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🇫🇷🇧🇫 France refuses to hand over ex-Burkina president's brother

France has cancelled a ministerial decree which had authorised the extradition of the brother of the former president of Burkina Faso, back to his homeland.

Paul François Compaoré, whose brother Blaise was head of state from 1987 until 2014, is accused of killing a journalist in 1998.

Worsening relations between the military junta in Burkina Faso and the former colonial power, France, have recently led to expulsion orders for diplomatic officials - including the French ambassador, and to the suspension of some French media.

#France #BurkinaFaso

🇫🇷🇳🇪 Last French troops leave Niger, ending decade of Sahel missions

The last French troops deployed in Niger left on Friday, an AFP reported, marking an end to more than a decade of French anti-jihadist operations in west Africa's Sahel region.

"Today's date marks the end of the disengagement process of French forces in the Sahel," Niger army lieutenant Salim Ibrahim said at a ceremony in Niamey marking the end of France's military presence.

The French exit from Niger leaves hundreds of US military personnel, and a number of Italian and German troops, remaining in the country.

#France #Niger

🇳🇪🇫🇷 Niger suspends cooperation with international Francophone body

Niger has suspended all cooperation with the international organisation of Francophone nations (OIF), its military leaders said, as it progressively severs ties with former colonial ruler France.

The 88-member body "has always been used by France as an instrument to defend French interests", said a spokesperson for Niger's ruling junta on national television late on Sunday.

The OIF had already suspended most cooperation with Niger last week because of the coup, but said it would maintain those programmes "directly benefiting civilian populations, and those contributing to the restoration of democracy".

"The government of Niger calls on the African people to decolonise their minds and promote their own national languages in accordance with the ideas of the founding fathers of Pan-Africanism," said the junta's statement.

#Niger #France

🇩🇿🇫🇷 Algerian president’s visit to France still not finalized

The state visit of Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune to France is "still the subject of preparations", affirmed the Algerian Minister of Foreign Affairs, specifying that it depends on the settlement of five files.

“In all sincerity, the conditions of this visit are not suitable,” declared Attaf. He listed the issues of memory, mobility, economic cooperation, the French nuclear tests in the Algerian Sahara, return of the restitution of the sword as well as the burnous of Emir Abdelkader.

“We have not reached agreements on five major and heavy issues. But we continue to work on them,” reiterated the minister.

At the beginning of August, Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune declared that his state visit to France was "still maintained" but depended "on the program" of the Élysée, specifying that a "state visit has conditions" and "no "It's not a tourist visit. "

#Algeria #France

🇫🇷🇳🇪 French embassy in Niger closed until further notice

Paris on Tuesday said its embassy in Niger was now closed, confirming previously announced plans, after relations between the two countries deteriorated following a military coup in the African country.

"For five months, our embassy has been severely hampered, making it impossible to carry out its missions", a spokeswoman for the French foreign ministry said in a statement.

#France #Niger

🛢🇫🇷🇧🇯 TotalEnergies hires former Benin PM to assess East Africa land purchases

France's TotalEnergies has hired former prime minister of Benin Lionel Zinsou to assess land purchases in Uganda and Tanzania as part of the Tilenga oil and East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) projects.

TotalEnergies said that as the land acquisition process draws to a close, Zinsou will evaluate the procedures used, the conditions for consultation, the compensation and relocation of people affected, and grievance handling.

Zinsou's consulting firm will also assess actions taken by TotalEnergies EP Uganda and EACOP to improve living conditions for those affected. It will submit a report by April 2024.

TotalEnergies said the Tilenga and EACOP projects include a land acquisition programme covering 6,400 hectares (15,815 acres), carried out on behalf of the Ugandan and Tanzanian governments.

#France #Benin

🇬🇳🇫🇷 Guinea arrests French journalist Thomas Dietrich

Guinean military authorities have arrested French journalist Thomas Dietrich.

The journalist was arrested on Sunday in the capital, Conakry, while investigating alleged corruption in the country's National Oil Company (Sonap).

BBC sources say the journalist was interested in how certain officials of Guinea's transitional government had acquired their wealth and had been in the country for several days to investigate Sonap.

It is not the first time Mr Dietrich is arrested in Guinea.

In March 2020, he was arrested and deported after he filmed a police crackdown on an opposition demonstration in the capital Conakry.

#Guinea #France

🇹🇿🇫🇷 Tanzania's TPDC doubles gas field stake in deal with Maurel & Prom

State-run Tanzania Petroleum Development Corporation (TPDC) has paid $23.6 million to double its shareholding in the Mnazi Bay natural gas field under an agreement with French energy company Maurel & Prom.

