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Forwarded from ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter 🐸 (Pepe Lives Matter)
Endurance creates humility in you. That pressure you feel is expanding your ability to endure and thus your humility. 
When we suffer in the right way, by refusing to give up on God's promises, we become beacons of light in this world.  
You may feel low and dim, but I assure you that heaven sees what you're going through and sees your faith shining.
Like a beacon on a hill.
Never give up.
You don't know how much longer it takes.
It could be any moment. And even if it's not in that next step.
You'll be one step closer to who God made you to be.
President Trump will hold a rally in Mesa Arizona
Sun, October 09, 2022
04:00 pm Arizona Time
Doors Open: 11:00 am

Legacy Sports Park
6321 S. Ellsworth Road
Mesa, AZ 85212

Forwarded from Claudia Pendlay
I apo;ogize for hijacking this thread but I don't know how else to let you know how much this video is helping me. Thank you Dave and Denise for all you do to teach us. I have been working with both your nervous system video and the emotional healing video and I just had a very special session. There are parts of my childhood that I either have trouble remembering or that I don't remember at all and I have asked the Holy Spirit to show me those memories. I have suffered with panick attacks since I was in 4th grade and have been working to try to get to the root causes of them. I have a memory of being around 5 and for some stupid reason I was hand plucking big garden spiders off the bushes and putting them in a Mayo jar, again for some stupid reason I took the lid off to look at them more closely. Of course the spiders all came flooding out of the jar all over me and I was terrified as the "flew after me" on their webs. Then I thought about being 5 again getting ready for school and I sat down by the floor furnace and the sash on the brand new dress my mom had made for me and the sash caught fire. My mom did the right thing and yelled at me to drop and roll and she put out the fire, I only had one small burn on my back. A few months later we were at our cabin in the mountains and went into town, as we passed the road that leads up the hill into the town all I could see was a wall of fire and I was beyond terrified. I went through the emotional healing steps for those events and felt tingling in my legs almost immediately. I am 74 and have vericose veins and some peripheral neuropathy, which has been improving daily since I began this. After a minute or so I was 5 again and my mom was on stage singing Ave Maria in her beautiful coloratura soprano voice and I broke out in both tears and goose bumps. I had no trauma about her singing that to me was a treat to hear but as I think about the traumatic events I laughed at the child terrified of the spiders and felt my mother's love and security about the two fire incidents. Thank YOU Thank YOU! And of course I immediately thanked the lord profusely.
Forwarded from Praying Medic (Dave Hayes)
Prophetic Thread

If you have a word for someone leave it here. If you're looking for a word, here's where to find it.
Forwarded from TheStormHasArrived17 (TheStormHasArrived17)
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“Wait til you see the acts of sexual complicity that the 7th floor of the FBI was engaging (in) during this entire time… there’s a lot more coming.” 👀
Forwarded from ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter 🐸 (Pepe Lives Matter)
Media is too big
Kash explains the playbook that they used for January 6th.
It's the exact same playbook that they used with Christopher Steele and Danchenko.
Confidential human sources.
Or in other words:
Glowies. A False flag.

"The question that has to be answered is when did the FBI put those guys in and where? Did those confidential human sources engage people who were not going to conduct criminal activity and convince them to do so? That is the definition of entrapment and that is illegal...
Once we see the documentation from January 6th, you will see the FBI's confidential human source corruption coverup network on blast. It will make Christopher Steele and Danchenko look like the tea cup ride at Disney World....Why? Because they wanted a political target. Not one based on law and fact."

Kash's Corner
Forwarded from Kash's Corner
FBI whistleblower Steve Friend has gone public with allegations that the FBI is violating policies in its investigations into #Jan6. He says he’s listed as a case agent on active criminal investigations for which he has done no investigative work.

We discuss tonight on Kash’s Corner, live from Phoenix, Arizona. Put your questions in the live chat!

🔴 LIVE 10pm ET on @EpochTV:

🔵 Enjoy Up To 50% Off 👉
Forwarded from Enoch's News Blast 🍊💥🍊 (ENoCH elENoCHle)



Forwarded from Kim Sax ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Future proves past…

DJT Truths article today:

Book reveals secret meeting between Adam Schiff's aides and Ukraine whistleblower

Q 4196 May 10, 2020
Why did [SCHIFF] coordinate w/ WH NSC [through proxy] to arrange for Ukraine whistleblower?
Email Testimony

I have prayed I would one day I tell you I have been healed and with extreme gratitude. Today is that day. I asked you in February to pray for me and you graciously agreed. Thank you.

Last summer, I was diagnosed with mucosal melanoma stage 4. My first appt with my Dr I was put on hospice and given very little hope. In fact he suggested I not try any treatments and enjoy what time I had left. I did decide to try treatment and nearly died because of it but that's another story.

I trust the Lord and believe in miracles so I started asking everyone I know to pray for me. I have followed you for a couple years and love your ministry and figured it couldn't hurt to ask you also.

Monday I had a PET scan and it showed "no evidence of metastatic melanoma". With lots of tears and gratitude I praise Lord Jesus, and give thanks for healing men and women like you. Thank you doesn't feel like strong enough words for what I feel in my heart.

My Dr is amazed and I wish I could attach the note he made on my results. This journey is not complete yet, but it will be soon.

