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🇨🇫 Central African Republic rebels kill at least five civilians in attack

At least five civilians were killed when rebels attacked a town in northwest Central African Republic on Thursday, the latest reported escalation in a decade-long conflict, a local official said.

Members of an alliance of armed groups known as the Coalition of Patriots for Change (CPC) assaulted the town of Moyenne Sido near the border with Chad before sunrise, Mayor said.

Residents were woken up by the sound of gunfire as over 300 assailants stormed the town, he said, giving a provisional death toll of five.

The CPC later issued a statement saying it had taken over the town and called on residents to join its ranks.


🇺🇳🇨🇫 UN renews peacekeeping force's mandate in CAR

The UN Security Council has extended the mandate for another 12 months of the UN peacekeeping mission in the Central African Republic - known as Minusca.

Fourteen of the 15 council members voted on Wednesday to renew the mission, asking it to continue advancing reconciliation and durable peace through political, security and institutional means.

Minusca was also urged to protect human rights and assist in preparations for local elections in 2024 and 2025.

Russia abstained from the vote, after its representative said the resolution to extend the mandate contained some elements which did not reflect the current situation in the country.

Moscow maintains close ties with the CAR, and the influence of people believed to be from the Wagner mercenary group, is perceptible in the government’s fight against local rebels.


🇨🇫🇬🇦 Central African states uphold Gabon's suspension after army coup

The Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) announced on Friday that it was maintaining the suspension of Gabon, a sanction imposed following the overthrow of President Ali Bongo Ondimba by the military last August.

ECCAS, which has recognized the "peaceful and inclusive nature" of the Gabonese transition, "has decided to maintain the decision to suspend Gabon's participation in Community activities until constitutional order is restored", it said in a communiqué.

Equatorial Guinea, Angola, Burundi, Central African Republic, Congo, Sao Tome and Principe, Chad, Cameroon and Rwanda were represented at the summit.

Since taking power, General Oligui has met with all the leaders of ECCAS member countries, with the exception of Angolan President João Lourenço.

#CAR #Gabon

🇺🇸🇨🇫 US PMC Bancroft arrived in CAR for talks with the government

Employees of the American PMC Bancroft are currently in the Central African capital, where they are preparing the establishment of the group with a view to offering training and investing in several sectors of CAR.

According to the RFI security source, Bancroft officials are beginning to look for a suitable location to "deploy equipment and particularly drones" near the capital Bangui. The Bancroft units are planned to be deployed in areas where armed groups are active.

The CAR government has so far declined to comment, citing the fact that the agreement has not yet been signed.


🇨🇫 CAR reaffirms cooperation with UN for peace and security

The head of UN peacekeeping, Jean-Pierre Lacroix, met the Central African Prime Minister Félix Moloua during his three-day mission in the Country.

Lacroix said, "We are determined to continue working in the spirit of very close, very cordial, very positive cooperation that is animating the joint work between MINUSCA and the Central African Government, to ensure that our priorities are obviously those of the Government, of the people, to consolidate peace, to ensure that preparations for local elections take place in the best possible conditions."

Félix Moloua said, "This visit undoubtedly testifies to our commitment and determination to work effectively to strengthen the cooperation and communication system, taking into account the pressing expectations of the Central African population with regard to the protection of civilians, support for the extension of State authority, the maintenance of territorial integrity."


🇺🇳🇨🇫 UN peacekeepers were deployed in the area of a massacre of 23 civilians in Central African Republic

UN peacekeepers are deploying to the north-west of the Central African Republic, where 23 civilians were killed on December 21 in a massacre attributed to the 3R armed group, the UN force said.

The blue helmets of the UN Mission in the Central African Republic (Minusca), whose number was not specified, "are progressing towards the village" with the aim of "reinforcing security in the area and facilitating humanitarian access to the population", the UN mission explained.

The 3R armed group (Return, Reclamation and Rehabilitation) is one of the most powerful of a multitude of rebel groups and criminal gangs terrorizing the population in CAR.


🇷🇺🇨🇫🇨🇲 25,000t of Russian free wheat destined for CAR reach Cameroon

25,000 tonnes of wheat are unloaded and sent to mills to obtain wheat flour at a quay of the Douala autnomous port, in Cameroon.