The Mnazi Bay gas field, in the Mtwara region of the country's south, has an estimated 641 billion cubic feet of recoverable natural gas reserves and contributes nearly half of the gas used to generate electricity in the East African country.

Mussa Makame, TPDC's managing director, said the company had doubled its ownership in the asset to 40% after acquiring an additional 20% stake from Maurel & Prom.

Initially the field was jointly owned by Maurel & Prom, TPDC and Wentworth Resources. But after Maurel and Prom agreed to acquire Wentworth Resources' 31.9% stake, TPDC exercised its rights to buy a part of the shareholding that belonged to Wentworth.

#Tanzania #France

🇪🇬🇫🇷🇵🇸 Egypt, France foreign ministers discussed Gaza

Egypt's top diplomat received his French counterpart Stephane Sejourne on Sunday in the New Administrative Capital.

Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry warned of a wider conflict in the region if a ceasefire was not reached in Gaza.

"The war in Gaza, the threats we are seeing towards the navigation in the Red Sea, the military operations that took place in Syria and Iraq as well as the military situation on the Israeli-Lebanese borders, all warns from the escalation of the situation and slipping towards a wider conflict," Shoukry said.

In his first official visit to the region, Sejourne said he rejects the forced displacement of Palestinians towards Egypt.

"You are worried about the forced displacement of people into your territory, we completely understand your concerns and the position of France is constant, we condemn and we refuse all actions that are a threat in this context."

#Egypt #France #Palestine

🇫🇷🇸🇩 France to hold April aid conference for war-torn Sudan

As fighting between military rivals in Sudan rages on, France said on Wednesday that it will host a humanitarian conference in April to provide aid to the country.

French Foreign Minister, Stephane Sejourne, told parliamentarians that the Paris gathering would aim to help resolve the “dramatic humanitarian crisis” impacting both Sudan and neighbouring countries.

He did not provide any more details about the conference.

#France #Sudan

🇫🇷🇷🇼🇨🇩 France calls on Rwanda to cease support for rebels in eastern DR Congo

France said on Tuesday it was "very concerned" about the situation in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, and called on Rwanda to cease its support for the M23 rebel group which has recently stepped up its offensive.

"France condemns the continuation of the M23 offensives with the support of Rwanda, and the presence of Rwandan forces on Congolese territory," France said.

"We call on Rwanda to cease all support for the M23 and to withdraw from Congolese territory," it said, reiterating its support for a regional mediation process to put an end to the conflict.

#France #Rwanda #DRC

🇫🇷🇹🇳 France expelled "radical" Tunisian Islamic leader

France has expelled a Tunisian Islamic religious leader for being "radical", France's Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin said.

"The radical Imam Mahjoub Mahjoubi has just been expelled from the national territory, less than 12 hours after his arrest. We will not let people get away with anything," Darmanin said.

In an earlier statement, Darmanin said he had given instructions to issue a ministerial deportation order against "this radical 'imam' with unacceptable remarks". "Firmness is the rule," he added.

In a post that went viral on social media and was widely reported in French media, the imam referred to "the three-coloured flag" as "satanic".

Mahjoubi told that his comments had been taken out of context and that he had not meant to disrespect the French flag. His lawyer told he will appeal the expulsion procedure.

#France #Tunisia

🇪🇹🇫🇷 Ethiopian police arrest French journalist, employer says

Ethiopian police have arrested a French journalist on suspicion of "conspiracy to create chaos", his employer said on Monday.

Antoine Galindo was arrested last Thursday while on assignment in the capital Addis Ababa, the Africa Intelligence publication said in a statement. It said a judge on Saturday prolonged Galindo's detention until March 1.

Africa Intelligence said Galindo "has been suspected of 'conspiracy to create chaos in Ethiopia' and was brought before a judge on 24 February." The publication said its lawyer attended the hearing and was told about the charges.

"Africa Intelligence condemns the unjustified arrest and calls for his immediate release," it said.

#Ethiopia #France

Africa Intel
🇪🇹🇫🇷 Ethiopian police arrest French journalist, employer says Ethiopian police have arrested a French journalist on suspicion of "conspiracy to create chaos", his employer said on Monday. Antoine Galindo was arrested last Thursday while on assignment in…
🇪🇹🇫🇷 Ethiopian police release French journalist after a week, employer says

French journalist Antoine Galindo was released by Ethiopian police on Thursday after a week, his employer said.

He was arrested last Thursday while on assignment in the country's capital Addis Ababa on charges of "conspiracy to create chaos".

Galindo has left for France and is due to arrive on Friday, the publisher of Africa Intelligence said.

#Ethiopia #France

🇷🇺🇫🇷🌍 Putin addresses French president's concerns over Russian presence in Africa

Russian President Vladimir Putin said that heightened Russian influence in Africa has caused an "emotional reaction" in French President Emmanuel Macron.

