Praying Medic
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Forwarded from Miranda
I have experienced the same where He sends the wisdom and knowledge of how to fix the problem I pray about. I prayed over my chicken coop after my hens started eating all their eggs and was given the wisdom for how to fix it. Now, the eggs He provides are so large, I can hardly close the egg cartons! Prayer works on chickens, too!
Forwarded from Teri Fusilier
Thanks for sharing Gods truths in tangible, easy to apply, ways. 2 years ago I woke up in the middle of the night. You were on live. I had had a skin rash on my leg for almost a year. You said: someone has a skin problem (yep) I believed the word was for me!! 1 week it was gone!! Praise God for my healing. The body of Christ at work! Amen🔥🔥🔥 healthy at 68 for 2 yrs. No jabs, no tests, just divine health🙏🏻💥💥💥
Hi Dave - just wanted to give you an update.

My eye continues to heal, it's substantially healed, only a little remains. The pain in my elbow came back slightly, it goes back & forth a bit, nothing like it was! I continue to pray & read the testimonials & am uplifted.

Interestingly, though, something else happened: I've been praying a lot for emotional healing & deliverance as a part of my overall healing. Part of the issue is trauma, both recent & past, in particular over an alcoholic sister that I had to cut off contact with 3 years ago bc of her abusive behavior toward me. This of course was traumatic, and the depth of my early trauma also became apparent.

I wasn't sure God was even hearing me, my symptoms would go & come back a little especially under stress or fatigue. Overall improvement & sometimes completely gone. A couple of days ago, an old memory came to mind of a time when I was 2 or 3 & my family left me at my aunt's while they went to the world's fair. I was asleep & when I woke up I was terrified & sobbing bc I didn't know where they were. I was left behind. I've never forgotten this - I immediately prayed for emotional healing and felt the Holy Spirit (love the Holy Spirit ❤️)

Unbeknownst to me, immediately following, my sister called & left a message inviting me for Christmas as if nothing had ever happened. Her number was blocked, there was no way for her to get through but she did. I took this as a message from God & called her. Long story short, she was sincerely apologetic & is on meds for bipolar. Still drinking however. While I'm a bit apprehensive, I will see her & her family - if nothing else, for reconciliation & closure for me. I don't have to be her best friend, but I do need to put this to rest for me.

I see this directly related to all my recent prayers for healing, forgiveness & deliverance. As I consider moving out west in the spring, this will give me reconciliation on moving ahead. So! An unexpected result of my quest for healing. And it's true, I rarely have prayed for me in the past, only for guidance & presence of the Holy Spirit. I now see the value in direct specific prayer, claiming our authority & who we are: God's beloved children.

Thank you very much for the teaching & I look forward to learning more & letting this deepen. Very much appreciate your continued prayers for me. I know you see me & I am not alone even when I am unsure.

Also, thanks for welcoming alternative healers to your chat, and encouraging them to try the Pepsi challenge. That's how I found Christ seven years ago - I had a deep spiritual life but was missing a key element, Christ & the Holy Spirit. It's so important to show that love & acceptance, that's what our Lord would do & did do with every breath.

Merry Christmas to you & Denise & God bless you both! I agree that the times ahead need healers of every sort & I am hungry for this, as so many are. Your chat reflects this & our desperate need for hope. I hope I, too, can help heal the broken hearted.

Forwarded from Mizz DEADPQQL
I've been reading these for a week or so now... its so encouraging & its food for the soul... being a spirit being possessing a soul that lives in a body the connection between all 3 are imparative... my soul has felt dead for some time now... maybe more run down is how I should describe it... reading these help... today I'm asking God to cover me & after reading that her sister was blocked & still got through... well ... only God could do that... God gave me a blessing a few days ago & even though it looked like challenges were always coming up he still made a way... I've asked for prayers here this week with a bad migraine & for me and my family... and I saw results where I never really could see that before... i ask for prayer that God sees me through today... its a small thing to others but means the world toe in this moment... praying for everyone right now 🙏🤍🙏 merry Christmas Eve everyone
Forwarded from We The Media (Sun Tzu ⭐️⭐️⭐️)
I know there are so many of you going through dark trials right now whether it’s divorce, sickness, Covid, broken families, loss of someone close to you…

There are many patriots going through the same heartache and loss. I am praying for you to sense God’s love, peace and presence over the next few days and going into 2022. I am praying for healing for you and for those you are close to.

