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🇹🇩 Headquarters bulldozed after Chad opposition leader killed

The headquarters of the main opposition party in Chad, is being demolished, two days after its leader Yaya Dillo was killed.

A large excavator was seen demolishing the three-story building and heavily armed soldiers cordoned off the area with armoured vehicles.

Earlier, the Socialist Party Without Borders (PSF) said Dillo was executed by soldiers who shot him a point blank range.

The military junta said he was killed during an exchange of gunfire after staging an attack on the country's security agency. He denied any links to the alleged attack.

Dillo was buried by his family on Thursday.

There remains a large military presence on the streets of the capital, N'Djamena.


🇹🇩 Chad's interim leader confirms candidacy in this year's presidential poll

Chad's interim president, Mahamat Idriss Déby, on Saturday said will run in this year's long-awaited presidential race.

His candidacy was endorsed by representatives of the political groups that make up his coalition, For a United Chad, which claims to include over 200 parties.

"After deep and serene reflection, I have decided to accept the choice you have made to name me as the candidate of the For a United Chad coalition," he said.

The military leader’s announcement comes just three days after his main rival in the polls, Yaya Dillo, was shot and killed in the capital N'Djamena.


🇸🇩🇹🇩🇸🇸 Sudan agrees for aid to come via Chad and South Sudan

Sudan's military-led government has said it will allow some humanitarian aid to be delivered via Chad and South Sudan.

It had banned deliveries via Chad after accusing the United Arab Emirates (UAE) of using aid convoys to supply weapons to the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF). The UAE has denied doing so.

Clementine Nkweta-Salami, the UN humanitarian co-ordinator in Sudan, said the move was a "welcome step" and would help reach people in "dire need of life saving assistance".

Ms Salami said the government had agreed to open airport routes for humanitarian aid in Fasher, Kadugli and El Obeid.

#Sudan #Chad #SouthSudan

🇹🇩 Chad's junta-appointed PM announces presidential bid

Chadian junta-appointed Prime Minister Succès Masra has announced he’ll run for the presidency, a week after the leader of the junta, interim president Mahamat Déby announced his own candidacy.

Masra, a former opposition leader, signed a reconciliation deal with Mr Déby after his return from exile, before he was appointed prime minister in January.

He told supporters at a rally on Sunday that he was seeking the top seat so as to unite the people and "heal hearts".

The opposition have criticised the move, saying it’s a ploy to give the appearance of pluralism to an election which Mr Déby is certain to win.


🇹🇩 Chad introduces free water and electricity for households

Chad's government has announced that it would provide free water and electricity for households until the end of the year.

The monthly household consumption payable by the government is capped at 15 cubic metres (15,000 litres) of water and 300 kWh of electricity.

The government on Monday said it would also clear water and electricity bills for residents with outstanding arrears.

It also announced a cut in transport taxes that could lower transport costs, which hiked last month with a rise in fuel prices.

Chad's junta leader and interim President Mahamat Déby sanctioned the policy "to assist households", a joint statement by the presidency and finance minister said.


🇹🇩 Refugee camps in Chad are overcrowded and running out of aid

Overcrowded refugee camps in eastern Chad are set to run out of money soon, exacerbating a dire humanitarian crisis caused by the spillover from a deadly conflict in Sudan, the United Nations said.

More than a million people in Chad, including refugees, face losing access to lifesaving aid unless more funding is raised to help, the U.N. World Food Program said this month.

In Chad, refugee numbers are at a 20-year high. The U.N. has warned that the Sudan conflict is on course to become the world's worst hunger crisis, with a third of Sudan's 18 million people facing acute food insecurity already.

At refugee camps in eastern Chad, lack of clean drinking water and sanitation is causing dangerous diseases to spread. Doctors Without Borders said it has recorded almost 1,000 cases of hepatitis E in the camps and several pregnant women have died.


🇹🇩 Chad's junta chief, nine others cleared for May election

The Constitutional Council in Chad has approved 10 candidates for the upcoming presidential election, including the country's interim President General Mahamat Idriss Deby.

The poll is scheduled for 6 May as part of a transition to democracy.

Deby initially promised an 18-month transition, after he seized power in 2021, following the death of his father.

But he later postponed the elections until this year.

