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Situation Update, June 10, 2022 - Transportation SHOCKWAVES reverberate as consumer demand plummets amid unyielding #INFLATION

- Huge inflation numbers released today
- Consumers are getting blown out by prices on FOOD, FUEL and RENT
- Consumer demand for everything else is crashing
- #Transportation sector facing sudden plunge in demand, causing transport WIPEOUT
- How to navigate all this and save a bundle while acquiring items you need

Forwarded from Fakten Frieden Freiheit (Sebbe)
🚨#INFLATION | Wieder wird alles TEURER

(...) „Doch Deutschland weist beispielsweise bei Kartoffeln einen Selbstversorgungsgrad von mehr als 140 Prozent auf – warum also eine Preissteigerung von mehr als 100 Prozent? Beim Getreide hat Deutschland einen Selbstversorgungsgrad von 100 Prozent erreicht und dennoch stiegen deren Preise im Jahresabstand um rund 78 Prozent an.“ (…)

Quelle: https://report24.news/lebensmittelpreise-neue-preisspruenge-kommen-bald/

Schütze Dich mit einem vielfach ausgezeichnetem Edelmetalldepot vor der drohenden Hyperinflation. Lass dir die Edelmetalle direkt nach Hause liefern oder einfach für dich lagern. Erstelle hier einen kostenlosen und unverbindlichen Account.

Lade dir gerne die Gold-App mit meiner Sponsor-ID: 89235-3 herunter: Google Play oder Appstore

Forwarded from HAINTZ.media (The Dot)
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#Querdenker framing ist out - „Delegitimierer“ ist jetzt der neueste Hit. Irgendwie muss man ja alle zu erwartenden Protestler, egal ob gegen #Infektionsschutzgesetz, #Inflation, #Gasmangel, #Energiekosten, #Impfabo zusammen in eine Schublade pressen können.

Hinterlasst Eure Meinung zum Kommentar bei den Tagesthemen auf Twitter

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Kommt ALLE nach Berlin ⚠️

#Nein #zur #Maske, #Test, #Impfung!
#Stoppt #das #Infektionsschutzgesetz, #Inflation, #massivePreissteigerungen & #Krieg! #MakeLoveNotWar

Lasst uns GEMEINSAM 💪 das Infektionsschutzgesetz stoppen!
#b0809 #10Uhr #Bundestag
& Zu den Verantwortlichen zu den Ministerien und Bundesrat ziehen!
#b0909 #10Uhr #Bundestag


Alle aktuellen ℹ️Infos
folgen hier:


MEGA Demowoche in Berlin
~ vom 07.09 - 09.09.22 ~
#KommtALLEnachBerlin ⚠️
#b0709 #b0809 #b0909

🔵▫️Mittwoch, den 07.09.22
Start: Berlin HBF
Washingtonplatz, Berlin
Um: 12 Uhr

🔵▫️Donnerstag, den 08.09.22
Start: Bundestag
Platz der Republik 1, Berlin
Um: 10 Uhr

🔵▫️Freitag, den 09.09.22
Start: Bundestag
Platz der Republik 1, Berlin
Um: 10 Uhr

#Nein #zur #Maske, #Test, #Impfung!
#Stoppt #das #Infektionsschutzgesetz, #Inflation, #massivePreissteigerungen & #Krieg!

Alle aktuellen ℹ️Infos
folgen hier:


+++ UUUPS +++ Während US-Präsident Joe #Biden sich soeben feiert und lobt für seine "Anti-Inflation-Strategie" - werden neue Rekorde bei Inflation in den USA gemeldet und der Aktienmarkt bricht ein. 😳 #Inflation
Forwarded from Health Ranger
Situation Update, Sep 19, 2022 - Giant homeless encampments set to explode across U.S.

- Worsening #inflation in food, energy and housing will lead to mass #homelessness
- Encampments are already growing in major US cities like LA, Atlanta, Philadelphia and more
- They are rife with #addiction , mental illness, trafficking and theft
- Organized Retail Criminals (ORCs) are devastating US retail stores in these cities
- Also known as "organized looting mobs" - they are rapidly increasing in number
- ORCs increasingly commit #violence against store employees, while destroying property
- More retailers will shut down as the chaos spreads
- When the ORCs run out of retailers, they will begin raiding PRIVATE HOMES
- Those who live near cities or suburbs will literally be battling ORCs.
- Illinois lawmakers have made it IMPOSSIBLE for police to evict squatters

+++⚡️Die #Inflation in #Deutschland ist im September 2022 auf 10% gestiegen. Das ist der höchste Stand seit 1951. Für das Gesamtjahr 2022 droht der höchste Inflationswert in der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik.
Situation Update, Mar 13, 2023 - The Non-Bailout BAILOUT commences - banking system flooded with BILLIONS in liquidity to DELAY total collapse
0:00 The Non-Bailout BAILOUT