I know it may be difficult but try and give some encouragement and spread joy to someone you know who is suffering silently this Christmas.

Tell them they are loved and remember how much God loves you. Think of the many blessings God has given you in this life. Write them down.

Remember what God did for you by sending His only Son, Jesus into this dark and evil world to become fully human while remaining fully God. He did this for you. You are loved more than you know!

Patriots you are all special people and you are what makes this Country so great!
I just got inspired to write a long-ish article that wouldn't really fit on Telegram, so I decided to start a Substack. I barely have my account set up yet and I don't have any plans to charge subscriptions at the moment. It's just a place where I can think through some things that are too big for the Telegram format. Maybe I'll do some more with it in the future. Consider having a peek if you're so inclined.

"I wanted to take a moment to analyze our current global struggle against totalitarian authoritarianism through the lens of game theory and hopefully convince you of the reassuring conclusion that darkness will always be at a fatal strategic disadvantage to light. Darkness can only operate in one strategic domain; the domain of darkness. If you expose its inner workings to the light, given enough time, it inevitably fails. Light however, can operate in the strategic domains of both light AND darkness; in fact, light, correctly applied, DESTROYS the ability of the darkness to operate at all."
Forwarded from Brooklyn Chick
I need to share something. Tonight on Xmas eve , I shared Dave’s healing info with my husband. I’ve been praying and using my authority to heal my husband’s chemo side effects. The side effects are horrible skin rashes on his body. I checked his back tonight and it has been better than I’ve ever seen it! Same exact chemo, same treatment same side effects. I told him I’ve been praying for him and he started to cry. I told him to use his own authority and not to ask but to command his own healing and to kill the cancer. I was so afraid he wouldn’t be receptive but he was! God Bless you Dave! I’ve asked you to pray for my husband several times and now we can use our authority and power! I’ve watched your Supernatural Saturday on healing and it has really helped. We will continue! Merry Christmas to all and God Bless all and God Bless Dave and Denise ❤️!
In addition to healing the disease, it's a good idea to heal the body from the side effects of treatment. Chemo damages the body, antibiotics sterilize the GI tract and cause other problems. As you pray for the condition to be healed, also pray for the side effects of the treatment to be reversed.
Merry Christmas everyone. 🎄 Jesus loves you!
Didn't get what you wanted for Christmas?

Moving into the next session at Holy Spirit University, you may see people leaving prophetic words in this channel. Scan the comments and look for a prophetic word with your name on it. Receive it if you want.
Merry Christmas!
Please bear in mind the purpose of prophecy:

"But one who prophesies strengthens others, encourages them, and comforts them."
1 Cor 14:3
When your wife knows the perfect gift.
Merry Christmas, frens! ❤️
From: Susie
Subject: Healing Cancer

Dear Dave,
In Feb 2021, our 3 year old daughter was diagnosed with a rare pediatric cancer. She was in the PICU for 2 weeks with a feeding tube, trach, and damage in her left eye.

I have been a Christian for as long as I can remember, but had been so turned off by the establishment church, that I had not pursued nor been interested in the hands on act of healing and miracles. My heart had hardened considerably after the death of my father to cancer in 2000 and my sister in 2006. I rarely cried after these things and my emotions were stagnant.

As I had been following you for a couple of years, my heart had begun to soften and the wonders of God, when revealed through words or song or action, began to bring this overwhelming sense of joy to my chest. My breath would be gone for a few seconds, and I would begin to weep without any control.

I never doubted for a second that my daughter would survive, and I began to lay hands on her for hours at a time while she lay in the PICU bed. I had a sense that God was holding my shoulders and sending this bright, warm light through my hands and into her little body; clearing away generational curses. I'd pray and claim healing until I wept, but these were tears of joy, not sadness or fear.

Her scans at 8 weeks showed an 80% tumor reduction and no active cancer, and her health continued to grow even though she was in treatment.

We were told that although her cancer may completely revolve, she would always have scar tissue that would show up on a scans. Even once we went home, I would lay hand on her whenever she would wake at night and instruct her body to break down that scar tissue. I also began instructing her eye to heal by rebuilding muscles and nerves (I have very little knowledge of the eye, so I just did my best). My daughter has now completed 45 weeks of treatment including 28 days of radiation, and looks healthier now than she did a year ago. Her latest scans not only show no cancer, but no scar tissue. Her eye is almost 100%.