“I think there is some kind of resentment, but when we maintained direct contacts with him (Macron), we spoke quite openly on this topic,” Putin said.

Putin also maintained that Russia did not "go into Africa and force France out," and that Macron's main problem was to do with Wagner being a Russian organisation.

“It’s probably more convenient to be offended by someone without seeing your own problems. Perhaps such an acute, rather emotional reaction on the part of the French President is also connected with what is happening in some African states,” he added.

Putin said that he was not "inciting anyone" and was not setting anyone up against France.

#Russia #France #Africa

🇫🇷🇱🇷 French court confirms Liberian ex-rebel's conviction

A French court has confirmed the conviction of Liberian former rebel, Kunti Kamara, for his role during Liberia's civil war three decades ago.

At his first trial in 2022, following his arrest in France, he was found guilty of crimes against humanity and violence against civilians, but appealed against the ruling.

He was accused of failing to prevent soldiers who were under his command from raping two teenage girls in 1994, the AFP news agency reports.

Kamara was a regional commander of a faction of the United Liberation Movement of Liberia for Democracy which fought the National Patriotic Front of former President Charles Taylor.

The conflict between 1989 and 2003 killed more than 250,000 people.

#France #Liberia

🇨🇫🇫🇷 Faustin-Archange Touadéra to meet Emmanuel Macron in Paris again

The Central African Republic president will hold talks with his French counterpart at the Elysée Palace in mid-April. They are expected to sign off on a roadmap for restoring bilateral relations.

#CAR #France

🇫🇷🇨🇫 France and the Central African Republic pave the way for reconciliation

On Wednesday April 17, Central African President Faustin-Archange Touadéra was received at the Élysée Palace by his counterpart Emmanuel Macron. This meeting - the second in less than six months - aims to ease the rift between the two countries, whose relations have deteriorated sharply following the rapprochement between Bangui and Russia.

The meeting between Faustin-Archange Touadéra and Emmanuel Macron provided an opportunity to review " the various aspects of the bilateral relationship as well as the regional situation ", according to the press release issued by the Élysée Palace.

In " continuity with their last meeting " on September 13, France and the Central African Republic adopted " a roadmap " for establishing " a constructive partnership " between the two countries. The Élysée's stated aim is to " contribute to stability, reinforce the broadest possible national cohesion and support the economic and social development of the Central African Republic ". " A joint mechanism for monitoring these commitments was also adopted by the two leaders ", he added at the end of the working lunch.

This could be a further step towards normalizing relations between the two countries - at a time when France has denounced the Wagner group's growing influence in the Central African Republic in recent years. Paris has also deplored disinformation campaigns in the past, which have fuelled anti-French sentiment in the Central African Republic.

#CAR #France

⚡️🇧🇫🇫🇷 Burkina Faso expels three French diplomats for 'subversive activities'

Burkina Faso's military government has expelled three French diplomats for alleged subversive activities, the foreign ministry said in a letter on Thursday.

The three diplomats, two of whom were listed as political advisers, were declared persona non grata and given 48 hours to leave the country, according to the letter dated April 16, which was addressed to the French embassy.

It did not elaborate on what they were accused of.

#BurkinaFaso #France

🇸🇳🇫🇷 Senegalese prime minister criticises French military bases on territory

Senegal's prime minister Ousmane Sonko raised the possibility of closing French military bases in the West African country in a wide-ranging speech that also touched on the euro-backed CFA franc currency, oil and gas deals.

Sonko, a firebrand politician who gained power when his hand-picked presidential candidate Bassirou Diomaye Faye won a decisive victory in March, is known for criticising perceived overreach by France in its former colony.

France has about 350 troops in Senegal.

"More than 60 years after our independence ... we must question the reasons why the French army for example still benefits from several military bases in our country and the impact of this presence on our national sovereignty and our strategic autonomy," Sonko said at a joint conference with the French left-wing politician Jean-Luc Melenchon in the capital Dakar.

Neighbours Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger have pushed out French troops and turned to Russia for help fighting jihadist insurgencies on their territory.
They have also turned away from West African bloc ECOWAS - which condemned their coups - and formed their own alliance of Sahel states.
But Sonko had friendly words for them on Thursday.

"We will not let go of our brothers in the Sahel and we will do everything necessary to strengthen the ties," he said.

He also said Senegal, which shares the euro-pegged CFA franc currency with seven countries, would like a flexible currency pegged to at least two currencies to help absorb shocks and support export competitiveness.

During the election campaign, Faye had initially pledged to abandon the CFA franc but later backed off his promise. Sonko reiterated promises to renegotiate oil and gas contracts in Senegal, where production is due to begin this year.

#Senegal #France

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