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Forwarded from Neil
Great testimony Mary. Emotional healing for most seems to be a process. After nearly 40 years of pursuing healing, before I recently came across the PM channel, I thought I was 95% whole. I had had deliverance, counselling, self deliverance, ups, downs and round arounds, but that last piece I couldn't figure out. The last piece was actually guilt, shame & condemnation, which was dealt with recently by the PM EH technique. I believe it took so long to go, because G,S&C defined me, directed me and was my identity. And how do I know I am free? Those addictions I battled now have nothing on me and now they are just temptations that I can now say, NO, Lord give me grace to stand against this and it is done. I never had that freedom before. I would also like to share a testimony to help those with unbelief. My first encounter with the demonic was in a Volkswagen after a church service in the early 80's. I was in the back and these 2 Baptist guys had come to my small charismatic church and had been filled with the Spirit. Both were big guys and one was a State Karate champion. Both still smoked, so they were puffing away and Phil was talking about how he had all this violent anger that was surfacing and he was in real turmoil. I was only recently saved, so I just listened. I was debilitated by unbelief and even though I had experienced the Holy Spirit, I was always doubting even the existence of God. Well the unbelief was about to get the Karate Chop! Phil asked us to pray for him, which we were doing, and I could feel him tense up (I was behind him) and then his head turned almost right around in a way that didn't seem possible and his eyes were like a dark red and the demonic voice, "get your hands off me or I will kill you!" Dave, who fought with Phil in training, squealed, opened his door and ran away.......I was just so amazed & blessed to realise that this Christianity was true and I had authority over the devil. So I said, " You cannot kill me and I bind that demon in Jesus Name!" Phil slumped and then asked what happened. Dave came back and he was genuinely frightened. Because we all did not know how to cast devils out, we went to another big Pentecostal Church and a NZ preacher called Barry Smith delivered Phil in a very dramatic fashion. Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you. (Luke 10:19).
Email Testimony

From: Sue

I had asked for prayer for myself concerning bi-polar disorder; it was determined that it was a manic-depressive spirit and it was cast out and now I am free!!! No more pharmakia!! Over 40 years of medication, hospitalizations, financial loss, effects on my children- all gone!! I am now believing for full restoration of all I'd lost. Thank you for praying for me. God is SO good.
Email Testimony

Hi Dave,
I was just listening to your podcast about upcoming books and wanted to share about my first experience with emotional healing. I have shared your information about emotional healing many times to many people and have shared my testimony in church many times over the years.

In 2004 I was pregnant and found out that our daughter, Sydney Faith, had Trisomy 18, which we were told was incompatible with life. Unfortunately I was not aware of how much God still heals today at that time and didn't have the faith to believe for anything other than what we were told. My prayers that I did ask for were answered, she was born alive, we got to spend some time with her, she didn't appear to suffer and it was a beautiful day. She was on hospice while I was still pregnant and we planned to take her home as soon as we were allowed- which was 4 hours after she was born.

As we were leaving the hospital, she was fading and she died in my arms in front of the hospital. We took her home, some family came to see her and say final goodbyes. When everyone left and it was just my husband and I with the hospice nurse, she contacted a funeral home that was coming to take her body so she could be cremated.

When they arrived, we carried her out to the minivan, and she opened the van door and there was a Rubbermaid storage put our baby girl wrecked us. We just lost it, weeping, falling to my was so traumatic.

Years later, when talking about that moment, it would take me there again and experience that same pain and would take my breath away. I had been following you on Facebook for a quite a while and after hearing you talk about how to pray for emotional healing I decided to try it. I skipped church that day and had a date with God on my front porch to give it a try.

It was emotional, partially because I think I might have wanted to hold onto that pain, feeling like as a mom who lost her baby, I should be that upset...but regardless, I went through the emotional healing prayer and experienced healing from that trauma. I can talk about it now without losing my breath and feeling that pain.

Since then I've used your method to walk my children, sister, mother, and friends through emotional healing. Thank you so much for your ministry and sharing your gift by simplifying powerful praying.

With much love and gratitude,
Forwarded from Patty Martinson
I read this testimony first thing Wednesday morning. I could feel the depth of your pain. It was beautiful that you could heal from that trauma.

As I was reading your description of your daughters birth and death, I suddenly saw myself at the hospital, laying on the table as I was losing my identical twins. A sense of grief and guilt came over me and I started sobbing. I had previously asked Jesus to heal this situation using the emotional healing process, but I had never taken myself to the hospital room on that day. I had thought this trauma was healed. So I did the process right then and I feel better. It still brings a few tears to my eyes when I think of it, but not the overwhelming grief I experienced earlier today when thinking about that day I lost my kids.

