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If it wasn't clear enough already, Donald Trump is a master of Narrative Warfare, especially when it comes to his style of public communication, which is one of many reasons he was likely chosen as the 'face' of the most complex military intel operation of all time.

If you're still interpreting his narrative deployments at face value, you're doing it wrong, and you're reacting to the War of Stories in a manner consistent with our enemies in the Deep State-controlled Media Industrial Complex, which includes our 'friends' in Con Inc.

From COVID and Operation Warp Speed to Proxy Presidents and Proxy Wars, [their] Witch Hunt that's really OUR Witch Hunt to the Mugshot heard around the world, I've been exploring Trump's communication style for the last couple of years in the ongoing 'Master' series.

Check it out, if you haven't.

DEFECTED returns tonight at 9pm ET!

Just Human and I will discuss the following through the lens of Narrative Warfare:

- Precipices and Peacemakers
- Trump's Manhattan Trial & How the Witch Hunt Goeth
- 'Eventful' Weekends and Media Trapping

DEFECTED will be off next week.

Let's make this one count!

Get in here!
Forwarded from Burning Bright
DEFECTED returns tonight at 9pm ET!

Just Human and I will discuss the following through the lens of Narrative Warfare:

- Precipices and Peacemakers
- Trump's Manhattan Trial & How the Witch Hunt Goeth
- 'Eventful' Weekends and Media Trapping

Media is too big
"The reward for the Awakening IS the Awakening ... and the penalty for not engaging in this stuff in a direct path manner is self-actualizing.

It is this tension you are forced to live with because you have not done the work."

Just Human and I discuss the Great Awakening.
On the latest episode of DEFECTED, Just Human and I went Bicameral with Israel-Iran, the Trump Witch Hunt and took a closer look at how the 'news cycle' has changed in the age of increasing decentralization.

Hint: it's not going well for [them.]

This NYT hit piece masquerading as a cultural deep dive is pretty fascinating for a few reasons:

For starters, it accurately describes Donald Trump as a leader who has embraced and been embraced by segments of the American electorate that have traditionally eschewed politics.

Additionally, it gets close to touching the third rail truth, which is that the rise of the UFC (more importantly, the rise in cultural importance of the UFC and its athletes, who are virtually impossible for the establishment to control by virtue of their very makeup) has closely mirrored and even front-run the rise of the America First movement.

The UFC, its athletes and most importantly, its fans aren't just scary to the establishment domestically, but globally.

If you need further evidence of that, observe that on Saturday night, Brazilian Renato Moicano used his mic time to push Austrian economics!

It turns out Sovereignty and self-actualization is becoming a popular sentiment.

Erik Carlson is back with another fun one on Badlands Media.

In his latest feature, he explores why the Deep State might not only be screwed WITH Donald Trump back in office ... but even more so WITHOUT him.

Game theory's a bitch.

The more they hunt him, the more powerful he becomes ...

"Donald Trump isn’t just a man. He is a symbol of a movement, a symbol for all of us, and a cognitive cypher through which the America First movement is being manifest in the public War of Stories.

The thing is, it isn’t just Patriots or amorphous ghosts within the media machine who’ve framed Trump as the protagonist of the America First story, as the David against the Collectivist Goliath, the Bruce Wayne against the League of Shadows.

It has been the Deep State themselves, the subversive controllers and the Systemic Scions who’ve done so.

By painting Trump as an existential threat to ‘their Democracy,’ ‘their nation’ and ‘their way of life,’ they have also put him up as a last hope of sorts to tens of millions of Americans who’d long since quit nurturing any of the stuff within their hearts."

Media is too big
If [they] truly believed all their Lawfare/PsyWar deployments were actually going to keep Donald Trump out of office ... why is the Globalist Regime pre-empting his return by "Trump-Proofing" their system, from the EU to Prussian Proxy States?

Scared things are stupid things.
Hear me out ...

While the MSM and their Deep State handlers spend what's left of their sociopolitical capital (it's not much) trying to convince you to doom out, keep in mind this man has produced two of the most memetic images in modern American history ... during the same Witch Hunt ... for opposite reasons.