For those who are wondering, a minor child must abide by the standard of care for things like cancer, so continuing to undergo treatment is not a choice for us. Nonetheless, I've become so confident that God can and does and desires to work through even the most complicated circumstances. We pray daily for our doctors and nurses and spread joy and love to all who we can reach while at the clinic.

I continue to learn and grow, and I thank you for your teachings.

A very Merry Christmas indeed, my friends. ❤️
Forwarded from ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter 🐸 (Pepe Lives Matter)
Merry Christmas anons. We've almost made it through a very challenging year and we did it together. We memed together, we held the line together, and we kept our faith together.
Proud of everyone.
I pray that God gives anons a flood of morale boosts in the months to come and may every deep state player get coal.
Lots of coal.
Have a blessed night Patriots.
You all have been such a blessing for me. Thank you and WWG1WGA.
Prophetic Thread

If you have a word for someone leave it here. If you're looking for a word, here's where to find it.
From: Emily
Subject: Divine Healing

Hi Dave,

As my hubby and I listen to peaceful Christmas music on Prescott AZ's "KAHM" station on this magical Christmas Eve, I wanted to let you know how much your work has touched me.

I've been on a 10 year spiritual journey that has taken me from Rhonda Byrne's "The Secret" series to books by her New Thought mentors of the early 1900s to books on healing and abundance by Catherine Ponder.

These books opened my eyes to God and the power of envisioning and commanding desired outcomes and healing. As a result, I witnessed three miracles in 2019, including the miraculous healing of my husband's terrifying Polymyalgia Rheumatica at the end of that year.

But it was the most recent part of my journey from Trump to Q and the Anons to the X22 Report to you and Tim Mackie that opened my eyes to Jesus and the Bible. I have read four of your books, and just as I wasn't sure why I bought Catherine Ponder's book on healing (it laid the foundation for me helping my husband), I wasn't sure why I bought your book on Divine Healing — until two months ago.

Then I discovered why: my beloved, angelic, sweetheart dog, Buddy, ingested a lethal dose of rat poison (bromethalin) that causes death by brain swelling and seizures and has no antidote. The veterinarians at Yavapai Emergency Animal Hospital told us — delicately — that he would be beyond hope if he had a seizure. Within an hour he had a grand mal seizure in the veterinarian's arms.

They put him in a medically induced coma to stop the seizures and he was in the ICU for 24 hours with a vet tech stationed by his head every single minute, monitoring and administering meds, swabbing his tongue and putting artificial tears in his eyes and endless other tasks through the day and night.

He was wired up to monitors, intubated, and hooked to an IV and catheters. His long tongue hung out limp on the operating table, his eyes were covered with a blindfold, and his ears were plugged to minimize stress.

It was heartbreaking to see this sweet boy who had been prancing around our yard a few hours earlier lying prone on the table, unconscious. He is only four, utterly dear, very polite, super smart and so full of life… He is a true angel who unexpectedly came to live with us and then changed our lives.

For 24 hours we prayed with what I can only describe as super-human force as our ragged, raw emotions spilled all over everywhere. We each prayed aloud as well as silently, my husband seated with his head in his hands and me pacing wildly all around the waiting room and on the walking paths outside the hospital.

I commanded a 100% recovery and couldn't even entertain a single thought of anything less. It was an extraordinary time. I look back and can't believe the forcefulness of my feelings and of my rejection of everything the vets were implying about Buddy's status. I thanked God repeatedly for reaching down and saving Buddy's life as if it had already happened.

As Buddy lay under blankets on the operating table between me and the lead vet (we were allowed in the triage room when it was quiet), I told her we would be witnessing a miracle from God. She had the saddest eyes as she listened to me and nodded. I told her the worst things in life often turn out to be the most important and best, although it can take years to see it. I don't know where those words came from, but it was a stream of consciousness voicing of something deep inside me.

Every veterinarian on the hospital staff was expecting us to have to put Buddy down… As each one came on for her shift through the day and night, she warned us that we would have to make some very difficult decisions very soon.

(Continued below)

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