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A Man on a Mission. Father, Friend, Brother, Lover, Student. Welcome to the Great Awakening.
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Warning: Explicit

For countless families in All Nations who have been impacted by the scourge of kidnapping and sex trafficking, inflicted at the hands of a transnational criminal elite, We-The-Peoples of the World now stand with you.

Too few of Us saw it before, and those who did were silenced.
Many of Us never thought such depravity was possible in modern times.
3 million children per year, worldwide.
Many manipulated into sexual slavery.

We The People are finally Awake.
Our numbers grow each day.
Heroes in militaries across the world are finally involved in this sacred call, in ways that matter.
The Great milestone of our Time will be recorded by history not only as the Great Awakening, but also the complete eradication of child sexual slavery upon God’s Earth.

We must and will save every last one.
For the Children.

#WhereWeGoOneWeGoAll #godsavethechildren #EndChildSexTrafficking #EndRitualAbuse #EndHumanTrafficking #endofslavery #GodWins #WWG1WGA #savethechildren

👉 RealSGAnon
ProduceMaxx is an FDA-approved sterilizing agent found in major US grocery and department stores. It is used in the washing/crisping processes with fresh fruits and vegetables, as a soaking solution for fresh-cut produce before packaging/sealing, and is also sprayed (misted) on displayed produce inventory in refrigeration areas to preserve color and freshness.

ProduceMaxx lists hypochlorous acid as 0.45% of its overall ingredient makeup, and as the product’s active ingredient, w/ an allowance of up to 6000ppm(0.6%) of free-available chlorine in the composition of the acid itself.

Interestingly, research conducted by the Christchurch School of Medicine, NZ in 2000 concluded hypochlorous acid was actually harmful to mammalian cells, as it accelerated the oxidation and inflammation processes within the cells.

Oxidation = aging.
Inflammation leads to greater oxidation, as the body’s pH balance becomes more acidic as a whole.

“For our health”

👉 RealSGAnon
US debt clock project message today.

“We take this journey together. One step at a time”

👉 RealSGAnon
Media is too big
Tucker Carlson recently interviewed a Christian Priest from Palestine who confirmed that the majority of tithe dollars collected through American churches, and destined for aid/outreach support missions in the Middle East, actually end up in the hands of the Israeli Defense Force, and are used to build colonizing settlements on behalf of Israeli settlers and to help fund Israeli military activity.

For comments like this, both Tucker, and Rev. Munther Isaac, have been labeled as terror sympathizers by certain Alt-Right/Conservative news and podcast platforms, for disparaging the public image of Israel.

Watch the full interview at Tucker Carlson UNCENSORED there’s many more of this..

👉 RealSGAnon
Today, a court in Vietnam sentenced real estate tycoon Truong My Lan to death over her role in a $44 billion financial fraud case, the country’s “biggest on record”, state media reported.

Lan and accomplices siphoned off more than 300 trillion Vietnamese Dong from Saigon Joint Stock Commercial Bank (SCB), which she controlled through dozens of proxies, in a multi-year long defrauding scheme.

“From 2018 through October 2022, when the Vietnamese government bailed out SCB after a run on its deposits, Lan misappropriated large sums by arranging unlawful loans to shell companies she was associated with”, investigators said.

👉 RealSGAnon
Over the last week+ I have experienced a series of significant cyber breaches involving my equipment directly, originating from known and unknown sources, including a certain 3-Letter US government agency; these breaches have highlighted still-open vulnerabilities in my cybersecurity arrangement.
This includes trying to take down my channels in the past year marking my old TG account as “FAKE” ReaISGanon

As such, I have been forced to take extraordinary steps to secure my software and hardware setup; by doing so, I will be without my standard accoutrement/technology layout for an indeterminate amount of time over the next 7-10 days.

File 74 will drop once I have resolved these vulnerabilities, and will include another dump of two whistleblower documents passed to me through anonymous email channels, which confirm Live-Action US Mil Exercises happening quietly, and domestically, in the USA.

All you can do now is to Share this post with everyone you know. This is CENSORSHIP at the highest level‼️

Stay safe Patriots.
Today will be a quiet day on social media for me, and I look forward to ‘seeing’ each of you again on-air, soon.


👉 RealSGAnon
The More You Know:
Donald Trump’s attorney, Alina Habba, is the daughter of the Chancellor for the US branch of the Knights of Malta, a secretive militant arm of the Catholic Church which participated in the crusades, and helped expand the military-enforcement ability of the Vatican cabal for over 700 years.

Other prominent US Knights of Malta members include:
Erik Prince
Leonard Leo
Rupert Murdoch
Phyllis Schlafly (Close associate of Gen Mike Flynn’s mother, Helen)
William Casey (Reagan CIA Director & founder of the Manhattan Institute)

Additionally, multiple mass murderers have signaled to the Knights of Malta in manifestos, like the Christchurch killer Brenton Tarrant including inscriptions to the Knights of Malta on his shotgun.

👉 RealSGAnon
Former USC student shares story about an NDA she was forced to sign, which prevented her speaking out about OJ Simpson’s criminal behavior against women, and how he and his lawyers bribed his victims into silence.

👉 RealSGAnon
Media is too big
Fantastic summary of what is coming very soon in Ukraine, and why.

Remember Anons, we have been talking about a large scale Russian offensive since February. President Lukashenko of Belarus is also back in the news cycle as of late; Lukashenko hosts a portion of Russia’s nuclear capable arsenal.

On deck: The collapse of NATO.

👉 RealSGAnon
Israel has shut down schools nationwide, and placed the IDF on full alert, in advance of expected Iranian retaliation for an Israeli strike on an Iranian consulate in Damascus, Syria.

Assessments from the intelligence communities indicate this retaliation will likely come in the next 72hrs, and will almost certainly lead to expanded regional conflict.

👉 RealSGAnon
It has begun.

Israeli air defenses have started active repulsion operations, and have reported that the country is officially under attack.

Video footage now-emerging from northern Iraq also shows dozens of blackout UAV drones in the sky, heading west.

👉 RealSGAnon
Dozens of rockets now being fired from Hezbollah positions in southern Lebanon, towards Israel.

👉 RealSGAnon
Yemen in the fray now, drones recorded in the skies over the Red Sea heading towards Israel.

👉 RealSGAnon
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