On the one side, we see Trump's memetic Game Face, in which he lets the Deep State (but more importantly, his base,) know just how screwed [they] really are when the reckoning comes on the back of his second (public) term, which will be borne on the back of our sovereign will.

On the other, we have the latest masterwork, which demonstrates the exact opposite mood, albeit one that leads to the same endpoint. While the latest court sketch is almost goofy in its virility, it's also communicating calm under fire, or, as Anons say, 'comfiness and coziness' in equal measure.

The question you need to ask yourself is the same one [they] are right now:

Does Trump seem afraid to you?
Israel is an exhaustingly tense topic, even in a community that's supposed to be heterodox in its ability to consider Bicameral mindsets when it comes to events that are quite literally largely unknowable to those without direct access to intel on the ground.

This is why pulling back and observing the Macro Narratives spilling out of such events is not only easier, but significantly more advantageous to developing a movable framework of the Macro trend line of unfolding stories, and more importantly, how the Collective Mind is viewing them.

Wherever you stand on Israel, what the Normie Layers of the Collective Mind are observing in back-to-back weeks is foreign proxies of the US Hegemon eschewing the direct requests of the Biden Admin, even while pressuring said Admin for financial and MIL support for their continued proxy wars.

Normies see a total loss of control by the Establishment.

That's bullish for change, which means it's bullish for Trump.

Which means it's bullish for us.
We are LIVE!

Get in here.
It's not hopium. It's not goalpost shifting.

Some of us have been saying it for quite a while ...

"In short, the Trial of Donald Trump IS his campaign.

We know it. He knows it. And you can bet your rapidly-declining bottom dollar that the subversive enemy knows it as well.

Which begs the question, why are they going through with all this song and dance anyway? Why put forward the very narratives—the very storylines that will ultimately undo them?

Because, when trapped by a superior player, all the Finite Player can do is play out the moves left to him on the Game Board, and do so with the hope that the Infinite Player will make a catastrophic mistake that could trigger a Crisis Cascade that removes his advantage, and ultimately undoes him.

Good luck to them, on that count."

Today on Badlands Media, Matthew Ehret makes his feature debut with a banger exploring the engineered corruption of the NATO alliance, and a rising bloc in the east that threatens it.

The Sovereign Alliance is very real, and is growing very powerful.

If you're looking for a brief timeline of events regarding the NPR train wreck, observe:

- Long-time veteran journalist makes blanket statement about divisive and untenable state of mainstream media, including his own outlet, NPR

- Said outlet responds to accusations of political bias, censorship and social engineering by suspending their own journalist making such claims, thereby proving his point

- CEO of said outlet goes viral for pointing to the First Amendment as "the number one challenge" in the establishment's fight against disinformation (also known as alternative points of view and free thinking)

- CEO's TED talk goes viral in which she warns about the dangers of adhering to the truth, saying, "Our reverence for the truth might be a distraction that’s getting in the way of finding common ground and getting things done.”

If you think this cascading exposure of the Media Industrial Complex is anything other than a controlled demolition, you haven't been paying attention.
London Bridge is falling down, along with [their] whole corrupt system:

Observe a fascinating Narrative deployment coming out of the IMF this week, which I don't think was targeted at us.

In essence, we've got one of the major criminal enterprises in the world (Central Banks,) sounding the warning that the Biden Administration's reckless spending and money printing are not only wrecking the us dollar, but the Eurodollar it underpins, thereby threatening the stability of all fiat currencies, and in an election year.

ZH points out that this "benchmark report" says the quiet part out loud, but I think it goes even further than that, and represents the establishment attempting to send out warning flares to other heads of the Hegelian Hydra.

This tells us two things:

1) The World Banks are not all on the same page when it comes to 2024 fiscal policy.

2) Theories on the economic accelerationism inherent in financial readings of Operation Warp speed hold water.

Tonight on the Devolution Power Hour, Jon Herold, Just Human and I discuss the Face-Saving Kayfabe of the Israel-Iran crisis, the US border narrative, disastrous polling for the establishment and Trump Trials.

I know because I've been to the future.

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