Love and blessings
Forwarded from Kari Lake
Media is too big
I’ve shared a lot of stories with you over the last few decades, but I never shared mine.

Join me on my journey:
Thoughts on the @Q starlink post:

We don't know who operates the @Q account, but it appears to be someone close to President Trump.

We believe Trump and his team are communicating important messages to us through several social media accounts.The messages are intentionally obtuse so as not to make their plans obvious to their enemies. But anons tracking the comms are given glimpses of the plan.

The @Q post appears to be a random message comparing two internet service providers-- starlink and xfinity. I think the comparison may be a diversion.

In our discussions about the possibility of an Internet shutdown, many people are expecting Elon Musk's Starlink to be a workaround. Trump knows that some people have this expectation. I suspect that the use of the word 'starlink' is a hint that we're on the right track about a coming internet shutdown.

(I'm not convinced that the starlink network itself will be the solution. I still lean toward a proprietary internet operated by military intelligence with portals accesable to the public, but I may be wrong.)
Satcomms tranfer to SpaceForce

"A starlink?"
Forwarded from tiffrogs
Well, if the internet goes down and the Starlink is not operational. There is Radio Frequency Internet. This type of service is called a WISP (Wireless Internet Service Provider) If power generation is possible these types of networks work. Small WISPs across the country are still in existence. So many have been acquired by the big huge multi-trillion dollar corporations, but there is this service in MOST cities. They normally cover about of 200 mile radius of their base location. They are usually small American based "Mom and Pop" ISP's. If the internet goes down, only a small ISP, localized will be able to restore communications quickly. During Katrina our Radio Equipment and industry restored communications. A normal WISP has approximately 5 employees per 5,000 customer, compared to the BIG Corporations who have 5 employees per 150,000 customers. AAANNND if the internet goes down they will only direct their employees to restore service to money making areas FIRST. On a Radio Frequency based ISP the networks are operational without internet access giving locals (200 mile radius) communications to message boards. My own WISP is fully functional as soon as power is restored. But anyway, during non-emergency situations it works just like any other Internet Service. Support the Small Businesses in your area. Use local, spend local. WISPA . org has listings of WISPs all across the country. My own WISP is local in very rural America, prone to devastating wind storms every winter. We can restore services in less than an hour and are used to working under emergency situations. So, just a thought for anyone concerned.
Facebook Testimony

Brad and I are seriously laboring at the farmhouse. We are working on a geothermal is 4 feet below ground. We finally decided to build stairs to get down into it instead of sliding down. The recent rain down pours have been welcomed despite some pretty muddy bottoms we ended up with as we attempted to descent down the slope.

A number of years ago as we were searching old brick yards, there was a pile of burnt railroad ties off to the side. The brick yard owner offered us a pile of the burnt-on-the-ends wooden railroad ties for $5 each. We piled as many as we could fit in our truck and off we went. We tossed them into the south end of the property and there they sat for years, as the wild rye grew over them year after year. Upon making these stairs we determined we would need 8 posts for 8 steps. So I went out and counted and we indeed had 8 posts. Perfect. But as we were building the stairs, having used 3 of the 8 posts, we actually needed 10 posts.

I went out and counted again and instead there were 10 posts even after we had used 3. This scenero kept repeating over and over, we needed more posts, and there they would be on the field, sometimes lying in a spot that we thought we had just taken one. It became undeniable that something was happening. We were being given the supplies that we needed.

Link 🔗

Earlier this year, I bought and read Hearing God’s Voice Made Simple. What a life changing book! The biggest takeaway for me was confidence that I was already hearing God’s voice and I didn’t know it. For the longest time I just thought I was one of those people who “didn’t hear God”.

As a faith exercise, starting in the Spring of 2022, I decided to start praying for prophetic words for people on your “Prophetic Threads” on Telegram.

I would find someone seeking a word, and then spend about 5 minutes or so worshipping and thanking the Holy Spirit for his goodness. I would then ask Him for a word for the person and I would write down the first thoughts (or images) that came to mind. I felt like a crazy person at first but I just rolled with it!

I was astonished, as I started sending these words, when I started to get tremendous positive feedback and comments like “there was no way you could have known this!” It blew me away that I really was hearing God, and I had the ability to share his heart for others.

Doing this gave me the confidence to step out and give my first prophetic word to a stranger “in person” just a few weeks ago. I was trembling and stuttering, but did it anyway, and the woman was blown away with the accuracy and love of God that was conveyed through the message! I was stunned.

I wanted to thank you for your books, but also to share this in the hopes it might encourage other people to step out in the prophetic like I did! My life has not been the same!

Last night's dream:
I was walking through a debris field when I found a 2-meter ham radio antenna. I checked it for the presence of radioactivity, and then checked to see if it was usable. In the next scene, I was with at least one other person when we found another ham radio antenna. We checked it for radioactivity and to see if it worked.

It was not known to me in the dream if I was living in a post-nuclear war world, but that may be implied.

I would prefer this post not become a platform for arguing about views of the end times. We've discussed that subject ad nauseum here. My hope is to spur discussions about:

a) What we might do to prevent nuclear war and,
b) Strategies and tactics for surviving and rebuilding if such an event were to happen.
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