Thank you for sharing.
Email Testimony

I asked for prayer a while back. I've been on a journey of letting go of different bad habits. I asked for prayer to quit a very addictive medication that was helping me with pain and stay sober from pain pill addiction.
This med ended up being more addictive than the ones I came off of....BUT GOD!!!

First, He had me quit vaping 6 months ago, then slow down on coffee, and now I'm free from my meds 4 days no withdrawals!!!!

I've never been this free since I was a child!!!
God is so good!
Thank you for your books, videos, and prayers.
Email Testimony

Dear PM,
After we came across your Q decodes in 2018 I noticed you had some spiritual videos on your website too, so I started listening to them. I came across one where you were teaching a group of women about EH and had a volunteer stand up with her emotional issue that she wanted healing from. I think somewhere you recommended starting with the oldest negative memory we can think of. So I started there.

My oldest memory was from when I was quite young (I grew up in a 5th world country) seeing a dog being stoned to death because it had rabies. It was pretty traumatic. I also dealt with fears of snakes, dogs, rushing rivers, bears, panthers, monkeys, and so on. Those were not phobias. Real issues. I was sent off to boarding school when I was 11 and only saw my parents between semesters after that. I was an EXTREME introvert and being "all alone" in a different country was VERRRY traumatic for me. Most of my issues stem back to that time. Tons of insecurities, not feeling good enough, not feeling attractive, ... No abuse or drugs or anything people might think necessary for a need for EH. I was quite messed up.

After years of these emotions ruling my life with jealousies, need to control, depression, and not being able to open up to people, I began to work on 50 years of emotions one by one. It took a lot of time, but I was very motivated. I could see that it worked! I think I have gotten through most everything in the past, but I use it almost daily for staying clear of any negative emotions as they come up in daily life. If I feel less than clean of negative feelings, I try to root out what it is I'm feeling and deal with it immediately. It is so freeing and I am a new person! I never thought I could be free of jealousy and insecurity!

There is another piece to the healing puzzle. I began recording my dreams 3yrs ago because of you. I didn't have decoding help right at the beginning, but you had said that sometimes the message may be in the meaning of the name. I could easily find out name meanings. He showed me His love by calling me names! Beloved, Dearly loved, Precious, A joyous song, Small strong woman, One who wields a battle sword, The source of a Father's joy, Warrior, Treasured jewel, One who is bound to God. Once I was able to understand some of my dreams He sent me one now and then showing His love for me in actions, showing that He notices me and cares for me. He has been very patient and tender with me. He is my very beloved God!
Last night's dream was about making preparations for power disruptions.
I saw scenes where people were getting battery and other types of backup power ready.
One scene focused on steps that could be taken to verify that a backup source of power worked as advertised.
Forwarded from Mark
It's very inspiring to read these every day.

For those of you wondering, it works. I spent the $4 to get Dave's Emotional Healing book on my Kindle a few months ago.

It accomplished more in 3 months with $4 than 10 years in therapy. Not kidding. I use it every day
Forwarded from QHat
Amen! I’d like to add that I have been using this emotional healing technique for the feelings of regret also. I never thought of regret as needing to be healed. But it does.

On four specific occasions over the past couple months, out of nowhere I would start feeling deep regret for something I had done in the past. Not even necessarily a sin, just a dumb mistake.

So I went through the process of emotional healing right there and when recalling the event, I had no feelings toward it whatsoever.
Forwarded from Heather Hermann Vance
I’m here to say thank you. I cake on here last week to ask for prayer about sleep. Every night since turn has gotten better and better. I actually woke up this morning feeling like I came out of a coma! Lol. I’m looking forward to weaning myself off my sleep meds now that it’s getting better. Thank you!!! 🙏🏼❤️
Forwarded from Randy Truther
Praise report, I watched your video on Strategies for healing cancer and decreed for no cancer in 7year old nephew of my friend and next day doctor cannot find cancer in mouth or brain!!! PRAISE GOD, HALLELUJAH!
Email Testimony

My wife Wendy was diagnosed with MS about 25 years ago. She is been on Avenex, an interferon, for the MS.

She has had a number of brain MRIs showing lesions and the diagnosis was made 25 years ago from a spinal tap fluid reading.

Wendy found out the results of the most current MRI and her lesions in the brain were gone. The doctor said he would not know the person had been diagnosed with MS by looking at this MRI scan.

