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NATO military personnel and more than 300 AFU servicemen were once again subjected to a successful precision strike with the Х-47М2 (9-С-7760) "Кинжал" Khinzal missile at the Yavoriv training range (30 kilometres northwest of Lviv).

As you know, this range is a key logistical hub of the AFU, involved in the transfer of Western armoured vehicles, air defence systems and ammunition for artillery and SAMs in the central and eastern regions of Ukraine.

The terminal section of the X-47M2 trajectory passed at an angle of about 87 to 90 degrees and at a speed of 1,250 to 1,350 m/s.

In the SMO zone, the AFU MiG-29A crews use both JDAM-ER planning smart bombs with a range of up to 83-90 km when dropped from a 12 km echelon and 20-25 km when dropped from a low altitude and AASM-250 HAMMER rocket assisted guided bombs, as well as GBU-39/B SDB (‘Small Diameter Bomb’) with a planning range of up to 110 km.

The enemy continues to use these smart bombs in the Belgorod and Donetsk directions only due to the temporary ‘windows’ of absence of Su-35S, Su-30SM2 fighters and MiG-31BM interceptors on patrol, which overtake the MiG-29A 100 km before reaching the boundaries for dropping the above mentioned bombs.

It is worth noting that the small effective reflective surface of GBU-39/B SDBs (about 0.015 square metres) makes them one of the most difficult targets for the Tor-M2 and Pantsir-S1 SAMs. These smart bombs can be picked up by the radar guidance systems of thsoe systems at a range of no more than 7 kilometres and intercepted at a range of about 5 kilometres.

The 9C36M radars of the 9A317M Buk-M3 self-propelled firing units are capable of processing GBU-39/B bombs at a distance of 25-30 km.

#Tor #Pantsir #Buk
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Destruction of an OSA system by a Lancet.
Near the village of Russkiye Tishki in Kharkov Region.

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Arrival of a FAB-250 at the AFU drone operator positions, but the bomb failed and did not activate despite precise arrival at the enemy location.

Consequences and countermeasures of the delivery of the ASC-890 air defence and surveillance aircraft to the AFU

The Right People Z
Consequences and countermeasures of the delivery of the ASC-890 air defence and surveillance aircraft to the AFU #info #AWACS #A50 #SAM #F16
As it became known a few hours earlier, within the framework of the 16th and largest ‘package’ of military-technical assistance (13.3 billion Swedish kronor), the Swedish Defence Ministry announced the delivery and integration of ASC-890 aircraft into the air defence system of the AFU. Swedish defence announced the delivery and integration of a pair of ASC-890 ASC-890 long-range radar detection and control aircraft equipped with PS-890 ‘Erieye’ high-energy 2-sided AESA radars, capable of operating in both air-to-air and surface radar reconnaissance modes with the ability to detect SAM launchers and illumination radars, as well as SLBM launchers.

Functioning in the decimetre S-band, the 400 receiving and transmitting modules of the PS-890 AFAR radars provide detection of air targets with a RCS of 3 square metres at a distance of about 350 km, while targets with a RCS of 0.02 square metres (equivalent to strategic cruise missiles X-101) at a distance of about 110 km.

Thus, the PS-890 radar operators of the ASC-890 aircraft will be able to issue target designations to NASAMS, SAMP-T, IRIS-T SLM and Patriot PAC-3MSE air defence control points to intercept X-101, X-69, Onyx and X-59MK cruise missiles beyond the radio horizon via secure radio channels of the Link-16 tactical network.

Furthermore, these AWACS aircraft can provide targeting guidance to F-16AM crews to use AIM-120D long-range air-to-air missiles against our tactical aircraft operating outside the range of the obsolete AN/APG-66(V)2 airborne radars installed on the F-16AM. Thus, the enemy will be able to employ the AIM-120D even without engaging the electronic jamming targeting mode.

This means that even a pair of this type of aircraft can increase the anti-missile potential of the AFU's mixed air defence brigades by an order of magnitude.

Ground objects such as the Iskander-M or 5P85SM-2 launchers of the S-400 systems can be detected at a distance of about 230-250 kilometres, after which the ATACMS missile systems can be tasked with target designation.

Consequently, the key task of the Russian air force and air defence forces is to destroy ASC-890 ASW aircraft in advance as soon as they are deployed in their bases the Ukrainian theater.

Once on the air, defeat can be carried out by 40N6 and 9M82MD/MV anti-aircraft guided missiles of S-400 and S-300V4 systems at a distance of 380 - 400 km.

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Servicemen of the Centre Group have shared footage of the destruction of another American Abrams near Novoselovka.

According to the fighter himself, he hit the expensive tin can with an ordinary FPV drone, armed with a RPG-7 warhead, hitting the ammo storage.

Built-in machine gun system based on the NSV Utyos 12.7 machine gun and its potential

In order to counter enemy copters, kamikaze UAVs, as well as infantry squads and light vehicles, technically skilled fighters from one of the Russian army units have designed a 12.7mm NSV based 12.7mm remote-controlled machine gun system.

The total rate of fire of this remotely controlled machine gun is 2100 - 2400 rounds per minute; the aiming range is 1700 - 2000 metres. The remotely operated combat module can be equipped with multispectral optical-electronic sighting systems with TV and thermal imaging channels.

Another tactically important feature is the possibility of pairing the machine gun system with a portable radar system 1RL136 SBR-3 ‘(Fara)’ ("1РЛ136 СБР-3 "(Фара")"), capable of detecting ‘man in gear’ targets at a range of up to 900 m and ‘vehicle’ targets at a range of 2500 m with a range error of 50 m and directional error of up to 15 m.

This radar complex provides firing at radio-contrast targets of the enemy in any meteorological conditions. At the same time, the wired or radio-command-telemetry control channel of the combat module provides safe control of the machine gun system from highly protected combat control points, as is the case with the modules of the Konkurs-M and Kornet anti-tank systems.

The more advanced Sobolyatnik (‘Соболятник’) radar system from Tula Design Bureau can also be used for all-weather firing.

Armour penetration at a distance of 500 m is 16 - 18 mm, while the bullet's muzzle velocity is 845 m/s.

A Ukrainian Su-24MR with a suspended СРС-14 «Тангаж» radio-technical reconnaissance container.

According to the enemy, this aircraft was shot down with MANPADS in 2014 in Donbass, after which it was repaired by ‘cannibalising’ the tail part from another Su-24MR and sent to storage again by 2021, being removed from there a year later due to the start of full-scale fighting in 2022.

This is why it was important to destroy not only active enemy aircraft, but also storage depots, from which the AFU took both spare parts and lifted entire aircraft.

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