The wheat flour will then be sent to the neighbouring Central African Republic. The shipment was promised last July by Russia's president during the 2nd Russia-Africa summit.

The wheat is processed in Cameroon because the CAR lacks the capabilities.

Jean Marie Tchuissang, the Russian honorary consul in Douala who attended this morning the unloading, hailed a win-win parternship. "Nearly all African states are now appreciating Russia for its appoach, its position, its way of doing things," the diplomat said.

"Russia proposes a peer-to-peer partnership, exchange ties that are a win-win for all parties."

#Russia #CAR #Cameroon

🇨🇫🇻🇦 CAR President met Pope Francis for talks on cooperation and diplomacy

President Faustin-Archange Touadéra of the Central African Republic engaged in discussions with Pope Francis during his visit to the Vatican on Saturday.

The meeting focused on the social, political, and humanitarian situation in the Central African country, with an emphasis on enhancing international cooperation for the nation's common good.

The Holy See and Central African Republic relations took centre stage, along with a discussion on the influential role played by the Catholic Church within the country.

President Touadéra's visit to the Vatican occurred within the context of his broader trip to Italy, where discussions between Rome and African nations were underway, amid the Italy-Africa Summit.

#CAR #Vatican

🇨🇫 Central African Republic says 10,000 children are still fighting alongside armed groups

About 10,000 children are still fighting alongside armed groups in Central African Republic more than a decade after civil war broke out, the government said.

Marthe Kirima, the minister for family and gender, said in a statement that children are still being recruited as fighters, spies, messengers, cooks and even used as sex slaves.

While 15,000 children have escaped from rebel forces, she said, many are traumatized and find it difficult to return to normal life.

Some former child soldiers told The Associated Press that their harrowing experiences had pushed them to become peace ambassadors.


🇨🇫 CAR authorities arrest opposition politician at airport

The authorities in the Central African Republic have detained a prominent government critic as he attempted to travel outside the country.

Crépin Mboli-Goumba - the leader of the Republican Bloc for the Defence of the Constitution - was arrested alongside his wife on Sunday at the main airport in the capital, Bangui.

Local media say Mboli-Goumba and his wife were headed to Douala, Cameroon, for medical reasons.

Mboli-Goumba's wife was released, but the politician remains in custody.

The reason for his arrest is unknown, but private Oubangui Medias website reported that he had been targeted by the judiciary after he spoke of a “legal mafia” in regards to a property dispute between him and the family of former president Andre Kolingba.

Mboli-Goumba accused Minister of State Arnaud Djoubaye Abazene of interfering in the dispute.


🇺🇸🇷🇺🇨🇫 US issues sanctions on Russian, Central African Republic entities over Wagner ties

The United States on Friday imposed sanctions on two entities it accused of advancing Russia's "malign activities" in the Central African Republic (CAR) and enabling the Wagner mercenary group, the U.S. Treasury Department said.

The entities, a CAR-based timber company and a Russia-based company, sought to benefit financially "from illicit natural resource extraction and provided material and financial support to the Wagner Group and other organizations" tied to Wagner's former owner Yevgeniy Prigozhin, the Treasury said.

The action targets CAR-based Bois Rouge SARLU for its ties to Wagner and St. Petersburg-based Broker Expert for its support of Bois Rouge, it said.

#USA #Russia #CAR

🇨🇫 CAR opposition leader sentenced for defamation

One of the main opposition leaders in the Central African Republic has been given a one-year suspended prison sentence for defamation and contempt of court.

Crepin Mboli Goumba, a lawyer and coordinator for the opposition group BRDC, was arrested earlier this month after accusing magistrates of corruption.

He was ordered to pay a fine of around $130,000. Prosecutors had sought a one-year jail term for him. His lawyers said they would appeal against the sentencing, AFP news agency reported.


🇺🇸🇨🇫 US to build much larger embassy in Bangui

The US State Department's call for tenders for the construction of a new embassy in Bangui closed on 28 March, Africa Intelligence reported.

Plans for the 33,000 m2 building include secure offices, staff quarters, an entertainment center, and a helipad.