Her neurologist said that she would be able to go off of the avenux that she's been taking for 25 years.

Last night she had the following dream, after learning of her MRI results.

"Night of 2/23/2023

I was standing in front of God. I couldn’t see him, but somehow I knew it was God and I said “I am Wendy Mattes and I am here to intercede on behalf of… “
I was going to fill in the names, Yolandi, Harvey, Mason, but then I knew this was bigger than anything or anyone person.
And so I said again “I am Wendy Mattes and I am here to intercede on behalf of the human race.”

We have listen to a number of your healing podcasts, and I have a number of your books.
Dream Interpretation and Divine Healing to mention 2. I feel our prayers and your training healed my wife and God was sending her a dream message last night.

Thank you sir, you help thousands and we are both grateful,

John Mattes
To join today's Supernatural Saturday Q & A click the link below.
The livestream begins at 1 pm Eastern.
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March 11, 2023 - Supernatural Saturday Replay
Email Testimony

Hi Dave,

First, thanks so much for all you do--I keep up with you daily and have purchased (and read!) several of your excellent books.

Like everyone else, I have a story. I'm 78 (but usually mistaken for being much younger) and struggling with purpose. I'm blessed with great health, a youthful outlook, high energy, and I still work part-time, but for the first time in my life, I find that nothing really excites or interests me, and I'm very lonely. My children (3), all live far away; I live in a city where I moved knowing no one and it has been difficult to make friends; and not long ago I ended a long-term relationship (for the third time). My few friends are near my age, and they're getting sick now, slowing down, etc.

So that's background stuff. I've been having ketamine treatments, and before each treatment, my doctor asks me to set an intention. My intention is always to discern the voice of God and grow my relationship with Him. I haven't had any earth-moving experiences in 3 sessions, but one "interesting" happening after the last session. I have often tried putting the coin on the wall and it always falls down, and each time I think it's a sign of my lack of faith or personal relationship with God. The night after the last ketamine, I was washing the dishes when I felt like maybe God was telling me to put the penny on the wall. First thought: "no that's just me." Next thought: "Well, maybe it is God. I'll try after I finish the dishes." Final thought: "Wait. You think it might be God, and you're saying you'll get to Him after you finish your chore? What are you thinking???" I stopped immediately and got a penny. I walked right up to that wall and put the penny on it, and it didn't fall off. I couldn't believe it. I was giddy. I couldn't stop looking at it. I ran and got my camera and took a picture. I was praying in thanks. I think I forgot to mention--I tend to live mostly in my left brain, and after a short time old Lefty started kicking in. "You put the penny on the wall next to the electric panel," it said. "Probably there's some magnetism in that wall keeping the penny there." I fought that idea, but then Lefty convinced me that it might be true, and I started to doubt. I thought maybe I'd look for a magnet and see if it would stay on that wall. I found a magnet, and as soon as I put the magnet on the wall, the penny fell down. Right. And the magnet fell down, too, immediately. There was no magnetism in that wall; there was just a person there doubting her faith, and I got to witness the immediate result of that.

It has taken me many days and a lot of praying to try again. After a couple of unsuccessful attempts, I was "moved" to try again 2 days ago. The penny stayed--and it's still on the wall now, 2 days later. Every time I catch a glimpse of it, I'm amazed again. It's defying gravity--but then God isn't restricted by petty physical laws, is He! Perhaps, this is the beginning of us getting to know each other better--or I should say, me getting to know Him, for surely he already knows every hair on my head. I hope so.

With warm regards,
Email Testimony

Dave, I listened to two of your videos 1.5 hours ago and wanted to give you an immediate update on what occurred while listening to the videos. Within 4 minutes, my body started vibrating and then stopped. Right before you demanded that pain depart, my body started vibrating and lasted for about 15 seconds. Then at different intervals when you spoke to the healing of the different parts of the body specifically the nerves and muscles in my legs and head this would happen. When you ordered parasites from the stomach, the same thing would happen. There were 6-7 other places this would happen where my body was shaking uncontrollably and then after 15 seconds or so it stopped. I have several medical conditions (MS, fiber peripheral neuropathy, disaunomia and Sjogrens that are specific to neurology. Other disorders (PCOS hyperparathyroidism, arthritis) actually take a backseat to the neurological conditions which include 10+ pain on most days and eye problems. I'm already noticing differences in my feet that I believe will be healed. I would like to tell you how much I appreciate you and your contribution to humanity. Thank you for this healing and all you do. Have a blessed and safe day.

Emotional healing
Neurological healing
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