- Janet Yellen announces Treasury "backstop" of deposits for THREE failed banks
- FDIC says it will use its Deposit Insurance Fund (DIF) money
- Claims "no taxpayer money" will be used for bailout - but it's A LIE
- FDIC only has $100 billion max, and bailouts will cost MORE
- After FDIC burns through cash, Fed will PRINT money for bailouts
- Banks encouraged to act recklessly, running risky bets that fail
- We've entered the chapter where Fed prints money to bail out all the failed banks
- This will cause #inflation and dollar devaluation - currency collapse
- There are nearly $10 TRILLION in bank deposits across the USA
- Over $300 trillion in derivatives exposures among banks
- FDIC has already burned through all its cash as of today
- How will FDIC cover the NEXT bank collapse?
- Rational people will pull money out of banks to reduce risk of exposure to collapse
- More people will move to gold, silver, crypto, ammo and other hard assets
- As Fed raises interest rates even higher, more banks will fail
- Controlled demolition of the banking sector and the US economy

Forwarded from Health Ranger
Brighteon Broadcast News, Aug 17, 2023 - Ten signs that things in America have reached a BREAKING POINT

- Arts center features "demon summoning" event for children and families
- #Maui residents couldn't fight fires because the WATER was shut off by the government
- Skittles panders to trans black Americans with diabetes-promoting, virtue-signaling candy
- More Americans are waking up to #inflation and realizing their #dollars are rapidly losing value
- You can now pay to take a "doom loop walking tour" of San Francisco, the city that was once great
- Hawaii Governor issued an executive order BEFORE the #Lahaina fires that would allow a govt. LAND GRAB
- America's cities are plunging into chaos, #violence and lawlessness
- The government's #falseflag operations are getting sloppy and incompetent
- The #climate cult mass mental illness is driving its victims to sheer insanity
- The USA, NATO and #Ukraine have LOST the war with #Russia - the outcome is done
- Why pharmacists are the most brainwashed people on the planet

🇩🇪 🇦🇹 🇨🇭 | Dreist und Frech‼️

Meine Anfrage an die #EU Kommission enthüllt: Die EU-Bürger müssen zwangsweise sparen, ob bei #Gas, #Strom oder bei den Lebensmitteln aufgrund der #Inflation, während die @EU_Commission die Unsumme von 2.756.286 #Euro für Fotografen und Visagisten verprasst.😱

Statt die Kommissionsmitglieder und deren 'politische Initiativen' gut aussehen zu lassen, wäre es im Interesse der #EU Bürger, dass man mit diesem Budget überall dort für 'Transparenz' sorgt, wo die Auswirkungen der brüsseler Entscheidungen dem heutigen #Europa und seinen Bürgern bereits geschadet haben oder noch schaden werden - Von illegaler #Migration bis zu #FitFor55 ‼️

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We're now on WORLD SUICIDE WATCH to see if Israel is going to pull the trigger and actually set off a series of events that will lead to the collapse of Israel and the USA:
Brighteon Broadcast News, Oct 23, 2023 - CHAIN REACTION: 22 DEVASTATING things that will happen if Israel launches full assault against Gaza

- First global IQ test targeted believers in "science," using the covid psyop, FEAR and demanded obedience to #vaccines
- Second global IQ test targets Christians with another psyop (in Israel), using psychological terror to demand a HOLY WAR
- #Depopulation globalists have many clever ways to deceive people on the Left and the Right, to push global #genocide against humanity
- If Gaza is attacked with a ground assault, the IDF will experience devastating losses
- US military bases will be attacked across the Middle East
- Energy prices will skyrocket, causing #inflation and #famine worldwide
- The USA unleashes massive money printing to fund a 3-front war: $1 trillion a week
- Treasury yields skyrocket as the world rejects the debt of the failing US empire
- #Israel is the first to launch a nuclear attack as Iran, Hezbollah, Syria, Turkey and Russia threaten Israel's borders
- Nuclear retaliation could strike US aircraft carriers, providing perfect justification for the USA to enter world war
- #Israel will likely be nuked in retaliation, then completely overrun
- Global supply chains collapse; economies grind to a halt
- US #dollar collapses, US banks fail, and eventually the US government defaults and collapses
- Savings, investments, stocks and pensions are all nearly wiped out
- US cities erupt with violence and lawlessness, "warlord" mode activated
- US states declare independence and launch their own currencies

Forwarded from Health Ranger
Brighteon Broadcast News, Mar 1, 2024 - The economic collapse of the USA and Europe is now accelerating at NIGHTMARE speed

