibited in Saudi Arabia.
Also, due to the close surveillance of social media, the vast majority of Saudis have refrained from expressing their opinions on the matter.

Full scale "Democracy", huh!? 😵‍💫

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⚠️ Meanwhile in 🇺🇸 ☭ N.Y.C. ...
They want our cities to degrade into poverty and chaos, immigration is the means and the excuse. Remember their motto is ‘Ordo ab Chao’, order from chaos.

Once criminality, poverty and homelesness reach unbearable proportions they will bring in their UBI (universal basic income) and their highly surveilled 🚧15 minute city prisons.

It's ALL planned, it's ALL scripted!☝️

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⚠️ Meanwhile in 🇮🇪 Ireland ... Dublin🔪stabbing horror: Witness reveals 'one kid fell to the ground, then another, then another' as five people including a woman are wounded when 'knifeman attacks group of young children' 🇩🇪 5 Menschen, darunter drei Schulkinder…
⚠️ Meanwhile in 🇮🇪 Ireland ...
‼️And here it is! Problem - Reaction - Solution! Just what they wanted to achieve 🤬🤬🤬

After anti-immigrant riots, the Irish prime minister announces plans for new legislation targeting online hate speech and the use of facial recognition technology.

It’s so easy, it works every time, all they need to do to further their plans of total control and surveillance, is create situations like these. All you need is a few ‘Antifa-‘type provocateurs and chaos is served with the subsequent measures restricting everyone’s freedom!

It's ALL planned, it's ALL scripted!☝️

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Article from 2013

The widespread surveillance of Spanish citizens by the US National Security Agency, which caused outrage when it was reported this week
was the product of a collaboration with Spain's intelligence services, according to one Spanish newspaper.

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☝️New research published in JAMA Oncology reveals that mammography is responsible for an astounding 84 percent higher rate of breast cancer deaths over a 20-year surveillance period‼️

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🇪🇺 Ab kommendem Juli werden in Europa weitere digitale Überwachungs- und Bevormundungssysteme Wirklichkeit:
Für jeden Neuwagen sind dann sogenannte Intelligent Speed Assistance (ISA) vorgeschrieben. Der Geschwindigkeitsassistent soll die Einhaltung von Tempolimits erzwingen, indem er den Fahrer durch einen Piepton, einen Warnhinweis oder Vibration auf Überschreitungen aufmerksam macht.

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🇺🇸 In 2006, US director and activist Aaron Russo was interviewed twice by investigative journalist Alex Jones before his death.
Russo explained that a member of the Rockefeller family, Nicholas Rockefeller, had given him information at the end of 2000 about the impending terrorist attacks of 9/11 and the war with Afghanistan and Iraq.
Nicholas Rockefeller had also explained to Russo the mechanisms of the New World Order planned by the highest financial oligarchy. The abolition of cash and total surveillance through microwave technology play a key role in this.
Both are currently being pushed forward with frightening vehemence...
🇩🇪 Im Jahr 2006 wurde der US-amerikanische Regisseur und Aktivist Aaron Russo vor seinem Tod zweimal vom Investigativ-Journalisten Alex Jones interviewt. Russo erklärte, dass ein Mitglied der Rockefeller-Familie, Nicholas Rockefeller, ihm Ende 2000 Informationen über die bevorstehenden Terroranschläge vom 11. September 2001 und dem Krieg mit Afghanistan und dem Irak preisgegeben hatte.
Nicholas Rockefeller habe Russo auch Wirkmechanismen der von höchster Finanzoligarchie geplanten Neuen Weltordnung erklärt. Darin spiele die Bargeldabschaffung und die Totalüberwachung durch Mikrowellentechnik eine Schlüsselrolle.
Beides wird aktuell mit erschreckender Vehemenz vorangetrieben...

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🇺🇸 WATCH this Interview to better understand, WHAT's going on in the World! 📽►https://is.gd/How1969Predicted2021 📽►[Backup] 👉 FACTS vs. LIES! ☉ Rumble | Odysee
☝️The key is what they do NOT say❗️

The Owners of the World wish to control the population (murder the world) and create a Slave Planet.

Politely, they wish to kill you and surveil you…for your own good, of course.