The candidate list also includes Succès Masra, the opposition leader who was appointed prime minister of the transitional government in January.

Ten other candidates have been barred from contesting due to "irregularities" in their applications.


🇺🇸🇺🇳🇸🇩🇹🇩 US urges UN Security Council action to get aid into Sudan from Chad

The United States warned on Thursday that it would push the U.N. Security Council to take action to get aid to starving people in Sudan, possibly by authorizing cross-border deliveries from Chad, if the Sudanese armed forces do not restore full access.

U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Linda Thomas-Greenfield said the warring parties had both undermined aid operations and ignored a Security Council call for an immediate cessation of hostilities.

"The situation in Sudan remains catastrophic and it is only getting worse," she told. "People are starving."

Thomas-Greenfield accused the SAF of impeding aid from Chad into Sudan's Darfur region - controlled by the rival RSF - and describing it as "literally a matter of life and death."

#USA #UN #Sudan #Chad

🇹🇩 Chad opposition figure was likely shot at point-blank range, experts say

A prominent Chadian opposition leader, who was killed in February by government troops, appears to have been shot in the side of the head at close range, according to five forensic experts who reviewed a photo of his dead body for Reuters.
The experts' findings, based on the location and nature of the wound visible in the image, call into question statements by Chadian officials that Yaya Dillo was shot dead in an exchange of fire on Feb. 28 when security forces tried to arrest him at his party's headquarters in the capital, N’Djamena.

Professor Derrick Pounder, a U.K.-based pathologist who has consulted for the United Nations and human rights groups, said the visible gunshot wound was "incompatible" with a scenario of an exchange of gunfire.
"Overall, I have a very high level of confidence that this is a contact gunshot wound and strongly corroborates the allegation of an extra-judicial execution," he said.
Reuters was unable to establish independently how Dillo was killed.


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🇹🇩🇺🇸 Some US troops set to depart Chad, at least temporarily

The United States is planning to temporarily withdraw some of its troops from Chad, U.S. officials said on Thursday, a move that comes just days after Washington was forced to agree to remove its troops from neighboring Niger.

Earlier this month Chad's air force chief ordered the U.S. to halt activities at an air base near the capital N'Djamena.

Pentagon spokesperson Major General Patrick Ryder said a portion of the U.S. troops in Chad would reposition out of the country. He said it was a "temporary step" as part of an ongoing review of security cooperation with Chad, which would resume after the country's May 6 presidential election.

A U.S. official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said a few dozen special forces troops who are in Chad as planners and advisers will move to Germany for now.

#Chad #USA

🇹🇩 US plans talks with Chad to reevaluate troop presence

The US military intends to resume discussions with Chad within a month regarding the revision of an agreement permitting the presence of troops in the country, a senior American general announced on Wednesday.

Last month, the US announced the withdrawal of most of its 100-strong troop contingent from Chad, prompting concerns over the future of security operations in the Sahel region. Despite this temporary withdrawal, Chad has expressed interest in maintaining a security partnership, particularly in combating terrorism.

The decision to withdraw troops temporarily coincides with Chad's upcoming presidential election, with analysts predicting the incumbent's victory. The US reassures its commitment to security cooperation in the region, with Chad and Niger playing pivotal roles in counterterrorism efforts.


🇹🇩🇲🇱 Junta governments in Chad and Mali face public backlash amid heatwaves and power outages

Scorching temperatures and electricity outages in Chad's N'Djamena and Mali's Bamako are testing public support for junta-led governments, highlighting the struggle to provide basic services during extreme heatwaves in the Sahel region.

Frustration mounts as recent outages exacerbate social tensions, particularly as both countries approach critical political junctures. Chad prepares for a presidential vote, seen as consolidating Mahamat Idriss Deby's rule, while Malian junta faces criticism for delayed transition to democracy amid worsening governance. Residents like Sylvie Belrangar and Bintou Traore voice grievances over unfulfilled promises and rising prices, underscoring the impact of inadequate infrastructure on daily life.

The failure to address electricity shortages amplifies public discontent, with opposition figures denouncing junta's governance amidst humanitarian crises exacerbated by extreme weather conditions.