- Economic collapse and commercial real estate implosion. (0:00)
- UK's financial struggles and aircraft carrier sale. (2:52)
- Creating a new digital payment platform to replace SWIFT. (8:00)
- Food affordability and junk food marketing. (17:52)
- UK involvement in #Ukraine conflict and potential NATO intervention. (23:41)
- Western civilization, elections, and replacements. (35:50)
- Economic chaos, #inflation, and bank failures. (46:05)
- Russia's fuel export ban and its impact on global economies. (52:50)
- Trump's legal challenges and political motivations. (1:04:15)
- Election interference and candidate viability. (1:15:14)
- US politics, #Israel, and the #Muslim vote. (1:20:27)
- Biden administration's immigration policies and their impact on the election. (1:30:03)
- Politics, health, and preparedness with Roger Stone. (1:50:00)

Forwarded from !PV Allgemeine Infos dies und das !PV (ulrich : stein)
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Marlene Engelhorn, eine der BASF-Erben, erklärt sehr anschaulich das Monopoly-Spiel (Hamsterrad), dem wir leider alle ausgesetzt sind.
Im Prinzip wurde die Sklaverei nie abgeschafft, Sie bekam immer "nur" ein neues "Mäntelchen" umgehangen.
Egal ob Monarchie, Demokratie, Oligarchie, Kommunismus, Diktatur, etc.
Das Monopoly-Spiel (Hamsterad/Sklaverei) dahinter, blieb durchweg bestehen.
In Europa hatten es ursprünglich die ressourcenhungrigen und räuberischen Römer eingeführt.

Danke Marlene, dass Du den Mut hast, es zu thematisieren.Es ist wichtig, dass ein gesamtgesellschaftlicher Diskurs darüber geführt wird, um dauerhaften Frieden auf Erden zu etablieren.
Mehr dazu findest Du auch hier in diesem Beitrag zur Federal Reserve Bank der USA.

Oder hier in "Unser" Geldsystem: moderne Sklaverei - The American Dream

#Engelhorn, #Geld, #Politik, #Inflation, #Armut, #Hamsterrad, #Monopoly, #Systemfrage
Forwarded from Health Ranger
Holy smokes! Gold is at $2300 and climbing...
Podcast: #GOLD SKYROCKETS... and Celente says it's only the beginning of where it's headed

- Gold's price surge, potential for higher prices, and the impact of rising oil prices on #inflation. (0:03)
- Gold and silver as a store of wealth amid economic collapse. (9:16)
- Gold, #silver, and cryptocurrencies as alternatives to traditional currency. (13:35)

Forwarded from Health Ranger
Speaker Johnson is presenting a bill to confiscate (steal) Russian Federation assets, which amount to nearly $300 billion held in mostly US currency in European banks. The reason the U.S. now needs to steal from #Russia is because the U.S. no longer produces much of anything, and its currency is collapsing, so it has to loot assets from the countries like Russia that actually produce things. The USA's economy is largely based on money printing and exporting #inflation, rather than adding anything of real value to the world. So now, the USA resorts to highway robbery, or "bankjacking" Russian assets, which will of course only accelerate the collapse of global trust in the dollar and western banks. Speaker Johnson is committing FINANCIAL SUICIDE for the USA and the dollar. If you or I decided to loot assets from banks, we'd be arrested as bank robbers or cyber criminals. When the entire nation of the USA does it, somehow it's called "leadership." WE ARE RULED BY CROOKS AND TYRANTS.
Forwarded from Health Ranger
Brighteon Broadcast News, May 21, 2024 – America’s spontaneous self-destruction has just been triggered

- Western collapse and NATO's priorities of pushing LGBT propaganda. (0:03)
- Ukraine has become a failed state. (4:37)
- ICC seeking arrest warrants for Israeli and Hamas officials for war crimes and crimes against humanity in #Gaza. (18:41)
- Israeli actions in Gaza are #genocide. (26:44)
- RFK Jr.'s support for Israel's actions in Gaza, criticizing his stance as pro-genocide and anti-humanitarian. (33:38)
- Why the rest of the world will celebrate the collapse of the US empire. (44:07)
- All people have the right to resist occupation and defend their land. (57:37)
- Zionism is a philosophy of ethnic supremacism, violence and inequality. (1:02:50)
- Geopolitical events and precious metals prices with the "Silver Guru" David Morgan. (1:08:47)
- #Silver market, predictions, and strategies for investors. (1:14:47)
- #Inflation, #gold, and economic instability. (1:25:57)
- Accumulating wealth through gold. (1:37:31)
- Potential for #BRICS currencies to replace US dollar in international trade. (1:39:47)
- The potential end of fiat currency and the rise of decentralized currencies. (1:48:43)

The Psychology of TikTok Duets: Analyzing Collaborative Content