🇰🇪🇨🇫 Kenya and Central African Republic strengthen ties

Kenya’s President William Ruto made a 24-hour visit to the Central African Republic on the weekend, holding talks in Bangui with President Faustin Archange Touadera.

It was the first time a Kenyan head of state had visited the country and Touadera thanked him for coming to Bangui.

During the visit, Ruto paid tribute to the resilience of the people of the Central African Republic, and said he hoped this was the start of a genuine rapprochement, building cooperation that benefited both countries.

#Kenya #CAR

🇳🇬 Nigeria's NNPC faces $3 billion backlog on petrol payments

Nigeria's state-oil company NNPC owes around $3 billion to fuel traders for imported petrol, three sources told Reuters, as the tumbling naira currency and rising global fuel prices have increased the effective subsidy it is paying.

The payment backlog is a blow to the government's efforts in Africa's largest economy to shore up its strained finances by curbing costly energy subsidies.

"They are paying, but it's slow," one of the Reuters' sources with knowledge of the matter said. Five sources said that NNPC - the country's main importer of petrol - was taking more than 130 days to make the payments instead of within 90 days.

#Nigeria #CAR

🇨🇫🇫🇷 Faustin-Archange Touadéra to meet Emmanuel Macron in Paris again

The Central African Republic president will hold talks with his French counterpart at the Elysée Palace in mid-April. They are expected to sign off on a roadmap for restoring bilateral relations.

#CAR #France

🇫🇷🇨🇫 France and the Central African Republic pave the way for reconciliation

On Wednesday April 17, Central African President Faustin-Archange Touadéra was received at the Élysée Palace by his counterpart Emmanuel Macron. This meeting - the second in less than six months - aims to ease the rift between the two countries, whose relations have deteriorated sharply following the rapprochement between Bangui and Russia.

The meeting between Faustin-Archange Touadéra and Emmanuel Macron provided an opportunity to review " the various aspects of the bilateral relationship as well as the regional situation ", according to the press release issued by the Élysée Palace.

In " continuity with their last meeting " on September 13, France and the Central African Republic adopted " a roadmap " for establishing " a constructive partnership " between the two countries. The Élysée's stated aim is to " contribute to stability, reinforce the broadest possible national cohesion and support the economic and social development of the Central African Republic ". " A joint mechanism for monitoring these commitments was also adopted by the two leaders ", he added at the end of the working lunch.

This could be a further step towards normalizing relations between the two countries - at a time when France has denounced the Wagner group's growing influence in the Central African Republic in recent years. Paris has also deplored disinformation campaigns in the past, which have fuelled anti-French sentiment in the Central African Republic.

#CAR #France

🇨🇫 Around 50 people on their way to a village funeral died after their riverboat capsized in the Central African Republic's capital Bangui on Friday.

"We were alerted 40 minutes after the incident and rescuers were able to extract around 50 lifeless bodies," civil protection department head Thomas Djimasse said.

He added, that the search was continuing with more people possibly drowned in the Mpoko River. Government spokeperson Maxime Balalou gave a death toll of over 30 and called for better compliance with river transport safety regulations.


🇨🇫 Assistance initiatives aid displaced individuals in relocating from camps in CAR

In the Central African Republic (CAR), where decades of conflict have displaced a significant portion of the population, efforts are underway to assist displaced individuals in moving out of overcrowded camps. With improved security in regions like Bria, some people are seizing the opportunity for a safer and better life off-site.

Supported by organizations like the UNHCR, USAID, and IOM, initiatives provide resources for shelter construction, access to water, household items, and income-generating activities.


🇨🇫🇺🇸 US sanctions two Wagner-linked firms in Central African Republic

Sanctions aim to ‘counter Russia’s destabilizing activities in Africa’, US Treasury Department says.

The US Treasury Department accused Mining Industries and Logistique Economique Etrangere of enabling Wagner security operations and “illicit mining endeavors” linked to the mercenary force.

The department said Mining Industries was sanctioned for leasing aircraft from another sanctioned Emirati firm that Wagner used to transport personnel and equipment across Africa.

Logistique Economique Etrangere was sanctioned for receiving “hundreds” of shipments of heavy materials from another CAR-based company – which was sanctioned in March this year – that were also likely intended for Wagner-linked illicit mining activities, it said.


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