#Chad #Mali

🇹🇩 Chad holds historic presidential poll amid Sahel political shifts

In a historic moment for Chad, the country gears up for its first presidential election in three decades. Originally slated for October 2022, the election faced postponements, triggering protests that were subdued by security forces.

Now, as the nation prepares to cast its votes, Mahamat Idriss Déby Itno emerges as a prominent contender, emphasizing promises of bolstering security measures, enhancing law enforcement, and addressing energy needs. With a spirited opposition challenging Déby, the election signifies a crucial turning point in Chad's political trajectory.


🇹🇩 Chad's interim president votes to end military rule

Chad's transitional President, Mahamat Deby Itno, cast his ballot in N'djamena on Monday, in a crucial presidential election aimed at ending three years of military rule. With ten candidates, including Prime Minister Succès Masra, and an electorate of 8 million registered voters, the election signifies a vital step towards restoring constitutional governance. Following his father's death in 2021, Mahamat Idriss Deby Itno assumed power and has been committed to organizing timely elections to facilitate the return to democratic rule, reaffirming his dedication to the Chadian people and the democratic process.


🇹🇩 Chad presidential election: vote count underway

Vote counting has officially begun in Chad as the nation awaits the outcome of a presidential election poised to end three years of military rule. The electoral landscape has transformed into a high-stakes showdown between General Mahamat Idriss Déby Itno, leader of the junta, and Prime Minister Succès Masra, a former adversary turned ally.

Ten candidates, including one woman, contested the election, with over 8 million registered voters participating in the electoral process. However, some observers faced accreditation challenges, raising concerns about transparency and accountability in the electoral process.


🇹🇩❗️ Chad's military leader declared winner in contested presidential election

Provisional results from Chad's presidential election announced Mahamat Deby Itno, the military ruler, as the victor, triggering disputes from opposition figures like Prime Minister Succès Masra. The announcement, made earlier than scheduled, revealed Deby Itno securing over 61% of the vote, while Masra trailed with approximately 18.5%, sparking gunfire in the capital.

Originally slated for May 21, the premature release of results follows years of military governance, with Deby Itno expected to maintain power inherited from his father. His ascent came after his father's demise while battling insurgents in 2021. Despite expectations, Masra voiced concerns over potential manipulation, highlighting the challenges of democratic transition in Chad.


🇹🇩 Chad's Mahamat Deby confirmed as winner of disputed election

Chad's constitutional council confirmed Mahamat Idriss Deby as winner of the May 6 presidential election on Thursday after dismissing challenges by two losing candidates - cementing a victory that extended his family's decades-long rule.

Deby, who seized power the day rebels killed his father, President Idriss Deby, in 2021 and declared himself interim leader, won 61% of the vote, well ahead of second-placed candidate Succes Masra with 18.54%, the council said.


🇹🇩 Chad prime minister resigns after disputed vote winner confirmed

Chadian Prime Minister Succes Masra says he has handed in his resignation, weeks after his defeat to military government chief Mahamat Idriss Deby in the presidential election.

Masra – a staunch opponent of the military government, which seized power in April 2021 – was appointed prime minister of the transitional government in January, four months before the election, in a move to appease the opposition.

“I’ve just submitted my resignation and that of the transition government, which became irrelevant with the end of the presidential election,” Masra said on Wednesday.

The move, he said on X, was also in accordance with the constitution.

Deby, 40, was himself proclaimed transitional president in April 2021 by a military government of 15 generals after his father, iron-fisted President Idriss Deby Itno, was shot dead by rebels after 30 years in power.

Deby won the May 6 presidential election with 61 percent of the votes, according to final results.

Masra, also 40 and once a fierce Deby opponent, won 18.5 percent of the votes but contested the results.

He claimed victory in the election, which his party called a “masquerade”.

The Constitutional Council later confirmed Deby as the winner, and Masra acknowledged its ruling, saying there were no other legal means to contest the results.


🇹🇩 Chad’s Deby sworn in as president as Allamaye Halina named new PM

Chad’s newly elected president, Mahamat Idriss Deby, has been sworn in to succeed his late father after three years as an interim leader under military rule in the northcentral African country.

Shortly after, the country announced that Allamaye Halina would assume the post of prime minister after Succes Masra announced his resignation from the position this week.


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