They may frame this as “we have to save the world” from pollution or "overpopulation" or Climate Change” or pandemics or terrorists…but their solutions must inevitably lead to Centralized Power through a global clearinghouse of sorts (UN/WHO/WEF), and this new Centralized Power Structure will be termed One World Government or New World Order or Build Back Better or something something Humanity…

If you’re not aware of “The Day Tapes”, I cannot recommend highly enough that you familiarise yourself with them. They contain much of not all of The Script that’s been closely followed during all of my adult life.
In 1969, at a doctors conference, a doctor gave an evening lecture to a group of doctors. The lecturer said no recordings of written notes to be taken.
Though what he said was apparently highly confidential, he also famously said “Everything is in place & nothing can stop it now”. In 1969.
A Dr Day gained a very detailed recollection of what the lecturer said. He divulged that recollection later as “The Day Tapes”.
🗞https://is.gd/9Hj4IP 👀

❗️Nothing in your life is real Nothing you know is true❗️
☝️❗️EVERYTHING is a LIE ‼️

It's time to

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Shall we take a look at Deputy Prime Minister Freeland? 🤔 With her Ukrainian roots, Canadian Finance Minister and WEF Director Chrystia Freeland played a key role in getting sanctions on Russia's central bank in place “The crisis is personal for Freeland.…
Davos 2016: $oro$ telling Justin Castro and C. Freeland how to wreck more lives with additional ☭ communist surveillance state❗️

Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland is a member of the World Economic Forum's Board of Trustees

KlausiBoy has made sure to place his disciples in places of power. 🤬🤮

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🌎 A Midwestern Doctor has put together a masterful and critically important article on the World Health Organization’s planned global power grab. ☝️This is required reading for every human being who doesn’t want to be a slave to a cruel one-world government which would control every single aspect of our lives.

The WHO is in the final stages of transforming themselves from a health advisory committee into a global health dictatorship - in every sense of the word. I mean this. They are seeking legally binding power to dictate the behavior of all the world’s population - in the name of “protecting our health.”
Just a few examples of how they would control us include dictating where we can travel, when we must quarantine, and what medical treatments we must (or may not) take. Of course, extreme surveillance and invasion of privacy is part of this package. As we saw in 2020, businesses and schools can be closed down, and economies and lives ruined, all in the name of “public health.” In reality, they seek to dictate much more about our lives than just those things...

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🌎 This Working Group [of properly stupid people together with some deeply evil creatures who know exactly what they’re doing] will define the next 10 years of global surveillance and of collective security when it comes to health emergencies and particularly high-impact epidemics...
Yet another Conspiracy theory becomes conspiracy fact😐

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🤨 Hypocrisy at its highest level‼️🤮
Elon Musk made hay of his legal battle against secret surveillance but continued selling X user data to a company that facilitates government monitoring.

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⚠️ Meanwhile in 🇺🇸 America...
Consider the timing of all this: On April 15th, 🫵YOU paid outrageous taxes to the federal government. Just four days later, on April 19th, that same government passes a FISA spying bill to spy 🫵YOU, using YOUR money to build an Orwellian domestic surveillance infrastructure that violates YOUR constitutional rights and treats 🫵YOU like a criminal suspect at every turn.
At the same time, this government approves $95 billion in handouts to 🇮🇱Israel and 🇺🇦Ukraine, all while literally waving the Ukrainian flag in the halls of Congress, cheering for Ukraine as they destroy the United States of America.

🫵 YOU have been conquered‼️You no longer have a country.

The real "insurrection" in America has been achieved, and it was carried out by the treasonous members of the U.S. Congress who are waging war against their own people. We now live under a corrupt, criminal cabal of "rulers" in Washington D.C. who are beholden ONLY to foreign interests, and far from being an "ally" of the United States, Israel is America's most dangerous parasitic enemy. Congress obediently answers to Israel, but never to the American people it claims to represent.

If The TRUMPET🎺 is elected again, he might as well just move the U.S. Capitol to Tel Aviv and let Bubu (Netanyahu) rule America like a military dictator, because that's exactly how things function right now anyway...
{just saying...☝️}

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Camerabuds will combine audio, video, and AI to form the ultimate surveillance capitalism data gathering tool, ✡️Breitbart reports.

If one is 🤪DUMB enough to put that 💩Shite into his/her Ears, despite my WARNINGs, then he/she DESERVE it!



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