Welsh Nationalist
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Yma o Hyd. Real Welsh Nationalists. Not those anti English pro immigrant mongs like Plaid, Yes Cymru or Welsh Labour . If you want to message me @WelshNationalistJoe Joe Marsh.
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Last year one PA Wales activist decided to set aside a part of his garden to grow vegetables and provide fresh salad, fruit and veg for his family. Everything has been grown organically, with companion planting to encourage healthy growth. Judging by the pictures, it looks like it will be a bumper crop this year!

Even if you havenโ€™t got access to a garden or an allotment, growing food can be achieved in practically any domestic situation. Try growing herbs, salads, tomatoes and veg in pots on a sunny windowsill. Start in early spring and later reap the rewards (including the taste!).
PA Wales do like to enjoy a good BBQ and Cheese Selection when they are enjoying the good weather!

Check out that traditional South African Boerewors too!
Our boys certainly died for the better cause in WW2โ€ฆ..
Forwarded from Mark Collett
UPDATE on Political Prisoner Sven Longshanks AKA James Allchurch
Sven has been sent to Swansea Prison and we have been told by his family that he is well and has been provided with all his necessary medication. We will be supporting Sven as much as we can โ€“ both financially and by visiting him and sending him letters. You can write to Sven at the address below. Please use his real name and follow that with his prisoner number. Please note, all letters addressed to Sven must include the real name and address of the sender or they may be withheld by the prison service. Also please bear in mind that the prison service can read all correspondence between prisoners and the outside world, so take that into account when writing your letter as anything political may well be screened and withheld.
NAME: James Allchurch
ADDRESS: HM Prison Swansea, 200 Oystermouth Road, Swansea, SA1 3SR
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Just gone over 1000 subs. Cheers guys and gals. We are working hard to let you know the situation in Wales. Thanks for the support ๐Ÿ‘Š
This is the court case being heard today.
Court case has been adjourned until Thursday. They are saying the Judge seems sympathetic to the locals but we will see what happens. Well done those who travelled to London for the case.
Imagine if this was the other way round and the babies were black.
Forwarded from The Irish Inquiry
Statement from East Wall Anti โ€“ Asylum Policy Committee (26 July 2023)

We the people of East Wall must bring to your attention, the current state of affairs at the ESB building. Through our protests, which began last year outside the building, we suppressed the ability for hostile, aggressive, perverted military aged males to have it their way.

We pre-emptively brought their marauding to a halt. As our protests intensified, the media ran cover for these people. We were told they were well meaning. We can confirm to you the reader, that the residents of East Wall have since been subjected to a litany of unacceptable abuse, intimidation and lawlessness. We have witnessed ambulances at the building on an almost daily basis. Puddles of blood have regularly been found in the immediate area along with large groups of males drinking in the alleyways and side streets. The situation, we can confirm, has only escalated since we stepped back from blocking roads and protesting outside the building.

Having listened to our own neighbours and friends and admittedly criticism from further afield about the blocking of roads and the protests at the building, we moved to a model of pop up protests around Dublin. These were effective but unfortunately left the gate to the field open in regards to the pack of criminals and scammers that reside in the ESB building.

We have seen an explosion of crime and incidents in the area since we stopped gathering and marching. Toddlers have been approached and picked up in front of their mothers, waitresses in shops have had demands made of them to provide massages, children have been chased home and routinely are getting solicited for sex, the women too.

Large gangs of Georgian men are drinking in the area daily, posturing and jeering at locals. One of the worst incidents we have experienced is that of a 15 year old African migrant threatening to rape two young boys, claiming he had raped two people already and made a claim that he had a knife and would use it to stab them.
The lawlessness in and around the area has been completely ignored by An Garda Siochana.

The level of trauma the people of East Wall have endured at the hands of the residents of the ESB Building has reached a point of fever pitch. We have arrived at the inevitable conclusion that we must return to the Streets to restore order to the North Inner City.
Our stance, which has not changed since we started this in November of 2022, is that the building has to close.

We know our streets are lost without us there, random violence and crime has increased right throughout the Inner City and the wider city in line with the increase in uncontrolled migration.

We will take no lectures from Main Stream Media who have failed to speak to any one involved in our protests but have rather given oxygen to woke state funded shills who parrot the State line, he who pays the piper calls the tune.

We understand now that when we listen attentively to those who see no wrong in these centres that we have been entertaining the notions of psychopaths. We will not make that mistake again.

We are calling on the people of East Wall to take back our streets, beginning with gatherings on Wednesday, 26th July at 6pm at various local points.

East Wall havenโ€™t gone away and we intend to make that message loud and clear over the coming period.

Erin go Bragh
East Wall Committee
Llanelli High Court case is on today, probably know by teatime. We ll let you know the outcome as soon as we can ๐Ÿ‘Š
Update from Llanelli. Lot of people on their way to the hotel. Case is being heard in the High Court at 2pm. A guy called Alan Merritt will be streaming live on Facebook from there.
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